over used the half breed

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Looking down to the action, type gulped has he saw tharns hands wrapped tightly to his wrist has he was behind him, while tharn placed the key to the lock, type then looked up to eye tharns back.
"Tharn..... Please you need to understand and......"
Tharn Scoffed.
He then turned the key to then go in, pulling type about, to then kick the door shut, to then continue to pull type to the bedroom.
Type signed a bit.
"Tharn..... You need to understand that...."
Pulling type about and hard, tharn tossed type to the bed, to then hover hover to his knees, he wrapped his arms about to give type a blank stare.
Type moved up on his elbows to dart his eyes.
"Tharn..... Please stop being this way. Listen it's not has if I knew about your client and...."
Tharn rolled his eyes to then go to types shirt to then rip it open, to then move his hands bound before his head to hover over to then take a hand to his pants to rip it open.
Types body moved with the action, type took in a deep breathe.
"Tharn..... Talk to me!"
Tharn slowly looked up to narrow his eyes.
Shaking his head, he then let types hands go to then go lower. Type lifted his head back to look to the wall. He loved tharns punishments however when he went silent, type hated it purely, especially since they went to years without any communication.
Tharn shook his head has he was too types Stomach to kiss about to then go lower.
"Mm.... Tharn......I love....."
Tharns eyes widen, to then move quickly up to place a hand to types mouth to then look him over, they both eyed the other.
"No! You don't get to do that and make everything you did acceptable! You cost me loads half breed! You shall take your punishment!"
Types eyes darted to sign into that hand to nod.
Tharn raised an eye brow.
"Mm... Good boy."
Type rolled his eyes to then nip at tharns hand, he then removed it.
"Remember we are not that different in age, don't dem.....mmm...."
Type lifted his head back to moan a bit.
Tharn placed his hand to types member to give it a bit of a squeeze, he then flipped him over to take his shredded clothes off, to throw wherever.
Bending down, he then placed his mouth to types back to kiss and nip here and there, to then move lower.
Type gritted his teeth.
Tharn then bend types legs for him to be onto them, to then spread his cheeks apart, to then devour his cavity, he needed to make sure it was going to be sopping wet for what he had planned.
Type placed his hands close to his mouth to moan into it.
Tharn then went back, to bring up two fingers to move it all around, type couldn't help but to gasp a few moans.
"Ah tharn..... You really did..... Over use me..... Earlier...... And.....nnn!"
Tharn looked to type to insert those fingers to then shake his head.
Moving his other arm up, he then gripped his hair to his head to make him come up to go straight to his ear, types eyes darted.
"You do not know! The meaning to over use! Let me explain it to you."
Tharn then pushed him down to insert himself fully in, to have one hand to his waist to grip while the other one slapped his rear.
Type to all fours, hung his head to wince a bit here and there to also moan in pleasure.
He then tried to place his hand to his member to then get it to be slapped away.
"Don't type! You do not get to touch!"
Type then went to his chest to turn his head to eye.
His member moved up and down, to throb in pain.
Tharn shook his head.
"You don't deserve it!"
Types eyes widen.
"Damnit tharn! Not this again, where you fuck me like crazy but I get no relieve! That's not fair!"
Tharn stopped thrusting to raise an eye brow, he then placed his hands to his shirt to take it off, to throw wherever to eye type deeply.
"What you did, was not fair!"
Types eyes narrowed.
"Could say the same to you! You over used me earlier so I wouldn't go to work, I then over used you and you couldn't, believe we are even vampire!"
Tharn lightly chuckled.
"Oh no we are not! This will make us even."
Tharn then slapped types ass and hard, to then thrust in again with high velocity.
Type turned his head around to then moan and groan. There was both pleasure and pain to this.
A bit later, tharn took off his pants and boxers, to have the two last to there sides, tharn had types leg up in the air, his mouth was to types nipple to suck and lick about, to have his other hand to his bound wrists above his head, to be thrusting into him deeply and hard, to then cum again.
Type with his head lifted back, gulped with a semi dry mouth to sign has tharn then started to go about him again, type then looked down to eye his member that was throbbing in pain and discomfort, pre cum ozzed to make it sticky.
Type then looked to tharn who was still to his chest to suck and lick at his nipple.
"Tharn..... We have been at this.... For two hours.... Please..... Let me cum..... I'm getting so very tired and.... Hungry...."
Tharns thrusting slowed for him to peer his eyes up, looking type up and down, he then took his mouth off his nipple to really examine, type was becoming tired and a bit paler, he then looked to his cock that started to twitch.
Type eyed tharn.
"I'll let you go.......after I cum once more....."
Types brow furrowed softly.
"But..... What about me and....."
Tharn looked to type to start to really penetrate.
"Never said you were going to cum type, that's your ultimate punishment for what you did!"
Types eyes widen.
Tharn shook his head to then place his mouth back to types nipple to suckle.
Type lifted his head back to then move his groin with tharns movements.
"Tharn please..... Please.... Stop this.....fucking fine! I'm sorry, so very sorry, I won't try to over use you again, so please..... Let me cum! Please stop it!"
Tharn then peered his eyes up, to then take his mouth off.
"Tell me those three words then type." He looked to him narrowly to then take his tongue out to swirl it about his nipple.
"Ah.....ah....I....I love you tharn.... Even though your being a jackass, fucking asshole right now and...."
Tharn let go of types leg to then wrap his hand to his neck, type looked to him.
"You know, I believe it's time to shut that mouth of yours type."
Moving and quick, type laid flat to his back for tharn to move about to place his member down his throat to then plunge types into his to down fully.
Type squeezed his eyes shut to then cum instantly, tharn then placed his fingers into types warm cavity to move them in and out, to then keep sucking and hard, wanting to taste more of his half breed.
Both cumming a few times in unison, tharn then took his cock out to then move types out, moving about, he then, laid to the side to chuckle a bit.
Type had his head turned to the side to be fully asleep, breathing in deep.
Tharn looked him over to then move about to place his head to his chest, to grab his hand to then eye, to smile.
"Mm....I love you too.... Now this.... Is how you over use the half breed......"
Tharn moved his head up and down, to not know, type then slowly opened his eyes, for them to be a deep blue, tharn had awoke the vampire, and he was not going to be finished, not yet.

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