Chapter 14

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Pavol POV

I feel a little bad for leaving Avery sitting there. Crying. All. Alone. I feel terrible.

I slow down my rushed pace and walk back outside. Hanging my head in shame I drag my feet towards the weeping girl under the weeping willow tree.

Tears stain her cheeks and my heart aches having to watch her. I kneel down on the grass and pull her into a hug.

"I'm sorry I was just a little frustrated."

She stays quite. All I can hear are her sniffles. Her wet face dampens my blouse leaving stains on my white collar. I rub my finger against her cheek then bring them up to her ear to rub circles behind it. The only reaction I get is her trembling beneath my touch. She's so sensitive... I love it.

Eventually, when she calms down I ease her up and we both walk back into the school. Looking down at my watch and realizing that there are only 10 minutes left of lunch I groan in annoyance. Sighing I look around the hallways then back to Avery.

" Hey Avery, do you want to skip?" Her eyes widen and she bites her lip.

" No Pavol we can't you'll be in even more trouble than before and I do-"

I bring my finger to her lips and grin.

" ça va mon Cherie. I'm already in deep shit I might as well add fuel to the fire."  I say smugly.

" Well, I've never skipped before." Avery stares at me wary-eyed while twiddling with her ring.

"There's a first time for everything," I say.

Grinning I grab her hand and pull her towards the entrance of the school.

" Come on It'll be fun."  I push open the double doors and step through. Holding Avery's hand I scope out the area to make sure there are no teachers around. Once the coast is clear I quickly rush us across the street and down the sidewalk. Avery struggles to keep up with my rapid pace.

" Hmm Pavol I-I don't know, I'm really worried that I'll get in trouble." Her eyes dart from left to right while her breathing quickens.

" Are your parents home?" Avery bites her lips and scrunches her eyebrows together.

" No, but why do yo-"

" Good, we're going to your place."

15 minutes later

We arrive at her house and I dig into my pocket. Pulling out her key from this morning I slide it into the door lock and turn.

"Huh, you've had my keys this whole time?!" Her tone is that of shock and slight anger. 

"Yes lovely, don't you remember I took it from you this morning." I wink and walk in.

 The second I open the door an ear-splitting alarm goes off. Avery gasps and quickly rushes into the house. She drops her bag and opens a small device mounted onto the wall. There's a keypad of numbers and she punches in 1922. The alarm abruptly stops and Avery lets out a sigh of relief.

"Sorry, it's our new security system that my parents installed. Safety first." She laughs awkwardly. I kick off my shoes and begin to walk further into the mansion. The oak wood floors shine beneath me and the crystal chandelier hanging up above glimmers from the light shining through the large glass windows. I turn my head towards the large paintings that adorn the high walls. Paintings of golf courses and waterfalls?... I stroll forwards towards the main staircase and plant my foot on the step. 

I turn my head around to see Avery shifting from side to side awkwardly.

"Can I go upstairs?" Avery shakes her head furiously. I roll my eyes and walk towards her. I plant my feet in front of her and bend down so we're face to face.

"Avery, what's the issue?" My face is inches away from her and I can feel the heat radiating off her body. She gulps and blinks a few times trying to find words.

"My rooms a mess!" She blurts out.

"So who cares, every teenager's room is a mess." I laugh and begin to walk up the grand staircase. 1,2,3,4,5...20. Twenty steps in total.Damn. Gliding my hand across the banister rail I follow it to a large seating area. White leather cushions face a large flat screen tv and large bookshelves stand nearly empty with nothing but a few novels taking up space on the left side of the top shelf. 

I walk onto the furry white rug and plant my feet in it. What is this? It's like I'm walking on a cloud.

Avery stays silent while I examine the room.

"Now I'd like to see your room, Avery."

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