Chapter 4

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Avery POV

Once the last bell rings I pack up my stuff and leave tech class. As I exit the school I spot Pavol and Miguel hanging at the bus shelter with a group of guys.

Keeping my head down I walk past the bus shelter towards the crosswalk. As the light glows red I can't help but eavesdrop on the boy's conversation.

My French isn't amazing but I can understand most of what they're talking about, something along the lines of pool party...

" Hey!" Pavol pops out of nowhere into my line of sight causing me to jump back. He laughs and combs his hands through his curls, his hair shines under the sunlight and cascades down his face just under his chin. His hazel eyes shine bright as he stares down at me.

" You walking home?" The light turns green and I begin to walk across the street as Pavol trails beside me.

" Yeah," I say meagerly. 

"Do you mind if I join?" My heart thumps in my chest. I slow my pace down and turn to look at him.

" Y-you live close to?"  He grins and shakes his head.

" I actually live the opposite way, but I'd like to walk you home."

" What about Miguel?" I blurt out. He squints at me and scoffs. 

" What about him ... do you fancy him?" He leans in closer to me our faces merely inches away. I can feel the blood rushing to my face. I immediately shake my head no in defence. He steps back away and swings his backpack over his right shoulder.

" Miguel's taking the bus. Besides he's got plenty of friends to hang with he doesn't need me." He says coldly before turning back to me and smiling. Weird. 

The sun shines down from the blue clear sky as we walk silently down the sidewalk passing shops, buildings and restaurants. As I look at the town I can't help but admire the cobblestone streets and tiny sidewalks.

The place is way more Luxurious than where I used to live.

" Pardon me Avery but may I ask about that ring?" Pavol grabs my hand and graces his finger over my index finger toward the ring. His touch sends a shiver down my spine and my body begins to heat up.

He brings my hand up and examines the ring. Pulling off his glasses his squints to look at it.

" it doesn't look expensive or anything just plain silver with your name engraved."

He stops and pulls the ring off my finger. Before I can protest he slides the ring onto his pinky.

" You don't mind if I wear this for the rest of the way do you?" I hesitate for a second debating on whether I should let him wear my most cherished possession.

" ugh sure j-just please be careful my sister gave it to me."

He makes an o shape with his lips and lifts his eyebrows then smirks. We continue to walk down the street towards the suburbs.

As we approach my house Pavol looks around in the neighbourhood. His face carries an expression of shock and curiosity. We finally stop at the last house at the end of the street, and Pavol whistles.

" My goodness, you live here!" I stare at my house then at him.

" Yes, w-why is there something wrong?" Why do I suddenly feel insecure about my house?. He sees my worried expression then begins to laugh. He leans down towards my ear and places his hand in my hair. I can feel his warm fingers trail through my scalp then my braids. Goosebumps prickle upon my skin from his touch. I can feel myself involuntarily shaking. What's wrong with me?! 

" Avery you never told me how rich you were." He whispers in my ear and pecks me quickly on the cheek before pulling away. 

" I'm not a gold digger but if you ever want company just invite me over I'd love to take a tour of your house." He says winking before walking backwards. Before I can say anything he waves goodbye turns the corner and he's gone. Once he's out of sight I rush into my house and run up to my room. Shaking I throw my bag on the ground and fall onto my bed. 

Oh my god, oh my god, h-he just kissed me! 

I throw my arm over my face blushing in embarrassment. My cheek still feels hot from where he kissed me.

I've never been kissed before...

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