Chapter 32

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Pavol POV

Once we're outside and away from the heat of the party we go to the backyard and take a seat on the grass against a tree. I swing my arm over Avery's shoulder and pull her in closer. 

"Avery I'm sorry I didn't know the party would be this crazy." I say as I run my finger through her braids. I can feel her lean into my touch and I tip her head up so I can see her face. Belle.

"Do you want to leave?" I question as I play with her hair.  She looks up at me with her big eyes and red tipped ears.

"I-I don't know maybe we ca-"

"Pavol!" We both look up and there stands a girl. I look at her and quickly remember who she is.

"Oh salut Katia, ca va?" She nods her head and glances at Avery before looking at me again.

"Ca va, cette ma maison mais mon frères fête." She says with her hands in the air before continuing. 

" I'm just shocked to see you here I didn't know you know my brother." She says blushing. I sit up a little and so does Avery. 

"Oh I'm not friends with him I was just invited by a friend." I say nonchalantly. She nods her head whilst playing with her hair.Blushing she glances over at Avery before looking back at me. I grab Avery's hand and entertwine our fingers before nodding in Katia's direction.

"Oh sorry I forgot to introduce my girlfriend, Katia this is Avery." I say smiling. Katia's smile faulters a bit before quickly going back. She nods her head saying a quick hello. I look over at Avery but she seems nervous so I speak instead.

"Sorry she get's nervous with new people, but hey it was nice talking with you." I say smiling.

"Yeah you too... well I'm gonna go now but Neville ordered pizza so if you guys are hungry just feel free." She says before walking back into the house. 

"Well you want pizza?" I ask.

"Who's Katia?" Avery says quietly. I play with her small fingers before shrugging.

"Just some grade 9 who was in my drama class." Avery looks down at the grass.

"Oh, she's r-really pretty." I immediately know what she's thinking. I frown before lifting her chin up so she's looking at me.

"My love please don't worry I'm not interested in anyone but you okay." I look at her waiting for her to nod her head. 

"Come on let's get some food." She nods her head and begins to stands up. 

I wish she knew how much I love her...


Three pizza slices later I end up sitting with Avery in the game room whilst watching Miguel and Xavier face off against Neville and this other guy at pool. I lean into the brown leather couch before taking a swig of punch. I wrap my arms around Avery before resting my head on her shoulder. 

"Fuck yeah, another one!" Miguel and Xavier highfive for the 10th time while Neville rolls his eyes. He sets down the pool stick and raises his hand.

"C'est fini, you win." Neville says before walking out of the room. Xavier struts over to us holding a red cup in his hand before plopping on the couch right next to my Avery. That cunt.

"Do you wanna verse us at pool?" He says winking at Avery before taking a swig of his drink. 

"Hmm Su-"

"No." I say before she can finish her sentence. I stand up pulling Avery with me. 

"On y va." I say before dragging her out of the room.Who does that Xavier think he is flirting with my Avery?! I told him to stay away from her.

"Ow P-Pavol your hurting me." I immediately stop what I'm doing and realise that I have a death grip on Avery's wrist. I quickly release her arm before embracing her in a hug.

"Oh mon dieu, Avery je suis désoléI didn't realise I was hurting you my love, I'm so sorry I won't do it again." She shifts a little pressing her hands against my chest before looking away. 

"I-It's okay I'm fine."  No your not.  I feel awful how could I hurt her by accident? I must show her that I'm genuinely sorry but how?

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