Chapter 26

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Pavol POV

It's 11:00 a.m and instead of hitting the slopes I'm here in bed eating brown sugar porridge and watching Netflix on my laptop. The nurse told me to eat simple foods in order to keep my stomach from getting irritated but I still hunger for chocolate croissants, ham and mouth-watering puff pastries. Ugh, I hate this. While everyone is on the slopes having a good time I'm stuck here in bed eating mediocre tasting porridge.

After about an hour of lazing around in bed, I eventually gather my bearings and pull the heavy covers off me. My body is doused in sweat and when I get up there's a sweaty imprint left on the bedsheets. Brut. Walking over to the window I draw the beige hotel curtains and press my face up against the glass. People are snowboarding and skiing down the hills, the sunshine's high against the blue sky. Irritated I pull the curtains back together and grunt.

I'm sick of being sick I just want to get on the slopes and ski with Avery. I think about her struggling without me, but then suddenly a vision of  Xavier pops up out of nowhere and he's guiding my dear Avery down the slopes, holding his hands on her waist he guides her carefully down the slopes while whispering jokes in her ears. 

"Non!" The thought alone makes me furious.

"Baise ça! Fuck food poising, fuck resting I'm hitting the slopes." Before I know I've freshened up and headed out of the hotel room wearing all my ski equipment. I head to the equipment room and grab my ski's, poles and helmet, I shove my feet into my ski boots and tightly secure then with the silver buckles. I head outside into the crisp winter air and slide my boots into the ski's, they lock in with a satisfying click. It's bright outside so I shade my eyes with my tinted ski goggles then slide my hands into my gloves.

Today's the perfect day for skiing. I glide across the snow slowly, my stomach's still thumping but I choose to ignore the pain and barrel on. I get to the ski lift and slide onto the next upcoming seat. It brings me up the mountain slowly. While the lift brings me higher up the mountain I look down peeling my eyes for anyone I may know.

Hmm now, what jacket was Miguel wearing? What colour is Avery's snow pants? is my Mamma using her neon pink ski helmet or the midnight baby blue one?

Once I get to the top I hop off the seat and slide down the hill. There's multiple arrows pointing at every direction.

Oeil de Faucon, Bluegrass, Vallée Verte.

I eventually decide on Bluegrass hill. Okay, Pavol this is basically a kitty hill so that means Avery should be on this one. I head down the hill slowly, constantly turning left and right keeping a nice and easy pace as I glide through the snow. I make it to the bottom and look around. Ugh where is everyone?!" 

Ring Ring Ring

My phone buzzes in my jacket pocket so I pull it out. "Yo."

"We're at the top of bluegrass can you see us waving." I squint past the sun and look up at the top of the hill. There I see Avery, Miguel and Xavier all waving down to me. I watch as they head down the hill and towards me. I watch as Avery struggles to keep up with the two. She falls over a few times before finally making it to the bottom. Once at the bottom they all ski over to me. 

"Je me sens mieux maintenant?" Miguel pats me on the shoulder. 

"Un peu fatigué mais bonbut. The meds the  nurse gave me are helping." I avert my attention to a very exhausting Avery. She panting and the tip of her nose is red from the cold. 

"What do you think of skiing so far Avery?" She pushes up her helmet up then adjusts her grip on the ski poles.

"I'm doing fine, thanks to Xavier I've covered the basics." She looks over to Xavier and gives him a quick smile. My blood begins to boil from jealousy.

"Well I think you need a little more practice, come with me I'll help you keep your balance."

"Oh okay." Before she can wave goodbye to  Miguel and Xavier I'm already dragging her off towards the practice hill.

1 Heure plus tard

"Good your finally getting the hang of it." I've been helping her for the past hour and I'm glad to say she's improving.

"Man Avery your a fast learner." She blushes lightly while pulling off her helmet. 

"Thank you... Hey, Pavol d-do you want to each lunch with me." The second lunch is mentioned my stomach immediately grumbles. 

"Oui!" We head inside towards one of the resorts cafe's and take a seat at a table next to the window. After ordering our food comes within 10 minutes. The waiter sets down mine and Avery's food. I ordered Salmon en papillote with a side of rice and vegetables and Avery ordered Croque monsieur. She picks up her fork and knife and delicately cuts into her food. I watch intently as she slides the food into her mouth and chews slowly. How can she be so beautiful even when eating?  I dig into my own food and take a bite. Délicieux.

"Hey, qu'est-ce qu'il y a" Xavier and Miguel walk up and hover over our table. I sigh with irritation. Miguel reaches into my food and takes a piece of my salmon. I hit his hand with my fork.

"Get your dirty hands out of my food." Miguel rolls his eyes and turns to Xavier.

"You want to eat here or go somewhere else?" Xavier quickly glances at Avery before answering.

"Yeah, let's stay here." What the actual fuck. There's no fucking way I'm letting that little shit eat with us. I saw the way he looked at my love.  Frustrated I focus my anger onto my half eating salmon and carve my knife into the morsel. Miguel and Xavier slide their chairs into our tables and take a seat. I watch Xavier very closely. I watch him as his arm brushes against hers, I watch how he steals glances at her, I watch as he smiles when she talks. I'm going to kill him.

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