Chapter 11

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Avery POV

Dear Avery, I assume that you're reading this and wondering where I am. If Miguel gave this letter to you on time like promised then you won't have to worry about my absence for the rest of the week. I've been suspended. Let me explain.

After the food fight which now I know who started it. It was some stupid freshman who dumped some apple sauce on their friend and from there it escalated. Anyways after calming you down and after woodshop class I headed to my last period class.

However, once I got to class I got into a little of a scuffle halfway through the period.

(This is how it played out)

I took a seat at my usual desk only to find stupid Xavier talking about me and you to his friends. I confronted him and without hesitation said, " You better shut the fuck up Xavier." 

And he said, "  oh please cut the bullshit Pavol everybody knows you two weir hooking up in the boy's bathroom."

At this point I'm pissed and I grab him by the collar.

" You don't know shit Xavier so stop talking trash about her!" He smiles and looks around the room.

" Hey, boy's if your looking for a good time just check out Pavol's girl I'm sure she gives good he-"  

Before he could finish my fist collided with his nose. I could feel the bone-cracking before he hit the floor.

The whole class began surrounding us. Xavier wipes the blood away from his disfigured nose and immediately stands up and in one swift swoop, he clocks me across the face. I drop towards the ground as my glasses crack against the tiled floor.

" FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT" Before I knew it the whole class was chanting and we were at each other's throats. Scratching, Punching fighting tooth and nail. I don't know how long it went on for but all I know is that the madness only fueled my rage. 

By the time the teacher got back with back up to break up our gruesome altercation, I was already bruised and bloodied. Blood trickled down from the cut next to my eyes along with blood from my nose. My glasses lay on the floor bent and had spider web thin cracks running throughout the lens. Half of my face was already turning purple and had a grotesque sheen forming around it.

We were both hauled to the principles office and I guess you know what happens next. 

 We got a five-day suspension for being not only a nuisance but also starting a "physical altercation with a fellow pupil". 

I can't believe this shit. I mean I defended you and I get suspended I was only giving that little shit what he deserved!

Anyways I'll see you next week my love and until then I'll leave you with this.

My Cherie Amour, lovely as a summer's day
My Cherie Amour, distant as the Milky Way
My Cherie Amour, pretty little one that I adore
You're the only girl my heart beats for - Stevie Wonder



I fold the letter and hold it to my chest. He got suspended for me. I feel bad but oddly happy maybe because he cares so much about me. I've never really experienced love before. I can't say for sure if the butterflies I get around Pavol is love, maybe he just makes me nervous in a good way...

Whatever it is I'm flattered that he shows so much affection towards me.  I just wish I could do the same. 

I wish I wasn't so wimpy and timid I wish that I could show him that I like him just as much but I'm Scared. UGH ! what is wrong with me. I smack myself lightly on the forehead.

"Avery, what are you doing?" Miguel looks at me dubiously. I immediately clasp my hands together.

"Oh, there was something on my face." I turn back to my artwork and continue to sketch.

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