I might know where he is

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Darting his eyes between type and zhan, tharn then wrapped his hand to types wrist to then move about to go to the door.
"We can figure where krit has gone after type takes a warm shower, I am not going to have my half breed get sick."
Type turned his head to eye zhan, there eye brows widen, zhan nodded to then hand his head to nod.
Type took in a deep breathe has he was pulled in, zhan stayed behind in the door way to look in, type turned his head has he was pulled.
"Zhan you can come in, I'll just take a quick shower while tharn gets you something warm."
Zhan nodded to then go in to find a chair to the living room to sit.
Tharn proceeded to take type to the bathroom, to then let him go to go to the door, to then close to then go back to type who turned to eye.
Tharn went to him to then take off his clothes without an expression.
Type raised an eye brow.
"Tharn....I can do this you know, also I don't get sick."
Tharn stopped undressing to then look up, he eyed type to then take a step towards him to then place a hand to his cheek to caress.
"Then.... Get yourself in that shower and warm up, I'll.... Take care of zhan."
Tharn then turned to go to the door.
"Not by making him leave."
Tharn gritted his teeth has his hands was to the door nob.
He then opened the door to then go.
Type lightly chuckled to then take his clothes off has tharn left, to then turn to go to the shower to enter has the water got hot.
Outside the bathroom, tharn went to stand before zhan to wrap his arms about, zhan gulped to then look up.
Tharns eyes narrowed.
"What is the story here zhan?"
Zhan made a face, to then look down to play with his combined hands.
"I..... Had to go on a small book tour.... And Krit did not agree to it, so.....I um.... Had to over use him and...."
Zhan quickly looked up after tharn scoffed.
Tharn then shook his head.
"You half breeds needs to stop over using us, it is not a way to get what you want, it only pisses us off, now have you've gone home to look for him?"
Zhan nodded to then look down in embarrassment.
"That I did, a.....suit case was missing....."
Tharn raised an eye brow.
"Any notes?"
Zhan shook his head.
"He did tell me if i.... Again.....I would receive a very big pun......"
Both there heads turned has type came about, fully clothed, with a towel to his hair, to go to then to eye tharn.
"The shower is free, you need to go and take one, don't want you to get sick."
Tharn rolled his eyes.
"You know that won't ever happen."
Type raised an eye brow.
Tharns eyes narrowed to look from type to zhan to then turn to go and quickly do that, type placed the towel to his shoulder to then watch him go to eye zhan.
"So.....I heard a bit of that, have you've tried to call him on his...."
Zhan nodded to grab his cell to then toss it to type, he opened it to widen his eyes, there were 120 phone calls to Krit.
"Okay..... So he is a very mad vampire, um.... Do you have any idea where he might have gone?"
"No...... Him and I are very much home bodies when we're not working, I called Kris, him and his wife don't know, krit doesn't really talk to his family, wouldn't go to mine, that's why I thought he may be here......I just don't know where else to look....."
Zhan hung his head to then look sorrowful to the ground. Type looked him over to then step to him to move his phone before him.
Zhan took in a deep breathe to then grab it to eye.
"I really don't know where he went type..... This is not like him at all..... Maybe it's over between us and...." Zhan chocked up.
Type moved quick to zhan to sit to the other side to then wrap an arm about to eye intently.
"Zhan.....if it was truly over you wouldn't have that ring to your finger, your vampire is just throwing a tantrum, they really don't like us to over use them, however sometimes that's the only way we can get what we want and what needs to happen. It'll be okay, I know Krit loves you."
Zhan nodded to wrap his arms about to give type a deep hug.
"I really hope so, I cant live without him type, I love him so very much. He is my world."
Type nodded to then wrap his arms about.
"I know the feeling."
Coming out, tharn eyed the two to then widen his brow at what he just heard.
"What the hell is this!"
Zhan moved quickly away to then get up has tharn went towards them, type got up to then place a hand to tharns chest, there eyes darted.
"Comforting zhan, stop it. Mm, if you were Krit where would you go?"
Tharn looked to zhan to give a hiss to then eye type.
"Back to my half breed."
Type smiled.
"Unfortunately, no. Where else?"
Tharns eyes darted..
"Mm, if I was to not come back..... Um zhan, does Krit feed upon you?"
Tharn and type looked to zhan, he nodded to shrug.
"Mm, sometimes."
"Well..... He may have settled to a vampire club, it's a place where we can stay for awhile, to live and fed."
Zhans eyes widen has did types.
"I've..... Never heard of such a place."
Type nodded.
"Neither have I."
"They are relevantly new, poping up in certain areas. Mm, interestingly enough, they were krits idea, how do you not  really know of them zhan?"
Zhans lips parted, to eye tharn questionably.
"Excuse me?"

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