Chapter 12

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Avery POV

It's Monday and the end of Pavol's five-day suspension. I can't wait to see him. Honestly, it's been kind of boring without him. I mean I've got Miguel to talk to but I don't like hanging out with him and his guy friends. All they do is talk about sports and girls it's kind of uncomfortable to eat lunch with them.

I haven't asked about Pavol since his suspension because I don't want to irritate Miguel. I already know he's pissed off that his best friend Xavier got suspended because of him.

I know that Pavol and Miguel's relationship isn't the best. Throughout this week I've learned how much Miguel dislikes his brother. I can't really relate to sibling hatred because I love my sister. She may be across the world but I always find a way to talk to her. Every weekend I skype her exactly at 8:00 p.m my time. The 6 hour time difference doesn't make it easy but as long as I can see her I'm fine. I miss her so much.

Back in Canada, I didn't have a lot of friends because people didn't wanna associated with "The girl with bad anxiety." I find that stupid because I know I'm not the only one who has mental health issues. They just think I'm weird because I show it externally. But I can't help that I'm naturally prone to panic attacks. 

I can't believe September is almost over, I've been at this new school for a month and honestly, it makes up for my terrible school experience in Canada. I pull on my braids wondering what to do with them.

Ugh, I've had these braids in for way too long and I'm getting sick of the purple.

I put my braids into a loose ponytail and put on my baggy woolly red sweater then pair it with some black skinny jeans and white running shoes. 

I grab my backpack and open the door. I lock it and begin walking down my porch stairs when someone jumps out from behind the tree. 

"Ahhh" I drop my keys startled. There Pavol stands with a large grin on his face. He approaches me and picks up the keys then twirls them around his finger.

"Did I scare you?" He grins deviously as I stand there still perplexed. I stare at him and take in his appearance. He looks different, the bruise on his cheek is still healing and without his glasses, I now notice his long eyelashes. I also notice his curly brown hair has been trimmed to just below his ears which is quite a difference from his mop of curls he had just a week ago.

" Good morning lovely." He leans in to peck me on the cheek but I dodge him.

" Uh, Pavol why are you in front of my house?" He merely shrugs and pulls my hand up to his lips planting a kiss. Then he intertwines our fingers before we start heading to school.

As we make our way to school I can't help but feel that there's something off. 

" I thought it would be a nice surprise... to walk you to school today, I haven't been able to see you for a week. Tu m'as manqué." I don't reply and he continues.

"I thought about coming over to your place during my suspension but my parents have had me on house arrest the entire week." He says with an eye roll.

We walk down the street hand in hand. But the whole time I'm holding his hand I can't help but feel a little tense. Every so often the grip of his hand tightens around mine. He does this the whole way until we get to school. By the time we get inside my hands are all clammy.

" Meet me under the willow tree during lunch see you." He kisses me but this time it's more passionate. He commits more pressure and the kiss lingers longer.

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