Chapter 34

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Avery POV

"Pavol." I say in a slightly questionable manner. He stands there with his hands tightly clenched in a fist as he bites his lips along with knitting his brows together.

"A-Avery." He says stiffly before he quickly slides his phone into his back pocket before welcoming me with a bear hug and a kiss to the cheek. He tips my head up so I'm looking into eyes.

"Avery I actually need to tell you something," Uh oh now I'm nervous.

"O-okay what is it." I say lightly. He leans down and brings his lips to my ears before whispering.

"I'd like you and me to meet up after school today, I have something fun for us to do." He pulls away and winks. I stare at his pink lips and up to his beautiful face before zoning out and quickly coming back to reality. I can feel the heat rising to my cheeks. As I'm about to say something a familiar voice calls his name. 

"Pavol." There stands that Katia girl from the party. My eyes automatically gravitate to her outfit. She's wearing a tight white and red striped turtle neck crop top along with high wasted black ripped jeans. I look down at my outfit then up at hers. I can't compete. I'm engulfed in a large woolly cardigan with a long black t-shirt under it and regular black pants. Ughh, I wish I looked pretty like her. Pavol tenses as he looks at her before turning back to me. 

"Avery one moment Katia needs to talk to me about drama class." He pecks me on the cheek before walking off with her. I blink a few times ruffling my brows, Somethings not right. Pavol is so incredibly clingy and protective, and he seldom is not around me besides class time. What's going on?...

I stroll back into the cafeteria and take a seat across Miguel and Xavier. 

"Oh good your back, veux-tu joue thumb wrestle avec moi?" I look down at Xavier's hand then my bony one.

"Umm, I don't think I'd be the best candidate for this game." He chuckles before standing up and walking to my side before sitting right next to me.

"D'accord, Échecs ?" He pulls out his phone and opens a chess app. I can't remember the last time I've played chess. 

"Je crois, Okay." He sets his phone between both of us and starts. 


Half way through third period I text a message from Pavol.

Pavol:Sorry  I missed lunch with you today because I had to have a serious conversation with Katia

Me: Oh okay is everything alright?

Pavol: Yeah, kinda I'll see you after school J'taime. 

I put my phone away but it buzzes again. This time a text from Xavier. I'm a little curious because Xavier seldom messages me except when he's sending me memes.

Xavier: Hey you wanna come hang with me and Miguel after school at my place?

I furrow my brows confused. Xavier has never once invited me over to his place never mind the fact that he didn't mention Pavol attending. I look around to make sure the teacher doesn't catch me texting.

Me:I guess but is Pavol coming?

Xavier: No Miguel said he's in trouble since his grades are dropping. 

Pavol never told me he's been doing bad at school. I decide to quickly send a message to Pavol.

Me: Xavier invited me and Miguel to his house after school but apparently you're grounded because of your grades?...

Pavol: What?! I didn't even know about this!

Two minutes later I get another reply from him.

Pavol: Okay I guess my parents rather contact Miguel than me. So yes I'm grounded and I have to go straight home after school.

Me: Oh okay, well I won't go if you don't want me to

Pavol: No it's fine I trust you and plus Miguels there so Xavier can't try anything.

Me: Wait what do you me-

"Avery." The teacher hovers above me with a straight face. I immediately blush in embarrassment and slide my phone into my bag.

"S-Sorry I w-was just... I-I I'm sorry." The teacher walks back to the front of the class and proceeds with the lecture. Ugh, I'm so embarrassed. 


Once we make it to Xavier's building we take the elevator up to floor 4. I follow silently behind them as Xavier jingles his keys around his finger. We stop in front of door 408 and he slides his key into the lock clicking the door open with a clink. The moment I enter I'm hit with the aroma of cinnamon. It's incredibly warm in the apartment and a nice view of the gigantic windows reveals the rest of the city. As I step further in I take in all the Christmas decorations, snowflakes hanging from the ceiling, knick-knacks on the counter, and Christmas signs on the door. Wow looks like his family goes way out for Christmas. We all take off our stuff and I place my jacket in the closet and set my shoes on the mat behind the door.

Once I turn around I'm met with the cutest thing ever, a kitten.

"Want to hold him?" I nod my head and can't help but smile as I hold the tiny kitten. Its coat is black as night and its eyes are bright green. 

"Il s'appelle Ringo," Xavier says petting the cat in my arms. I'm so entranced with the cat that I don't notice how close Xavier is and how intensely he's looking at me. I stare up at him feeling somewhat unable to move. He opens his mouth about to say something but Miguel comes in and breaks the tension.

"Ringo mon bébé!" Miguel snatches Ringo out of my arms and peppers kisses all over him. I stare at him surprised by his behaviour. I've never seen Miguel act so... cutesy. Miguel walks over to the couch and takes a seat as he giggles when playing with the kitten's arms. The kitten purs and begins settling into his lap. 

"You want to sit?" Xavier says out of nowhere which makes me jump I little. I nod my head and take a seat beside Miguel as he takes a seat on my right. 

"So what do you guys want to do?"

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