oddly can't seem to get enough of you

535 59 33

Taking in a deep breathe while he was in the bath, type brought his hands to his stomach to then move about to then eye to count, a lone tear went down when he heard one heart beat stop completely to then restart later then expected.
Hearing foot steps, type then moved up to place his hand to his eye to then get rid of the evidence of him crying to then gulp.
Tharn stopped to the doorway to eye a bit confused with his his heart was reacting, he then went fully in to go to his knees behind the bathtub to then go to the little table to grab something to then place to types shoulders to rub in.
"Type? Are you feeling okay?"
Type took in a deep breathe to tense, to then turn his head to eye.
"Do....... Do......"
Types whole body shuttered..
He then moved his hands up to remove tharns to then turn about to go to his knees to then wrap his arms about..
"Take me my vampire."
Type then placed his hands to his neck to then pull tharn to his lips knowing if they talked about it, it may cause him more stress and type was wanting non of that.
Tharn then placed his hands to his to then move them away to then go back to stand up to then take off his clothes while keeping his eyes to type, for him to then go back to continue to eye to smile has he looked over tharns magnificent body structure.
Tharn couldn't help but to smile and wide to types heart beating so quick, knowing it was for him, only for him..
Tharn then got in, to then spread his legs to place to either side of the tub edge to then place his hands to types neck to pull his head up for a very deep kiss.
Type moved his tongue about wishing to talk his worries and concerns away with tharn but he knew not this time especially when he knew tharn didn't want the twins.
Types brow furrowed to then place his hands to tharns back to then dig his nails in, tharn then swirled his tongue even quick to then take it out of types mouth to feel the edge to this to then go down to kiss at his chin, then his chest, to pause for a moment looking directly at type, seeing he looked a bit bad, to then flex his jaw to then place his mouth to his extending stomach that was over the water to then go back up with a widen brow.
Types heart started to beat even faster by that action.
Tharn then smiled even wider to go under the water to go straight to his member.
Type lifted his head back to then grip either edge behind his head to moan and loud.
"Ah fuck tharn!"
Type couldn't help but to thrust into that very cold, slippery, thin, amazing mouth to not be able to last very long, especially with what he just did.
Type then placed his hands under the water to pull tharn up to move his legs down, to wipe the water from his face to move his head very close to breathe heavily, to then take a hand to the water to place to his own hair to sleek. His hair back to they upon tharn to take a hand back to connect them.
"Ah god tharn! Take your fucking half breed!"
Tharn smiled and wide to then place his hands to his chest to move type back a bit with a serious expression while they went up and down slow.
"Can't go to fast, you know it."
Type gave a pout to then nod to place his forehead to his.
"When I'm done being pregnant then you....."
Tharn gritted his teeth to then placed his hands to types shoulders to start to thrust just a bit harder.
"Let's not talk, I want to consume you."
Tharn then placed his mouth to types neck to place his canines in.
Types whole body trembled in ecstacy.
After there round to the bath tub, not once, twice or third they were now to the bed, to be sitting to the middle, types head lifted back to be going up and down tharns length, tharn kept his hands to his waist to eye type,  he usually would be very tired by now.
Type then tensed to then cum to then place his hands to tharns chest to push him down to continue to ride to moan with his eyes closed, tharn looked up at him a bit confused.
"God my half breed, how are you still going!? Nnn!"
Type then bit into his bottom lip to hang his head, tharns eyes then narrowed.
"Please tell me your still here and....."
Type nodded.
"The other part of me....mmm.... Me..... Doesn't want to be pregnant.... Haha..... Just..... Can't seem to get enough of my......mm.... Vampire...... Blood mate......nnn.... Husband..."
Tharns eyes widened to then move types hands away to go up to place his hands to his neck to then place his tongue immediately in to not be able to control himself, he couldn't stop but to fuck type raw and hard.
After, type was to his side to have his hand to his stomach to rub to then move his tag back and forth..
"Stop staring at me tharn."
Tharn was to the headboard with his head to the side eyeing type, he couldn't help it after going his full speed which he had not done in a few years.
"I think we should go to the doctor just in case."
Type then shuffled to his back to continue to rub his stomach to then look down to eye.
"Tharn.....I am perfect..... Please don't ruin this moment, mmm....."
Tharn then looked forward.
"What were you going to say in the tub?"
Type groaned to placed his hands to his eyes.
Tharn looked back to him.
"You're trying to ruin today aren't you?"
"I want you to place everything you are too worry about on me."
Types lips parted to then take his hands away to then look to tharn.
Types eyes went down a bit, tears started to flow down, tharns eyes widened..
"I don't think..... Both our boys are going to....."
Tharn shook his head to grab ahold of type to place a hand to his head to stroke.
"Shhh type.....shhhh...... Everything is going to work out to how it shall be......"
Type closed his eyes to then wince, tharn then let him go to eye.
Type moved away from tharn to then breathe a bit hard.
"One....nn.... Second..... Think....."
They then both looked down to see a clear fluid leave type, they then both looked to the other to think the same.

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