Chapter 35

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Pavol POV

My stomach turns and it feels like I've swallowed a rock. My hands are getting clammy and I feel extremely guilty for not telling Avery the truth. As I walk with Katia down the hall a slew of anger rushes over me causing me to burst out in annoyance.

"What the hell is wrong with you!" I say staring her down. She gives me an awkward giggle before knitting her brows together. I look right and left to make sure nobody's in the hallways before speaking.

"Katia why would you send me a photo of yourself half-naked!?" I say in a hushed whisper. Her face turns red and she smiles at the floor as if this is all one big joke. Unbelievable.  She tucks her hair behind her ear before looking up at me. 

"I-I just thought you were... you know that's what you wanted." She says bringing her hand out and stroking my arm. I immediately pull away as I stare at her in disbelief. I huff in anger and run a hand through my hair.

"Katia, I don't know what type of guy you think I am but I'm not into girls sending me nude photos of themselves, comprends?" I say lowering my voice. The smile on her face vanishes as she realizes what she's done.

"O-oh I-I just thought th-"

"Though what? That if you expose your self I'll be interested in you?! Katia, I have a girlfriend that I love and adore, and you, you're just some niner I met in drama class." I stop as tears begin welling up in her eyes. I take a deep breath in and try to speak more softly. 

"Look, I don't mean to be mean but you can't and should never do this again, j-just go please," I say facing the other way. I hear her sniffle before she runs down the hall and out of sight. 

Ring Ring Ring



As I sit in my last period class I can't help but feel incredibly pissed. Not only am I grounded because of my poor performance at school but Avery is going to that shit heads house afterschool. And I know I told her she could but now I'm kinda regretting it. Am I selfish for that?  I bite at my nails nervously as I look at the clock. It slowly ticks by and I just roll my eyes as I tap my foot against the ground. 

1 hour later

The moment I get home I make a beeline to the kitchen and swing the fridge door open. Since I missed lunch my stomach has been grumbling and growling for food all day. I lick my lips as I see a plate of steak, rice and vegetables leftover from last night. I happily pull it out of the fridge and shove it in the microwave. Two minutes later the mouth-watering scent of food fills my nostrils as I set it on the table. 

Buzz Buzz Buzz. 

Avery?  Immediately I answer the facetime call and I'm taken aback by the black cat staring straight into my soul. Avery quickly comes in frame with a cute smile across her adorable face. 

"Hi, Pavol she says smiling." My heart instantly swells and I find myself longing for her touch. 

"Hey I see that you've met Rico." I say chuckling. She turns the camera to Rico and shows him playing with one of his cat toys. The camera flips back to her and then she speaks.

"I just called because I know you must be a little bored since your grounded." Awe my love is so cute and caring. 

"Yeah unfortunately for me the only fun I'll be having tonight is with my homework." She giggles lightly before her phone is snatched away and I'm faced with Miguel's smug mug. 

"Hey mon frère." Miguel says grinning. I roll my eyes and take a spoon full of rice before shoving it in my mouth, I deliberately chew with my mouth open causing Miguel to recoil his face in disgust. I swallow before rudely speaking.

"Get your ugly face off the camera I want to see my girlfriend."

 Miguel gives me the middle finger before passing the phone back to Avery.

"So what are you guys doing?" I ask. Avery flips the camera and Mario Kart shows on the t.v. Of course, they're playing Mario Kart that's literally all Xavier and Miguel play whenever I come over looks like they do the same for Avery.

"Yeah I a-actually lost all the rounds bu-" before she can finish Xavier grabs the phone shoving  the camera so close to his face I can see up his nose.

"Hey Pavol how you liking your house arrest?" Xavier asks with a grin across his face. I immediately scowl before getting angry.

"How about you shut up Xavier and you better not try anything on Avery or I'll give you another broken nose." He gives me a fake shocked expression before leaning his head on Avery's shoulder. That's it I'm going to kill him!

"He winks at me before hanging up." I clench my jaw pissed off. I'm about to call back but the front door swings open and in walks my parents. Oh great. 

I put my phone face down on the table before picking up my utensils and cutting a piece out of the steak.

"Pavol fais-tu quoi?" My mama asks as she sets her jacket on the back of the chair and sets her work bag on the table. I shrug my shoulders staring straight into the steak.

"Just eating." I'm met with a light tap to the back of my head.

"Don't give me attitude Pavol." She says sternly. I grind my teeth trying not to snap back when my papa walks in. He looks tired and pissed at the same time. Pourquoi moi.  After a few minutes, they both take a seat at the table and my mama clears her throat.

"Pavol I'm going to make this short and simple. You need to pick up your grades." I groan and shift a little in my chair. 

"Pavol sit up straight!" She snaps causing me to fix my posture.

"Now listen to me, from now and until the end of January you will be coming home straight after school and focusing solely on your homework." I internally groan.

"And your grades better improve or you can kiss your phone and laptop goodbye." Hah, what's the difference it's not like they've taken those away from me before. 

"D'accord," I say lowly. 

"Don't think of it as punishment we just want you to improve," Papa says clasping his had together. I look at both of them before taking a deep breath in then exhaling.

"Ok, from now on I will focus solely on my work and will strive to improve my grades." I give them a fake grin before standing up and heading to the study room. Once I close the door a plop down in my spinny chair and scream without sound. 

I hate it here!

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