Chapter 27

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Pavol POV

It's day two of the trip and I'm back in the infirmary once again. After that lunch break, I began to feel unwell while I headed to the slopes however I didn't make it because before I knew it I was face first in one of the public restrooms my head in the toilet as vomit spewed out of me like a volcano. I was hulled to the infirmary by my brother and now here I am with the nurse and my parents both chastising me about going easy with the food after my food poisoning. I knew I should've never eaten that fish during lunch.

" Pavol the nurse told you to only eat light foods." My Mamma paces around the room with her brows furrowed. Her curly hair is all sweaty form skiing and her face is flushed red in annoyance.

"Now you most definitely won't be able to enjoy yourself because you'll be stuck in the hotel room for the rest of the tr-"

"I know!" I immediately regret raising my voice as she approaches me and roughly pulls my hair causing my head to snap back.

"Agh Mamma stop it hurts!" She twists at the root of my hair, sending a jolt of pain through my head.

"Do not raise your voice at me, compris." Her brown and blue eyes stare directly at me in anger. I nod my head in defeat and she lets go of my hair. I rub the irritated area with my hand.

"You're not going to ruin our vacation because of your selfish ways." I open my mouth to speak but I bite my tongue instead. "Pavol why can't you just be simple and listen like your brother. You always have to do things the hard way which is why you're always getting in trouble." She just shakes her head and walks out of the room slamming the door behind her. I hang my head in shame after the scolding. I bring my hand back to my irritated scalp and pull on my hair. This is bullshit! How do I getting food poisoning = Selfish?!  I tug my brunette locks until my scalp begins to sore. A few moments later the nurse comes back into the room and does some basic checkups. 10 minutes later I'm back in the hotel room watching Netflix once again. Man, this vacation blows

 10:00 p.m. I hear the key card slide into the lock on the other side of the door then the mechanical lock clicks open. In walks to the gang with their ebullient smiles. I scowl at the sight of them and just throw the blankets over my head. I feel the bed dip. Soft hands run through my hair. I pull the blanket off of me and look at my Avery. So lovely, so beautiful. 

"Pavol are you feeling a bit better?" I smile and sit up. I wrap my arms around her torso and pull her in.

"Now that you're here yes, I'm feeling better." I'm about to kiss her when Xavier jumps onto the bed sending my laptop flying off the bed.

"Xavier Qu'est ce qui se passe!!" Avery tenses in my arms. 

" Calm down child, your crappy computer is fine." He winks at Avery and runs his hands through his hair. That's it! I stand up to face him eye to eye. 

"Xavier you better cut that bullshit, stop looking at her!" He raises his eyebrow then smirks.

"I'll look at whoever I feel like, and calm down you're scaring her." He reaches a hand out to touch Avery but I smack it away. I shove him onto the bed opposite of us and begin to throw punches. A brawl ensues and before I know it my Pappa is in the room pulling us apart.

"Suffisant!" I'm breathing heavily and my head is pounding so much I feel like my brain is going to explode. My knuckles hurt from connecting with his jaw. He spews a violent stream of profanity my way. My Pappa grabs my shirt and pulls me out into the hallway.

 All your every do is cause problems. Why can't you be more like Miguel? It's your fault, your fault. It's my fault... It's always my fault.  I don't understand why my parents always peg me. Everything I do it's always wrong. I'm just a teenage boy it's not my fault I'm not as perfect as Miguel!

" That's it Pavol your done. Once we get back home your grounded for the next 6 months." My Pappa says. His resting bitch face has turned into one of disdain.

I continue to stand there against the cold wall as my parents scold me, but everything they're are saying is going in one ear and out the other. I'm so used to them always yelling at me I've become numb. 

"Now go apologise to Xavier!" My Mamma points a finger towards the room. Sighing I walk back into the hotel room. The air is so tense I could cut it with a knife. Xavier sits with his arms crossed beside Avery on our bed.

"Je suis désolé."

Please don't break my heart like a child breaks a little toySweetheart, I'm begging of you
Don't break this heart that loves you
Don't break this heart of mine- Connie Francis

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