Chapter 20

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Avery POV

We're on the steps of my house, after a very prolonged walk. As we walk up to my house Miguel stops and takes in the mansion. He whistles as his eyes trace from the door all the way up to my bedroom window. With his hands in his pockets, he casually strolls to the side of the house and peers through the gate into my backyard. With a very intriguing brow raise, he comes back to us and remains silent. Looks like both of the brothers shared the same reaction to my home. We walk up to the door and just before opening it I stop and turn around to them.

"Okay, so-uh just so you guys know my parents are very, very worrisome..." Pavol and Miguel give me that same confused are you okay look. Frustrated I glance away from them and down the street. There's an elderly woman and a man power walking in red velvet tracksuits along with their cocker spaniel poodle down the street. I draw my gaze from the very flashy couple and come back to the brothers.

"Ugh, just Pavol don't get too touchy please my mom will nearly have a heart attack if she finds out that I'm dating you. Hell, they're already shaken by the fact that I've befriended two boys." Pavol's forms a frown on has a handsome face which nearly makes me faint. He gives me the classic puppy dog eyes and pouts pushing his bottom lip out.

"Now Avery you know I can't live without your touch." He grabs my hand and presses his lips against my wrist while he looks into my eyes longingly. I think I'm going to pass out. I'm trapped in his hold and I can't look away. Those eyes are so beautiful... Blinking a few times I come back to reality and slowly pull my arm away.

"Pavol calm down," I say quietly. Miguel merely scoffs then clears his throat. 

"Avery can you just open the door the temperatures dropping by the minute." Miguel brings his pale hands to his mouth and begins to blow into them before sticking them back into his pocket.

 Bringing my hand to the doorknob I slowly turn and push in. The moment the door opens a huge waft of freshly baked cookies fills my nostrils. What th-.

"Oh, Terrence they're here!" My mom comes rushing to the door with an oven mitt on her left hand and a tray of chocolate cookies in her right hand. I mouth to my mother  What are you doing?! She shrugs off my irritation and briskly walks past me immediately offering Pavol and Miguel some cookies. I stand nervously watching my mom then look at them then back to my mom. Too nervous to speak I steal a cookie off of the baking tray and quickly shove the whole thing in my mouth. 

"Agh." I quickly make an o shape with my mouth trying to cool down the steaming baked good in my mouth. Idiot! A dribble of drool begins to run down my chin and I immediately cover my mouth and run into the closest bathroom. Locking the door I collapse onto the toilet seat.

Avery what the hell are you doing?! I mean are you trying to look like a fool in front of Pavol and Miguel? God, they probably think you've had a conniption. 

"Ugh" Silently grunting  I bring my hands up to my braids and pull tugging on my roots. 

I'm okay, everything will be fine, just breathe... I take a deep breath in and bring my hand to my heart. It feels like I've just run a marathon. I stand up and walk over to the bathroom counter and gaze into the mirror. I look and see tear stains on my cheek. When did I cry?  I wipe my face and stand up straight then take a big breath in. I nod to myself in the mirror and swallow the cookie still sitting in my mouth.

"Nothing to worry about, everything's fine," I tell myself in a reassuring tone. Walking out of the bathroom with my head down I make my way back to the front foyer. There stands my very concerned mother and a half-empty tray of chocolate chip cookies. 

"Avery are you okay?" My mom looks at me with concern.

"What yeah I'm fine." My voice sounds high-pitched as I try to reassure her that I'm perfectly stable.

"Well your friends are in the living room with your dad, they're watching soccer." I nod my head and shuffle across the marble tile and into the living room. There sits Miguel, Pavol and my dad all on the same couch. They watch the game on the flat screen while shoving the last bits of cookies into their face. I silently step into the living room and take a seat in the recliner in the corner. They all avert their gaze from the game to me. I can feel them judging me. I lean back into the chair further hoping it could just swallow me up. My dad raises his eyebrow and gives me that same look my mom just gave me. Pavol licks the sticky chocolate off his fingers then wipes them on his black plaid pants.

"Hey, Avery instead of sitting and watching the game how about we play an actual game of soccer." My dad suggests with a big smile. Who the hell does he think I am, what the hell I'm not in kindergarten, this isn't a play date! That's what I wanted to say but instead, I just nodded my head and said okay.

5 minutes later

My dad comes from the garage with a soccer net and ball then proceeds to set it up against the fence. Ever since I was a kid he's been trying to get me into sports but when it comes to physical activity I can be very adamant. Hell, I don't even know why he keeps all these sporting goods around we never use them all they do is take up space and collect dust.

"I knew the day would come where'd I'd finally be able to play soccer with my daughter." My dad pats my shoulder then puts the ball down in the middle of the backyard.

"Okay, boys the first team to make it to 5 points win." Miguel and Pavol both nod their heads and fist pump each other. I take in a shaky breath and I feel my nerves tingle from my neck down to the tips of my fingers. 

"Oh and boys please go easy on Avery she's a little... ungainly." I scrunch up my face after his comment and narrow my eyes. setting my hands on my knees I eye the ball.

"Okay on my mark, ready get set GO!"

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