Chapter 6

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Avery POV

My alarm goes off and I karate chop it to silent. I got no sleep last night since I left my ring with Pavol. Him kissing me yesterday also didn't help, it had me hot and bothered all night and I was tossing and turning not being able to stop thinking about it. 

After sliding out of bed I lazily walk towards the bathroom and look in the mirror. Christ the bags under my eyes are frightful. I carry on with my daily routine as usual. I'm still getting used to the new house so I always forget where certain things are.

Once finished I head to my closet and sift through my clothing. I eventually decide to wear black skinny jeans with a white tank top and a black knitted cardigan. Then I head downstairs towards the kitchen. The house is quiet and empty as usual.

Even though we moved across the world my parents are still the same. All they do is work, work, work and being without my sister doesn't help. The house feels empty and cold. I make myself some eggs and toast and watch the morning news.

Once finished I set my plate in the sink wash it then grab my school stuff.

15 minutes later

Once I enter the school I head straight to first period and take a seat at one of the tables. Within minutes students begin to shuffle in and take their seats at the round tables. The door is about to close when Miguel squeezes through just before the bell rings. He glances my way and winks. I blush in embarrassment and turn the other way.

He pulls up a chair next to me and sits so close I can feel his arms graze mine. As the teacher talks about what we'll be working on today Miguel rummages through his backpack and pulls out a red envelope. He slides it over to me without a word then gets up on walks toward the art easel.

I flip the envelope around and on the front it said.

To : Avery

Love: Pavol

Heat instantly rushes to my face from seeing his name. Pavol? Why would he write me a letter...

My heart thumps as I open the rouge envelope. I tip it over and out rolls my ring. I smile and slide it onto my finger, then I look back into the envelope and pull out a perfectly folded paper. I look around the room and everyone is doing their own thing.

I unfold the letter and begin to read.

Dear Avery

When I first laid eyes on you I thought " what a beautiful lady" I wanted to get to know you from the time I was sitting in the infirmary and you were sitting there looking down playing with your ring.

I don't think you know how cute you look when you do that. You don't know how nice you smell when I kissed you yesterday the smell of vanilla lingered from your skin, truly intoxicating.

I want to kiss you once again and not just on the cheek...

Anyways I left your ring in the envelope. I took it on purpose so I'd be able to return it to you along with the letter.



My hands shake as I fold the letter back up. My whole body is hot and  I can feel my heart thumping as butterflies erupt in my stomach.

" Salut? Hello, Avery are you okay, why are you shaking?" Miguel grabs my hand which makes me turn to him. I pull my hand away and look down. I turn my head away avoiding his concerned stare.

" I-I'm fine I'm just feeling a little jittery, had too much coffee." Before he can comment I ask the teacher to use the bathroom and quickly rush out of the room.

I lock myself in the stall and silently scream.

He just wrote me a love letter!!!! What!! Oh my god oh my god I think I might die from happiness, no joy, no no I dont know. Why am I still shaking this this feeling what's happening to me?!

I unlock the stall and take a deep breath in and out trying to settle my nerves.  I tug on my ring out of habit and slowly walk back to class.

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