Chapter 8

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Avery POV

After Pavol's laughing fit we headed to the cafeteria for lunch. Pavol told me to sit at one of the tables while he gets me lunch. I  told him I wanted to buy my own lunch but he insisted that he'd get it for me. He's so sweet

About 3 minutes pass by when Pavol and  Miguel come walking over to the table. Pavol sets down the orange tray in front of me and takes a seat to my right while Miguel is to my left. I adjust my seating position trying to make as little contact with the two but it's no use. Pavol's leg is touching mine and Miguel's elbow is poking me in the side.

What do these two not understand about personal space! 

Flustered I grab my burger and take a small bite out of it. I chew silently as my eyes scan the room. Wow, there's a lot of white people here. Hell, I haven't seen one black kid. 

"So Avery Pavol and I wanted to invite you to a pool party this weekend. Es tu intéressé?"  Miguel's light brown eyes stare into mine. Pavol turns my head away from Miguel and guides my gaze into his. He's dangerously close and his hand lingers just under my ear. I shiver as he begins to rub the back of my ear.

" Won't you come too, S'il te plaît." Pavol pouts and a curly strand of brunette hair falls in front of his face. My heartbeat increased and my face begins to heat up. 

Without knowing it, I involuntarily nod my head. Pavol gives me a large smile, his white teeth gleam. He removes his hand from my face and turns back to his food. I exhale in relief and bring my hand to my heart trying to calm it.


" Aujourd' hui we will be creating little trinkets. It can be anything you like." Mr.Dubois ushers the class towards the toolbox and I take what I need then choose a piece of basswood to carve. After getting my supplies I head back to my desk and begin to work. 

About 5 minutes in Pavol comes to the desk with an armful of stuff and drops it on the table. I look up from my project to look at him. 

"Just so you know I'm going to make you something" Flustered I wave my hands in front of my face shaking my head no.

"Oh Pavol no don't waste your time making something for me I don't ne-"

"Qu'est-ce que tu racontes? Don't be ridiculous. It'll be a delightful gift for a beautiful girl."

In defeat, I nod my head and continue to work on my trinket. As the end of class approaches, I observe the monstrosity of a bear that I tried to make. Damn, this looks like shit.

I tuck the awful trinket into my bag and begin to clean up.

"Voilà!" Pavol blows off the leftover wood dust to reveal a beautifully carved heart.


"Oui," I say timidly. Pavol sets the heart in my hand and wraps my fingers around it. He winks at me before hopping off his stool to put his supplies away.

It's no fair how sweet he is.

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