Chapter 19

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Pavol POV

Miguel has been up my ass for the past four days and honestly, I'm relieved that it's finally Friday, now I'll be freed from my brother's restrictive hold. I walk down the hallways to my last-period class which is drama and take a seat in my usual chair. 

"Bonjour tout le monde aujourd'hui, nous ferons quelque chose d'un peu différent. We will be working with the other grade on skits. Since most of you have been in this program for three years, I expect nothing but perfection when it comes to guiding the freshman. Now each of you will be partnered up and if you don't like your partner then politely ask if you can switch with another student." The teacher gestures us to stand up and line ourselves in order while we wait for the grade nine class to enter. There's a knock on the door and the drama teacher opens it to welcome them. The niners shuffle in looking all anxious and wary.

"Alright everyone I'll be calling out names and when you hear yours please walk please stand beside your partner." The teacher pulls out her clipboard and begins to read names off of the list.

"Amy avec Christopherson, Joseph avec Gillian, Bastien avec Bernard, Owen avec Cassandra, Pavol avec Katia..." I turn my head to the girl name Katia and once I see her advancing towards me my brain lights up. Tiens je connais cette fille... No, I've seen her before but where? Hmm, she looks so familiar, couloir ... sacs ...Avery... Aha! That's the girl who I saw when I was searching for Avery that day. The girl with the cheveux blonde fraise et yeux de jade. I give her a friendly smile as she stands next to me. 

"Okay, now that everyone is paired up it's time to work on your skit. We will be working on love scenes today so I want you guys to make a short skit on whatever albeit a terrible breakup, two people falling in love etc. Maintenant commencer." Katia turns to me awkwardly she stares up at me while her face flushes red. 

"Um so what do you want to make the skit about?" I look down at her and scratch my head then stare up at the ceiling as if searching for floating ideas. After a few seconds of awkward silence, I break it with an "Aha." I grab a chair pull it up to Katia and tell her to take a seat. While kneeling on one knee I look up at her.

"Let's do a break-up scene. This is how it'll play out. I'll be breaking up with you, you'll shed some tears blah blah blah then we will finish it with one of those heartbreaking goodbye kisses." Her eyes nearly bulge out of her skull when I mention the word kiss. She nods her head and runs her hand through her long hair.

40 minutes later

"La prochaine est Pavol and Katia." I drag the chair up to the stage and kneel in front of it while Katia takes a seat.

"I'm sorry but it's just not working out I've got to move o-"

"But that's not fair! I've been in love with you for over 5 years" Fake tears begin pouring down her face while she wipes them away with the back of her sleeve.

"I know but I've just fallen out of love with you. Listen there are so many other men out there that'll be better for you than me." She nods her head furiously and I place my hand upon her face. 

"It's okay." More tears pour down her face while I plant a kiss on her right cheek. I stand up and begin walking away.

Clap, clap, clap.

"Amazing work Pavol and Katia you guys have just earned yourself a triple A+." I thank my teacher and take a seat back in the crowd as the next people walk on stage. Katia takes a seat beside me while averting her gaze. I nudge her on the arm.

" Nous avons fait un excellent travail! A+ for us." She smiles at me then turns back to the stage.

After school

"Hey, Avery your man just got a triple A+ in drama." Avery smiles before I pull her in for a kiss. I plant my lips onto hers while caressing her hair. 

"Pavol would you stop kissing her every four minutes we would've been at her house a lot quicker, plus it's getting cold." I give Miguel the side-eye and hug Avery tighter.

"Would you stop complaining Miguel god, If it weren't for our parents and you having to watch me I would be able to kiss her as much as I like without any commentary." I look down at Avery and bring my hands to turn her face I bring my lips to her ear and lightly bite it. 

"Ah." Her breath hitches ever so lightly. Speaking into her ear I say.

"I'd kiss you until your lips were sore." She looks up at me with a shocked expression then quickly looks away. I bring her head to my chest protected her from the cold October wind.

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