Chapter 40

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Avery POV

A three-week in-school suspension. Pavol has a three-week in-school suspension along with a strict punishment from his parents. A feeling of sadness and slight disappointment washes over me as I walk out of the bathroom and into my bedroom. I flop onto my bed and proceed to open my laptop. As I'm typing in the password my brows knit together as I think about Pavol. 

Why would Pavol do such a thing? It's so out of character for him to be this violent. I think as I anxiously twist my ring around my finger. 

I understand that he dislikes Xavier but there was no need to punch him. My stomach sinks as I think more and more about Pavol's violent outburst. Has he always been like this?... 


"Hahaha sounds like he's gone wild!" My sister shouts through the screen. I shake my head with a serious look on my face and lean towards my laptop screen. 

" Stop this is serious! What if I've been dating some violent guy this whole time?!" I say biting my nails. She sighs and looks at me through my laptop screen with her arms crossed across her chest.

" Oh, Avery don't worry you're getting worked up over nothing. Boys are always unpredictable, believe me, I've had my fair share of spontaneous men and I've seen their reckless behaviour first hand. Listen as long as he's never put his hands on you there's nothing to worry about" she says in a reassuring tone. I side-eye her for a second before rubbing my eyes and yawning. 

Shit, it's already 9 p.m

" Ok, thanks talk to you later love you," I say dryly before hanging up and shutting my laptop.


I didn't realize how lonely I would be without Pavol and Miguel to hang out with. I guess I forgot what it was like to be a loner. I take a seat in the cafeteria alone as I look out the window and up to the sky. the sky is a muted gray and dark clouds are threatening to pour rain. I sigh and turn to my food picking up a single fry before taking a bite. Just as I'm about to finish my sad-looking turkey sandwich someone taps me on my shoulder. Turning around I'm faced with a smiling Xavier.

"Xavier?" I say more as a question as I furrow my brows. He smirks and slides onto the bench next to me before speaking.

"You looked lonely so I decided to keep you company is that an issue?" He says looking me up and down. I stare at his cheek noticing slight discolouration from where Pavol punched him. He's got a cut on his lip and his right eye is a bit swollen. 

"H-hey Xavier, I-I'm sorry about what Pavol did to you. I just don't know what's come over him." I say apologizing on his behalf. Xavier merely scoffs before running a hand through his hair.

"Oh please, the only reason he hit me is the cause of Miguel." He says looking away before focusing his attention back on me. I look up at him confused.

"Wait what do you mean?" I say frowning. He looks at me then averts his gaze before cracking his knuckles.

"What he didn't tell you." He says squinting. I just shake my head eager to find out what he's talking about.

"Well, all you need to know is that Miguel and I are no longer friends." He says in a breezy tone.

"Wait why?" I say abruptly. He hesitates for a moment before looking around.

"He's gay." I blink a few times waiting for the rest of the answer but when It doesn't come the gears in my head begin turning.

"W-wait a minute, are you telling me t-that the only reason you guys aren't friends anymore is because he's gay?" I say feeling my blood begin to boil. Xavier looks taken aback by my reaction and his face begins to turn red.

"Yes." He says defensively. I've never felt so angry at someone before but Xavier has just unleashed an emotion I thought I never had.

"Are you fucking kidding me!" I yell. Kids from the nearby tables turn to us staring before slowly turning back to their conversations. Flushed I stand up from the table and sneer at him.

"You ruined your friendship over that? What the hell is wrong with you?!" I say fuming. He looks at me shocked with his mouth wide open.

"Avery." He says narrowing his eyes in disbelief. 

"How could you do that to your best friend," I say feeling hurt by the fact that he would unfriend Miguel merely because of his sexuality. 

"Being a friend to someone is being there to help them,  to be with them through hard times to overall be a companion to them," I say fuming.

"And for you to unfriend him simply over him being gay it's, it's, it's just pathetic!" I say shaking with anger. 

"Aver-" He goes to speak but I interrupt him. 

"No! You know what you should be thankful that you even had a best friend because I on the other hand have been lonely for so long that I would kill to have a friend like Miguel," I say screaming at this point. 

He stares at me in silence with his same shocked expression. Shaking from my anger I quickly gather up my things and storm out of the cafeteria. 

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