Chapter 30

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Pavol POV

I don't know how much longer I can take being grounded. The punishment is eating me up from the inside out. Not only do I spend less time with my love Avery but I am now getting scolded by my parents because of my dropping grades. I tug at my hair feeling angry as I sling my backpack over my shoulder and head to the gym. Now that it's semester two I have only one class with Avery and that's gym. Well technically she's in the girl's gym class but at least I still get to watch her from a distance. As I head into the locker room I go through my normal routine with changing and tying my hair back.

"Hah nice hairdo Pavol." Some kid retorts. I don't reply but instead, choose to ignore as I stuff the rest of my stuff into my gym locker. I'm used to people making fun of my hair because I choose to grow it out a little longer than the average guy and quite honest before Avery I was planning on cutting it just to stop the teasing but whenever I hear her say. Pavol your hair is so lovely, I think that your hairs pretty. It just makes me want to keep it just for her. 

After 5 minutes of warming up, the gym teacher comes inside and tells us we'll be heading to the weight room and will be sharing it with the girl's class. A feeling of excitement immediately takes over me. Good, this means I'll be able to see my lovely Avery. I wonder If she'll need help with some of the weights, after all she's so fragile an-

"Pavol come on we're leaving." The teacher says as he walks out of the gym. Once we get into the weight room I spot Avery standing on the other side with a group of girls. I watch as she stands there with her hands behind her back looking somewhat out of place with the chatty girls next to her. I want to hug and kiss her so badly. 

"Alors tout le monde, choose 4 people to be in your group then everyone will head to their assigned station then switch when the timer goes off compris." 

"Oui." We all say in unison. 

"Pavol wanna be with us?" Andy says. I shrug my shoulders and follow them to station 1. As the minutes go by I look at Avery from across the room as she struggles to do pull-ups. I get an urge to rush over there and help her but I know if I do I'll probably get detention for Inappropriate touching.  I bite my lip as I watch her stretch placing one hand on her hip and leaning sideways. She looks over at me and immediately straightens her stance before glancing away in embarrassment. She's too cute.

"Hey." I wave to her from across the room. She shyly waves back before walking away with the group of girls to their next station.

"Pavol your turn," Andy says as he gets up so I can go on the bench press. 


Finally, it's lunch and not only am I starving but I'm yearning to hold Avery in my arms. I texted her to meet me in the science hallway where people seldom go. It's usually barren during lunch. Which is why it's the perfect place to get close and personal with Avery. I have my back against the wall with my bag on the ground when she turns the corner. 

"H-hi Pavol," she says shyly. I immediately envelop her in a giant hug before kissing her on the lips. I can feel her small hands grasp onto my shirt as I deepen the kiss, she gasps when I slip my tongue into her mouth. Once I pull away and look her in the eyes I'm awestruck by just how beautiful she is. Is it healthy being in love to the point where it hurts?  I lower my head until our foreheads are touching. 

"Avery I'm in love with you," I say before pecking her on the lips. She stares at me wide-eyed. She stays silent for a little too long and it feels like my heartstrings are being pulled. 

"It's okay you don't have to reply my love." She looks down and lets go of my shirt. I grab her hand and intertwine our fingers.

"Come let's go eat lunch."


I wonder what she's thinking, did I scare her by telling her I love her? All these thoughts rush through my head as I take a seat at the table across from  Miguel and Avery takes a  seat across from Xavier, I instinctively pull her closer so our legs are touching. I swing my arm over her shoulder and peck her on the cheek. 

"Pavol p-please I don't want you getting detention again." I chuckle remembering the last time I kissed her in the cafeteria and I got detention for "PDA."

"Okay, I'll stop," I say smirking. Xavier pulls out his phone and sets it on the table. 

"Guys check it out Nevil's having a party Saturday night you guys want to come?" Xavier says looking at us then at Avery, but his eyes linger a little too long before looking down at his phone. I narrow my eyes at him before turning to Miguel.

"You think Mama and Papa would let me?" Miguel shrugs his shoulders before speaking.

"I want to go so I'll talk to them and try to convince them that you should go." I smile and thank him. 

"D'accord et toi?" Xavier asks Avery. She looks at him then at me. Her big brown eyes indicating whether she should go or not. 

"W-well If Pavols going then I'll go." 


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