Chapter 25

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Pavol POV

Dear Avery

I can't believe it's already December time has been flying by and can I just say these last few months with you have been amazing. You've been getting along with my family so well since you basically visit every weekend. My parents can't stop talking about you and you've been warming up to everyone. I've noticed that your no longer so nervous around people and you also have an easier time initiating conversations. I believe that all your social progress is because of moi. De rien mon chéri... Just kidding. Anyways since winter break is coming up my parents would like to know if you'd like to join us for our annual family ski trip. We do it every year. It'll only be for three days though since moneys a little tight this year. Anyways If you don't know how to ski no problem I'd be glad to teach you. It'll just be me Miguel my parents and Xavier ugh even writing his name sickens me. Yes I know you know I despise that little shit but Miguel loves him so he's coming.

As always I'll leave you with these lovely lyrics.

Oh, my stomach's upset
And I'm feeling dizzy
We go back and forth like a swing set
When you're not around
I want you with me
I don't mind the wear and tear
Building castles in the air -Tim Atlas

December 27

The car peels into the hotel parking lot and the doors of the van slide open. I'm hit with the frigid winter air, the sky is gray and tiny snowflakes float down carelessly from the clouds. Once gathering our luggage we walk into the ski lodge. After a very nauseating 4-hour car ride to the ski resort, I'm left with a pounding headache and an upset stomach. Over the past few hours, I've noticed that my body has been burning up, I can barely keep my eyes open as we walk into the lobby. Exhausted I plop down on the nearest couch and unzip my heavy winter coat then slide my suitcase next to me. 

After sitting on the couch for 20 minutes I begin to get agitated. Ugh, why is it taking them so long to check in?!  I wait impatiently as my parents take their time checking in at the front desk. I watch as Xavier approaches me. He stands there hovering above me staring me straight in the eye with an inquisitive gaze then his pokes me on the forehead.

"Man Pavol you look like shit." I don't even bother to say anything, he shrugs his shoulders and plops down on the couch next to me and pulls out his phone. I hold my head and rub my hands through my scalp trying to stop my pounding headache.

"Ugh Mamma can we go to the room now!" She just rolls her eyes and hands me the plastic key card.

"Room 240." I grab my suitcase and head to the elevator.  Avery trails behind me with her suitcase.

"Pavol do you need any help?" My sweet Avery has the look of concern drawn across her pretty face. I shake my head lightly trying to play it cool.

" No, no I'm fine my love." I give her a weak smile and the elevator door slides open. She follows me into the elevator leaving my parents and everyone else behind. As the elevator ascends up the shaft I lean my head against the wall and close my eyes. A pair of cool hands are suddenly on my forehead. Cracking one eye open I look down at Avery as she rubs my forehead then brings her hand down back to her side. Her lips are drawn into a frown and her eyebrows are knit together in concern.

"Pavol you're burning up maybe you should rest a when we get to the room." I lull my head to face her and smile.


Once we get inside the room I drag my suitcase over to one of the queen-sized beds and push it under the bed frame, the effort alone has me breathing heavily. My body feels really hot so I throw off my coat and sweater. Avery watches me warly. She takes a step towards me slightly shaking.

"Pavol you really don't look good maybe I sho-." 

"Don't worry Avery I'm fi- fi-." Before I can finish my sentence a shooting pain errupts in my stomach. I keel over and roll into a ball. 

"Oh my god Pavol are you okay?!" The only response I have is the sound of me moaning and groaning in pain.

" Uhh uh- I-I'll go get your parents." The frantic girl rushes out of the room and down the hall. Once she's gone I try to stand up but it feels like someone has just punched me in the gut. I'm suddenly hit with a wave of nausea and I hold my breath trying to supress it.

"Ohh oww" I crawl to the bathroom and quickly throw up the toilet lid. Out spews a hot fountain of bile and vomit. After vomiting for what feels like hours I hold each side of the porcelain seat as I try to blink out the hot tears that are clouding my vision. 

"Oh shit Pavol." Miguel rushes into the bathroom pulling me into a hug. Theres remenents of vomit on my chin and shirt. Miguel grabs one of the hotel towels and cleans my face up.

"ça va?" I shake my head and soon I'm hit with another wave of nausea. Back to the toilet bowl I go.

"Mamma , Pappa we need to bring him to the infirmary!"

6 hours later

I open my eyes slowly only to be blinded by the bright clinic lights. Groaning I close my eyes but I am disrupted by loud chattering in the hallway. The door flings open and walks everyone. A boisterous mood fills the room and everyone has wide smiles on their faces. I watch disoriented as Xavier whispers into Avery's ear causing her to giggle, my Pappa is smiling ear to ear while staring lovingly into my Mamma's eye's.  Dazed and confused I sit up on the infirmary bed and look around. What the hell is going on?!

Flashback Avery POV

Once we got Pavol to the infirmary he was already passed out. The nurse took his body temperature and did all the medical things that nurses do. Then she asked us what his symptoms were. We told her what happened and I few minutes later she told us that there was nothing to worry about. "Turns out he's got mild food poising." After receiving the news that Pavol would be fine the nurse told us to let him rest, she said to come back in a few hours to check on him. 

We all ended up going to one of the restaurants on the resort. They had dinner and a show so we stayed for a while. Throughout the dinner, I got to speak to Xavier and get to know him. Now I understand why Miguel likes him so much he's very personable. He tells a lot of jokes and is easy to talk to, which is saying something given that I'm nervous around most people. Time flew by so quick and before we knew it , it was 10:30 p.m.

End of flashback.

After they explained what happened we heading back up to the hotel rooms to sleep. The nurse ended up giving me some medicine and said I should be fine in about two days. Two days is basically the whole trip, Merde. Irritated I slide into my bed next to Avery. My parents got their own room and got a room for us, the downside is we are sharing it with Xavier and Miguel. I close my eyes and find myself slowly drifting off into a dreamless sleep.

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