both half breeds, given grand punishments

667 63 20

Krit furrowed his brow, to then open his eyes to move his hands up and down his body, they then widened, he sat up quick to look about, a growl erupted from his chest.
"Damnit zhan! Fuck! You did it again! Over used me!"
Krit then got up with speed to then look about, going to the kitchen he then saw the note, he picked it up in anger.
To Krit, don't be mad or angry, I will come back, call me anytime, I'm so very sorry, I love you, my blood mate.
Krit gritted his teeth to then crumple the paper to then throw it to the ground. He then stepped over it, to then go straight to the bedroom to stand before the bed they had made love a few hours prior to eye it in deep seeded anger.
"You fucking did it once more! Used me for yourself! You zhan, are too selfish! I have had it! You promised!"
Krit then went to the bed to destroy it in it's entirety. To then go to the cloest to grab out a suitcase, a few, to place all his clothes within, to then dress quick to then leave.
He went to his car, to then look over there home, to shake his head.
You want to use me..... To get away from us.... Well, you've gotten your wish.
Krit then eyed his ring, to then place his left finger in his mouth, he was about to chomp down but then zhan came into his mind, the anguished face.
Krit rolled his eyes to then take his left finger out to then place it to the wheel to eye.
Such a lucky half breed..... For now....
He then reversed the car to then part, to in his mind give zhan a taste of his own medicine, krits absence.
Moving his hand up and down, has he laid to his back, tharn furrowed his brow to then turn his head to eye the empty space, he then sat up, to look to the space with narrowed eyes, he then turned his head forward to look about.
"Type...... Type!"
To the lab, type looked about to then shutter, Dr. Qui who was eyeing him, looked to him confused.
"Are you.... Cold?"
Type made a face to shake his head to place the serum to the bottle.
"No....I just felt..... Something bad surge through my body, very odd sensation." He shrugged.
Dr. Qui shrugged has well to step closer eyeing the action.
"How many more do you need to proceed with?"
Type turned his head to look to him.
"If you want to go home, I can finish here."
"Mm, your sure?"
Type made a face to dart his eyes to then shiver again.
What is this I'm feeling? Feel..... Horrible.....
Type turned his head to eye what he was doing.
Mm.... Maybe I shouldn't be left alone....
"On.... Second thought um...."
Turning his head back he signed, Dr. Qui already took his leave, he wanted to be with his wife and child..
Type took in a deep breathe, to then turn his head back to place everything down, to eye.
Type then signed heavily to turn about to go to the refrigerator to then grab upon a vile of blood to then move back to eye in worry.
What do I keep feeling? Haven't felt this in a few years.... What is it?
Type shrugged to then open the vile to then consume in full.
Smacking his lips, he then moved his tongue about to then turn, his eyes widened.
"Th..... Tharn?"
Tharns eyes went pitch black, he looked to type in fury.
Type gulped to then let the vile slip through his fingers, he knew tharn was livid pissed.
He then brought his hands up slowly in defense.
"Vampire...... One of us needed to work.....I do not know what is going on through your head but please..... This is my place of business and.....nnn!"
Grabbing type by his wrist and hard, tharn then moved him to the wall, to his stomach, to place an arm to his back, to bound his hands behind him to go to his ear to grunt a bit.
"You were not! Suppose to go to work type! You have no idea what is in store for you, and you have no idea what you have done to my work. I was suppose to be there tonight, I had an important meeting! You type will now be the one who shall go into unconsciousness!"
Type turned his head to gulp.
"Tharn.....I can't..... You really did over use me earlier and aaah!"
Type turned his head to place his forehead to the wall to moan a bit.
Tharn sliced through his neck with his canines to lap up his blood, to then go to his ear.
"You do not even know the meaning of over use! You shall know that now! You have no idea how livid fucking pissed I am at you type!"
Tharn then moved a hand back to then place his hand into his pants to then grip his ass and hard.
Type tensed to move up.
"Tharn! I really can't and...."
Moving quick, tharn stood behind type to place his hand over his mouth, to then place his hand to his wrists to bound to pull them where no one would see, they both saw Dr. Qui come in to eye about.
"Type? Type? I forgot my keys?"
Dr. Qui then shrugged to then go about to his keys to gather to turn to leave.
Tharn then peered his eyes down, he then placed his hand to the back of types head to grip his hair after he left his mouth, to make type look to him.
"Tharn.... Stop it!"
Tharn smirked ruthlessly to shake his head.
"You over used me, cost my company a very big client, you have no idea how much my boss is pissed at me, you also over used me and came to work..... You are in a world of terrible trouble! Come, we are going home!"
Types lips parted, for tharn to move about to place his hand to his wrist to then pull him along.
Type eyed it with a grimace.
Oh shit! What is he going to do to me?

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