Chapter 7

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Pavol POV

I stare at the classroom clock waiting for lunch to start. I've been thinking about Avery all morning. Since writing the letter last night I can't stop thinking about what she might say. If she says anything at all

Slumped against my chair I impatiently keep tapping my finger against my temple as the teacher's monotone voice drags the class. The second's tick by ever so slowly making everything feel slowed and dragged. 

Once the bell rings I'm the first one out the door and rushing down the hall towards the art room. I group of freshman girls take up the narrow hallway congregating in a large group. 

I attempt to squeeze my way past them but trip over one of the girl's bags laying against a locker. "Merde !" 

All the girls turn to look at me, some of them are giggling while others stare at me with a look of interest. I rub my elbow and stand up. " Pardon me I was just trying to squeeze through." A girl with long strawberry blonde hair smiles at me and moves aside. She stares long and hard at me as if trying to tell me something her jade eyes bore holes into my face. I give a quick nod and pass them. Ugh, what the hell was that all about?

Once past them, I rush towards the art room as a bunch of students come flooding out, but no Avery. Where is she? Once the way is clear I walk into the room and spot only two people left Miguel and Avery.

His hands are on her head as his fingers glide through her braids. Poor Avery stands there unmoving her ears tipped red her head down and eyes closed as she shudders.

Before I know it my arms are around her and Miguel is on the floor. I tighten my hold around Avery as I bring her to my chest.

" Qu'est-ce que c'est?!" Jealousy begins to take over as I feel my blood boil.

Miguel sits there on the floor a little shocked but eventually, he shakes it off and goes back to his usual smug self.

" What did it look like I was doing, I was just fixing her hair for her." My eyes narrow as daggers are sent in his direction. I look down at her and tip her chin up to look at me.

" Why are you shaking Avery". I cup my hand on her face and lean in closer.

" I-I could you please move back, your too close" her tone is quiet as she squeaks out each word. I frown realizing that I'm making her uncomfortable so I take a step back.

There I stand alongside Miguel as we both stare at the shaken girl. Her head tipped towards the ground as she plays with her ring.

" You guys I am fine. You are always asking why I'm shaking or if I'm okay but I'm fine ... I-I just get nervous." Miguel and I raise our eyebrows in bemusement. 

Avery takes a breath in.

" The fact is I-I'm not good with people I just get easily overwhelmed. So It's not that I'm really scared or anything I'm just sensitive. "

A giggle finds its way out of my mouth. I quickly try to cover it up with my hand and stifle my laughter.

" I'm sorry I'm sorry this is just too funny," I say trying not to laugh. Avery looks up at me uneasily.

Laughter erupts from my chest as Miguel and Avery stand there watching me. I wave my hand in front of my face and place my hands on my knees. I look up at her.

"Avery you are too cute."

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