Chapter 16

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Pavol POV

Dear Avery

It's 2 a.m and I can't sleep so instead I'm writing this letter to you. Avery after I left your house and went home it was no surprise that I was in absolute trouble. The moment I entered my house I got an ear full from my parents along with a smack on the back of my head from my livid brother. But even after my parents chastised me I honestly felt nothing. I honestly don't know what's wrong with me because after they were done with me I just sat in my room and laughed. Miguel walked in on me maniacally laughing  and told me to and I quote " Shut the fuck up you incompetent swine!" Then he exited the room and I laid on my bed with tears of hysteria rolling down my face.

I went to bed hungry because I couldn't get myself to face my family at the dinner table. Hell, I haven't eaten since this morning and It feels like my stomach is caving in on itself. I can hear the unsettling moans and groans coming from my stomach. 

But enough about my pitiful life. Avery, I want to know what you thought about what we did in your bedroom today. It felt amazing to embrace you, touch you, have you all to myself. Do you feel the same? When I see you at school I can't wait to kiss you, touch and smell you. I know It sounds creepy but I can't help it, there's something about you. Your like a drug I'm addicted to you and can't get enough. You could say I'm infatuated with you and I won't deny it. I want you to know what's on my mind. I hope you understand how much I need you, without you, my life would truly be tedious. 

Anyways, as usual, I will leave you with these lyrics

If I give my heart to you, will you handle it with care
Will you always treat me tenderly and in every way be fair
If I give my heart to you, will you give me all your love
Will you swear that you'll be true to me -Doris Day

P.S I'll return your dad's pants at school.

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