Chapter 3

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Pavol POV

Un, Deux, Trois I love that new dress you bought yeah you sure look nice-

"Pavol!" My eyes fly open as I pull off my headphones only to see Miguel standing there with the girl from this morning.

I immediately stand up and pat invisible dust off my clothing. I stare at the girl from this morning as Miguel's hand lay's on her shoulder I could tell she feels uncomfortable under his touch because she keeps looking down and playing with her ring.

"Pavol this is Avery, Avery Pavol." She looks up shyly and nods her head in my direction before looking away again. Smirking I swiftly grab her hand bring it up to my lips and kiss it. Startled she immediately pulls back and grabs her hand as if it was burned.

Miguel and I stare at her confused by her reaction. I clear my throat and take a step towards the shaking girl. 

" Je suis désolé, did I startle you?" She looks up at me as I give her a warm smile. Looking into her big brown eyes down to her perfect lips sends a tingle through my body.  

I tear my eyes away from her beauty to look at my brother. He raises his eyebrows, reading my facial expression.

"Avery, what class do you have next ?" I ask. She pulls out her timetable and hands it to me.

Art Period 1

Mathematics Period 2


Woodshop Period 3

Tech Period 4

I smirk when I see woodshop.

"Well, Avery I'm glad to see that we share the same class. Come with me we've got woodshop next."

The bell rings and Miguel waves us goodbye before rushing to his third-period class. 

Avery quietly follows me down the hall until I finally stop at our destination.

Already there are woodchips and pulp scattered across the floor and desks. The smell of burnt wood and metal fills the room. I shove my bag under my desk and pull up a chair next to Avery. 

She scoots her chair away from me and turns her body towards to window. My eyebrows furrow as I frown.

"Bonjour, I am Mr. Dubois and I will be your woodshop teacher for this year." 

Mr.Dubois goes on with what we'll be doing for the rest of the year then hands us a calendar with the projects we'll be working on for the rest of this month. 

I turn to Avery and pass her the sheet.

"So what do you think of the school so far?" I prop my elbows on the desk and lay my chin in my hands as I turn my head to stare at her.

" I think it's lovely, this school is very beautiful." She replies quietly. 

You're beautiful. That's what I wanted to say but instead, I nodded my head and directed my gaze back to the blackboard.

I spent the rest of the period glancing over at Avery, every time she caught me staring she'd shift uncomfortably and play with her ring.

That silver ring. What's so special about it?...

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