getting closer

435 47 21

Darting his eyes, type smiled and wide, well tharn rolled his to then look to the side. The doctor who sat rubbed the equipment to types over growing belly to eye the two twins that laid inside.
"How old are they now doctor?"
"Mm, from there length about 7 months."
Types eyes widened, tharn then turned his head back to eye the doctor.
"So how long does he have?"
Type rolled his eyes to then turn his head to eye tharn..
"Your almost speaking like this is a death sentence."
Tharn looked to type to raise an eye brow.
Type parted his lips to then sign and heavily to then look back to the ultrasound to eye the twins.
"Well Mr. Tian, from the last, you still have 1 year to go."
Type nodded.
The doctor then furrowed his brow to move the equipment about.
Type eyed the doctor a bit confused with his motions.
"What are you trying to look for?"
"Mm, I...... It's nothing, they seem to be both developing well."
Type raised an eye brow.
"Seems to be?"
The doctor took in a deep breathe.
"Would you like pictures?"
Types eyes narrowed to then turn his head quick to look to tharn.
Tharn eyed him to nod.
"Mm yes."
Type settled into the chair to turn his head to eye.
After, the doctor left type to get dressed, tharn immediately followed.
"Doctor we need to talk."
The doctor turned to eye.
"Are you wanting extra copies?"
Tharn wrapped his arms about himself to then eye the doctor narrowly.
The doctor signed to then look about to then eye tharn once more.
"Come with me."
Tharn made a face to then follow the doctor to his office.
He then sat to motion with his hand for tharn to, he stood before the desk to shake his head.
"Something is to be wrong, what is it?"
The doctor signed to look down.
"One......I couldn't pick up a strong heart beat, I think Mr. Tian will only have the one."
Tharns eyes widened to then look to the floor.
"This is something you need to tell him doctor."
"It will only cause more stress and If so, he could lose that baby early, I know you want both of them to...."
The doctor then looked up has tharn had stepped forward to then hit his hand to his desk.
He eyed that to then look to tharn.
"Are you no longer wanting them to...."
Tharn narrowed his eyes.
"I don't care for them, never have never will, but my half breed does, it will kill him if he can't bring both, is there anything that could save the one you say has a weak heart?"
The doctor leaned back to shrug.
"No more stress would be one thing and maybe more of your vampiric blood in which you could feed him, other then that there really isn't a thing to do. One could be growing stronger then the other, we won't know the actual outcome until he delivers which will be either 6 months to a year."
Tharn looked down to make a face to then retract his hand to then turn to go about.
The doctor then stood.
"Remember Mr. Xian, if you decide to tell him what I just told you, that will just add stress to him, is that what you want? You could then be risking his life has well."
Tharn gritted his teeth to then leave.
Going slowly down the hall to where type was, tharn kept his head hung to not know really what to do.
Forth, he then went to the room to slowly look up to widened his eyes.
Type breathed heavily to then turn his head to look at tharn to then narrow his eyes to then raise his hand.
"I......ugh can't get up!"
Tharn slightly chuckled to then go to type to help him up, type stumbled a bit to then look down to then placed a hand to his stomach to eye.
"What did the doctor say?"
Tharn kept looking at type to hear the doctor in his head, your risking his life.
With the pause, type then looked to tharn.
Tharn let go of his hand to wrap his arm about, to then grab the picture to then give it to type to then walk off, type kept his eyes to tharn.
"Mm, you need more of my blood and to not stress."
Types eyes narrowed..
Tharn then went to his ear.
"We should have sex often before they arrive, should we when we get home?"
Tharn then licked his ear sensually.
Type quivered a bit, in the last year they barely made love, kissed often, touched the other, but sex, with types over growing stomach started to become a challenge.
"Mm, let's hurry then."
Tharn placed his tongue back in his mouth to then walk them off happy type was distracted.
To an incredible round, type was to his back to breathe in deep has he slumbered.
Tharn sat criss cross to stare at his stomach to furrow his brow, he made a face.
For type......
Tharn then moved a bit closer to then turn his head to go slightly above his stomach to make a face.
Tharn then placed his ear to his stomach to dart his eyes, he could hear one very fast heart beat, then another that was fast but would stop then start again.
Tharn gritted his teeth to then immediately take his head away to place a hand to his ear to see either an elbow or foot press itself to then fade away, tharns eyes narrowed.
"Little assholes!" He whispered.
Type furrowed his brow to come to, to then turn his head to superior open his eyes.
Tharn took his hand down to then eye type.
"What are you doing?"
"Just watching you sleep."
Type raised an eye brow to then take in a deep breathe to then turn to his side, back to tharn.
"Mm.... Creepy..... Come lay with me."
Tharn then went down to go to his side to reach over to then place his hand to types to cuddle..
Type smiled and wide to then place his other hand to his stomach.
"I love you, tharn."
Tharn went to his ear to move his bottom lip about.
"I love you too my half breed."
"Mm so you know, you may have distracted me with sex but I still want to know what you and the doctor had said."
Tharn moved his head back to eye to make a face.
Well..... shit!

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