Chapter 33

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Pavol POV

" I'm going to have sex with Avery."

Miguel nearly chokes on his water before setting it on the nightstand beside him. He coughs a bit then looks at me wide-eyed like I told an offensive joke, his face turns red.

"Pavol what the actual fuck!" He says looking at me like I'm crazy. I run my hand through my hair and bring my knees up to my chest as I lean my back against the wall. Shrugging my shoulders I speak. 

"Nope I'm 100% serious, I want to show her that I love her, I think that sleeping with her will make her truly know how much I love her." I say seriously. Miguel blinks a few times before bursting out in laughter. I sit there with a blank expression waiting for him to catch his breath.

"Mon Dieu, your the only person I know that would say that with a straight face." He continues to laugh. He's so annoying.  

"Haha ouai c'est tres drôle, you think it's funny huh? You think it's funny showing my girlfriend I love her?" I roll my eyes before continuing. 

 "At least I'm not a wimp like you, you can't even tell Xavier your into him." Miguel face immediately goes straight. Got him.  I smirk before laying back in my bed as I snuggle under my covers. It goes silent for a few seconds before he speaks.

"Pavol it's not that easy, do you forget that he's been my best friend since we were kids, if I tell him our friendship will be ruined, not only that he's kinda homophobic." He says with his head hanging down. 

Hmm what should I do? Comfort my brother or go to sleep?.... 

"Well, Miguel you'll never know until you try." I think that's good enough. And with that, I yawn and close my eyes.


C'est Vendredi and I'm excited to tell Avery my plan for this weekend. After I accidentally hurt her at the party I really think my idea will show her that I never meant to hurt her and that I truly, truly love her. I walk down the halls with a slight smile, I'm so caught up in my thoughts that I don't hear someone calling my name. I feel someone lightly tapping my shoulder and once I turn around I'm faced with Katia.

"Coucou." She says smiling. 

"Oh uh Hi."  Is she following me around?... She stands there with that same look she gave me at the party, an expression of wanting to tell me something.

"Uhm what's up." I say looking straight at her. She looks anywhere but me and tucks her hair behind her ear before talking.

"Just saw you and decided to say hi, oh and also I noticed that you guys left yesterday and I never got to say goodbye." Wait was she watching me throughout the party? 

"Oh you were..." 

"Yeah, actually after you guys left one of my brother's friends drank so much he passed out so we had to carry him up the stairs hahaha." I laugh awkwardly before pulling out my phone.

"Well, the bells gonna ring soon s-"

"Oh wait I don't have your Snapchat let me add you." I comply and hand her my phone. Students rush past us to class signalling the beginning of class. Once she gives back my phone I wave her goodbye and head to first period. Why do I feel like she has a crush on me?


"Pavol we need to talk" I internally roll my eyes and nod my head as the bell signals for lunch. Everyone rushes out as I have to stay back to talk to the teacher.

"I've noticed that your English mark has been dropping, which is why I want to know if you want any extra help for you English because we have tutors for that." Oh, this is just great. 

"Uh non merci, I'm fine honestly I just haven't been paying attention in class but I promise I'll start investing more time into my school work," I say with a fake smile. Once we finish speaking he dismisses me and I make a beeline to the cafeteria. Once I enter I go straight to Miguel and Xavier and sit down. I see Avery's bag but not Avery.

"Where is she?"

"Toilette." They say in unison. I tap my finger against the table waiting when I get a notification. I look down and see that Katia just added me. My phone buzzes again saying that she sent me a message. I open my phone and click on her name. My eyes nearly bulge out of my head once I see what pops up on the screen.

"Jesus Christ!" I scream before slamming my phone face down on the table. My face is burning red and Xavier, Miguel, along with random people stare at me. Miguel looks at Xavier than me.

"Umm Pavol are you well?" I look at them then back at my phone.

"I uh I- I'll be right back." I immediately get up from the table and rush out of the cafeteria and into the hallway. 

Holy shit why would she send a photo of herself only in her underwear !!!

"Pavol." I whip my head around and see Avery. 

Oh shit.

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