Chapter 15

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Avery POV 

I walk stiffly down the hallway as Pavol silently trails behind me. After 30 seconds of shuffling down the hall, we finally arrive at two large white double doors. I inhale deeply bracing myself for his reaction. Pushing in the doors they open to reveal a very messy room. Clothes scattered across the floor and stuffed animals sit on my queen-sized bed. 

I cover my face in embarrassment and avoid Pavol's gawking stare. He walks around the room and runs his fingers over everything. My desk, closet, bed, bookshelf. It's as if he's more interested in my house than me.

After what feels like eons of silence Pavol finally speaks. 

"Cute room." He plops down onto my bed and lays his head against one of my stuffed animals. 

"Your like a baby Avery, your cute, sweet, and totally adorable." My face heats up in embarrassment. He beckons me to come to sit beside him. I do as I'm told and I slide onto the bed until I'm lying down next to him.

He takes in a deep breath and exhales through his nostrils.

"This feels good, just me and you." Nothing but white noise engulfs the room. I lay there next to him as my heart races. I breathe in some air but before I can exhale soft lips are planted against mine.

"P-pavol" I stamper once he pulls away.

"Shh, just let me kiss you." His lips once again connect with mine. They move slowly as he adds pressure to the kiss. My heart rate instantly picks up and I find my self in sort of a dazed state. 

As we continue to kiss Pavol brings his hand to my waist and pulls me against him. Pulling away from the kiss, we lay there on our sides dangerously close. I can see the pure lust festering in his chocolate eyes. Not bothering to warn me he licks my nose.

" Ugh, why'd you do that?" I rub my nose with the back of my hand while he giggles to himself.

"Avery, do you know how to french kiss?" A light pink blush races across his cheeks while he gazes into my eyes. My brain immediately stops working after his question and all I can get out is a jumble of words.

"F-french k-kiss, uh I don't know what that is. I mean I know what it is but like I-I." Stopping myself I inhale deeply and turn away from him. I Ball myself up into a fetal position and breathe in once again.  Jesus Christ what is wrong with me. I can't even answer a simple question!

His hands find my hair and soon his fingers are twirling through my braids.

"It's okay if you don't know I'll just teach you." He pushes me onto my back so I'm facing the ceiling. 

 He positions both of his hands on either side of my body to avoid crushing me then he lowers his head slowly towards mine. With our lips just a mere centimetres apart he stops.

"Open your mouth just a tad." He whispers.

"Now close your eyes." Once my eyes are closed I feel his tongue slide it's way past my lips and into my mouth. Jolts of electricity run through my nerves as my body shivers in excitement. 

Pushing his tongue further I gasp. The feeling of his tongue is heavenly. He begins to suck on mine and on accident, I moan causing us both to be surprised. When he pulls back for air he smiles.

"Ooh, la la Avery looks like your really into this." Before I can reply he's back at it. His body slowly begins to push into mine as I feel his chest against mine. I gasp when his groin grazes mine. The bulge in his pants rubs between my thighs causing me to gasp.

"Ah oh my god, Pavol." He continues to grind our hips together causing me to moan out. 

" ça fait du bien?" He asks in a hushed whisper. I nod my head.

"Oui." Gasping for air, I close my eyes as he begins to quicken his pace.

"Merde!" He continues to dry hump me until I scream out in pleasure. Seconds later a warm liquid stains the crotch of his pants. Falling on top of me we both breath heavily trying to catch our breaths. Pavol slowly moves off of me and rolls onto his back. He looks at the ceiling as if star gazing then looks down at his pants.

" Merde." This time it's his turn to be embarrassed and he covers his face in his hands. 

"Do you by any chance have a change of pants?" Blinking a few times I come back to reality and forcibly squeak out a short answer.


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