Chapter 22

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Pavol POV

My grandmama doesn't remember me. Inhaling deeply I walk off the bus while staring blankly at the school. Everything feels so melancholy. Into the school I go while keeping my head down. I make a beeline towards the washroom and lock my self in the stall.

Yesterday my family visited her in the hospital and the doctor told us that her Alzheimers's are worsening. When I went up to her she didn't recognize me.

" Qui est-ce?"

"Your grandson." Grandmama just stared at me with doe eyes then turned from mama to me.

"Je suis désolé. I don't remember, what's your name dear." My heart sunk and I nearly choked back my tears as she looked at me with her blue eyes. Pourquoi Moi?  I could feel my throat restricting.

"Pavol." I force out my name then quickly cover my mouth. Seconds later hot tears began rushing down my face and before I knew it I was sobbing in the hallway. Why am I the only one she doesn't remember? Sliding down the wall I ball myself up and cry into my knees.

I walk out of the washroom and down the hall. The bell had rung about 10 minutes ago meaning I was late and my parents would be receiving a call from the school. Merde. The only thing that I can think of to get my mind off my ill grandmama is naturally Avery. I haven't seen her since Friday and I'm in desperate need of her touch. I should give her the letter once I see her during lunch. Walking to my first period I take a seat as the teacher gives me that classic look whenever anyone is tardy. After class Mr.Mickinnis calls me to stay back.

"Pourquoi étais-tu en retard?" I blankly stare at the black chalkboard behind him and sigh.

"I uh I had an upset stomach so I was in the washroom." Mr.Mickinnis raises his eyebrows bemused and tells me to head to my next class.


At last, I'll be able to see my lovely Avery. It's been three days too long and I need her. I rush into the cafeteria and scan around the cafetorium. The last time I was searching for Avery in here I got a face full of food flung at me. A small smile creeps across my face when I spot Avery sitting at a window table in the corner. She's looking outside with innocent eyes. Belle. I make my way across the busy cafetorium and over to my love. Sneaking up behind the daydreaming girl I place both my hands on her shoulders and bite her ear. 

"Ahh!" A high pitched scream erupts from her causing everyone within the vicinity to turn to us. Laughing while keeping my right arm slung around her slender shoulders  I slide onto the bench next to her.

"Aww did I scare you? Sorry" I peck her on the lips and she blushes ever so slightly. The tips of her ears so ever so red, I can feel me getting turned on from her reaction.

"Avery I never told you this but you turn me on when you do that." Her eyes open widely while her mouth hangs open ajar.

"Pavol don't say that... please, it's embarrassing." My nether regions begin to stir. I pull her in closer bringing my lips to her ear.

" Vous ne l'aimez pas?" I kiss her neck. and whisper back in her ear.

" N'est-ce pas? I know you like it." I kiss her cheek then the side of her mouth.

"Pardon." I turn my head only to see Mr.Mckinnis standing behind us with his arms crossed tightly against his chest and his mouth drawn in a frim straight line.

"No PDA detention."

"But Mr.Mickinn-" 

"Detention Pavol and you" he looks at Avery. 

"I'm giving you a simple warning Missy understood?" Avery nods her head roughly. He walks away in his ugly mud brown pants suit. I remove my arms from around her and see that she's clearly shaken.

"Avery don't worry it won't go on your school record, since your still new." 

"I know I'm just a tad worried about you, I mean your parents are going to be furious that you got detention because of me." Her voice begins to waver.

"No, no Avery calm down, they most definitely won't be angry at you it'll be all me." I feel like my reassuring words have somewhat calmed down the anxiety-ridden girl. Avery mumbles a quick okay and five minutes later we're off to shop class.


There are only 12 students in the room who're also serving detention and out of those 12 I know only two Xavier and that red-head kid I went to middle school with. I believe his name is Richard. Xavier catches me staring at him and gives me an arrogant smirk followed by a kissy face. In return, I flip him off and avert my eyes to the supervising teacher. Madam Eerie sits there with her impeccably perfect posture. Her tight wrinkly face stays poise as her disparaging eyes scan the room. She looks at us as if we're are degenerates.

"I don't want to hear anyone speak for the next hour if I hear I single peep I will extend your punishment by 15 minutes. Compris?"

"Oui." We all say in unison.

1 Hour later

When I get home the house is silent. That's odd usually my parents are home by now. I shuffle across the wooden floors and onto the white tiles in the kitchen. I find Miguel standing there with a plate of uncooked salmon and a skillet heating up on the stove.

"Mamma and Pappa left food because they're going out for dinner tonight." 


I lean against the kitchen counter as I silently watch Miguel lay the piece of salmon on the skillet, it sizzles as smoke floats up from the pan. 

"Want to know why I was late today." Miguel pulls a metal spatula out from the drawer and slides it under the fish then cranks the heat down on the stove.

"Pavol I already know, you had detention. The school left a voice mail on the house phone... I uh deleted it, your welcome." What Miguel saving me from a scolding from my parents weird...

I mumble out a quick thanks and leave the kitchen. I rush up the stairs and into the bathroom. I peel off my clothes and toss them in the hamper then hop into the shower. Once the hot water hits my body I sigh in bliss. 

Once finishing my nightly routine I head back downstairs to find two plates of cooked salmon and white rice sitting on the dining room table. Sliding onto the chair I grab the fork and knife and dig in. A few minutes later Miguel walks in with my phone and laptop and headphones.

"Here." He places them on the table in front of me. Setting down my fork I quickly grab my devices. I bring them close to my chest as I smile. 

"Oh, how I've missed you, my babies." I watch Miguel as he takes a seat beside me and begins to eat.

"I just got off the phone with Papa and he thinks it's time you get your stuff back since you've been behaving well lately." I raise my eyebrows Chary of my Papa's sudden change of mind. Miguel picks up on my suspicion and sighs.

"Well I had to do a little convincing but eventually he came around." I smile.

"Miguel I've never told you this but you're my favourite sibling." Miguel rolls his eyes and begins to cut into his salmon.

"Pavol I'm your only sibling."

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