Chapter 24

387 24 2

Pavol POV

It's November 5th today marking mine and Avery's two month anniversary. Well, technically we started dating September 6th but close enough. It's Saturday and I'm feeling good. I've got a bundle of flowers in my hands and a gift for her. I walk up to the large mansion and ring the doorbell. A few moments later the door opens to reveal my beautiful love. 

Smiling I step into the house and kiss her on the lips. She stumbles backwards in surprise. 

"Bonjour, Pavol I didn't know you were coming over?" She slowly closes the door and looks at me in confusion. In return, I look her up and down and take in her cute little bunny rabbit pyjamas and her bunny slippers. She notices me looking at her and her ocher skin quickly turns a dark shade of red, she looks down at her feet and kick off her slippers then pushes them against the wall. Clearing her throat she wraps her arms around herself attempting to cover the bunny shirt. I slowly walk up to her while inwardly smiling then plant my feet right in front of hers. Her breath hitches when I place my hand on her butt and squeeze. 

"Please don't feel embarrassed I think you look very cute in your bunny pyjamas,"  I whisper into her ear then bite it. Me teasing her only makes her more flustered and intern send jolts of excitement through my body. I pull away and hand her the bundle of flowers.

"Happy two month anniversary!" At first, she looks shocked then bemused than worried all in a few seconds. Avery holds the flowers to her nose inhales deeply then she looks up at me with a worrisome gaze. 

"I Uh P-Pavol thankyou... I'm sorry I didn't know that it was our anniversary, I didn't even get you anything!" She shakily looks down to the ground then back up at me. She gives me a strained smile and hold the flowers to her side. I only shake my head and make a tsking sound. 

"Oh well, that's too bad Avery." I lower my voice and grab her waist pulling her towards me. "Looks like since you don't have a gift, I guess..." I tilt her chin up so she can look into my eyes. "You'll be my gift." The bottom of her lip quivers which sets me off the edge. 

My lips crash into hers and she immediately drops the flowers in surprise I pull her closer deepening the kiss. I can feel her legs buckling under me as she struggles to stand, I drop the present and use my arm to keep her upright but she leans back a little too far causing both of us to fall. We land on the floor with a loud thud.

"Ow." I prop my hands up on each side of her making sure I didn't hurt her. She stares at me awestruck and with doting eyes.

"P-Pavol can we try more than just kissing ." She takes a gulp in and bites her lip. I nearly faint from her innocence. I remember the last time I was here I was dry humping her on her bed while french kissing her. My nether regions begin to stir in excitement and without a word I'm pulling her up the stairs and into her bedroom.

I push her onto the bed and begin roughly kissing her. Every now and then she makes these cute little high pitched moans. I find my hand trailing up her shirt and over her soft and supple skin. My hand makes it to the stretchy fabric of her sports bra, I pull on it and she immediately stiffens. I stop and look at her tense expression her eyes closes and her fists are balled up.

"Tu vas bien mon amour?" 

"Oui." I give her an incredulous look and narrow my eyes.

"Are you sure you don't lo-"

"I'm fine!" I'm taken aback from her sudden outburst. Did I do something wrong?  I pull my hand out of her shirt but she stops me. 

"Pavol I'm f-fine." Her voice wavers a bit. " I'm just extremely nervous." She continues.

"All of this is just a tad nervewracking. Pavol your so handsome and I always find it hard to believe that you're interested in me, nevermind the fact that you want to do any of this intimate stuff with me. I know it's been two months already and I'm afraid you'll get bored with me if I don't please you."

Please me what the hell?! Wait does she think I'll dump her if she doesn't perform?!  I take a deep breath and run a hand through my hair. Sitting back against one of her stuffed animals I speak.

"Avery why would you even think that? Listen I would never lose interest in you because you're scared when it comes to doing stuff like this." Her eyes widen in surprise. " Your to precious to ever let go I would never dump you over something like that." 

I pull her into my embrace and tightly hug her. 

"So do you want to see the present I got you?" She silently nods her head. I get up and retrieve the present then plop back down on her bed.

She ruffles past the red tissue paper and pulls out a silver necklace with a sterling silver snowflake pendant. Avery smiles and looks up at me with gratitude then back to the necklace.

"Pavol th-thankyou so much." I get a warm fuzzy feeling running through my body when she looks at me I peck her on the cheek then help her put on the necklace.

"Tu es parfait."

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