what is too be wrong with my half breed?

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Going home, type and tharn had there happy memories to this and not so elated ones, but they went back with the hands holding the other.
To there house, tharn went straight to the luggage to gather which peeved type off a bit however his stomach was hurting him a bit so type didn't really fight against it.
Going in, tharn went to the bed to place the luggage upon to then unpack, he then grabbed the black box to then open with a wide smile has he eyed the rings.
Turning with it, he then went about to eye.
Tharn couldn't see him, looking about, he then turned his head to see type laying to the couch with a hand to his stomach, to wince here and there.
Tharn went to immediately to him to dart his eyes frantically.
Type squeezed his eyes shut to then take deep breaths.
"I'm..... Fine.... Just....."
Tharn then placed his hand to types forehead to make a confused face, he felt normal, he then placed that hand to his upper arm..
"What are you to be feeling?"
"Just......I don't know.....pressure.....I am feeling fine though....."
Tharn then narrowed his eyes.
"That's it, I know it's because of that virus within you, call the doctor and schedule an abortion right now!"
Type then opened his eyes to then move up to place his hands to his chest to then push him away to get up to keep his head to his stomach to clutch it.
"Stay the hell away from me! How can you say such a thing! This is your baby tharn! Knock this shit off! Until you do, I want you to stay away!"
Type then left to go to the bedroom to then slam and lock the door.
Tharn turned his head to make a concerned face, to then turn it back to hang out to then eye the black box to then shake his head, he then in his anger threw it to the wall where it embedded itself.
Tharn then turned to sit to the couch to look forward to the blackened television to try and think of a way to get type to see an doctor to get that out of him.
After an hour, tharn then got up to go to the door to try to open, he found it to be still locked, he then placed his hand palm down to it to then knock.
"Type..... Can you please open the door?"
Type was to the edge of the bed, with his head hung, with his arms wrapped about tightly to his mid section to gulp has he quivered, the pain had intensified.
Tharn darted his eyes to then place his hands to the nob to try and open rather it was locked or not.
"Type..... Please open the door...."
Type turned his head to breathe in deep.
No.....I open that door.... He sees me like this..... He'll make me..... No......
Type then took in a deep breathe to then get up slowly and shaikly to then go to the bathroom, he needed to relief himself.
Tharn then turned to place his back to the door to look forward feeling like a bastard again, he then widened his eyes to then turn quick around to then kick the door in, type was screaming for him..
Going in, tharn looked about to then turn his head to then go to the bathroom, tharn looked down to see type to his knees, arms wrapped about himself shaking and hard, tharn then went to him to wrap his arms about.
"Type? What is wrong?"
"I'm...... Peeing blood.....I think I'm..... Having a miscarriage!"
Tharns eyes widened to then grab type to then take him back to the car, to then grab his phone to call his doctor.
Racing to the doctors office, type was on a table to his side, taking deep breathes, with tears flowing down his face, tharn stood near him to eye to have his hand to his forehead to stroke here and there.
They then looked to the doctor has he came in with a clipboard.
Type started to shake a bit.
"What is..... Happening doctor am I...... Losing our...."
The doctor looked to them to shake his head, tharn then took his hand away to then go to the wall to wrap his arms about.
"No, Mr. Tian you are not losing your baby, you are very dehydrated and you are in need of blood, also this is normal, well, normal for a woman, your spotting, you are starting to go into the next phase in this, I believe you will have a healthy baby in 5 years not the 10, I think in 5 more months we will be able to give you an ultrasound, also, the two of you are having too rough of sex, I could tell when I examined your pelvis, it needs to be softer, so this means you two need to go without for the next 6 weeks."
Type smiled to then have his ears go red.
Tharn flexed his jaw to then really eye the doctor.
"Doctor..... Are you sure he is not going through a miscarriage? He was really in pain and there was a lot of blood to the....."
Type then looked up peeved.
"Shut up tharn!"
Tharn rolled his eyes to then turn his head to look to the wall. The doctor eyed him then type who then looked to him.
"I am quite certain, those cells are starting to turn into an actual baby, I am not worried Mr. Tian here will have one of those, he was also to probably be in that much pain due to the fact he was too be stressed, scared and a lot of other things, Mr. Tian I am going to prescribe you something to take the edge off when this is too occur, you need to not be scared or stress yourself to much, it is going to be okay. That baby that is within you is a fighter."
Type smiled and wide to hear that to then place his hand to his stomach.
"Mm, it's like his daddy and me."
The doctor and type then saw tharn to leave, slamming the door a bit, type signed to then look at the doctor.
"I am sorry for his behivor."
The doctor nodded to then step forward.
"We are going to keep you tonight for observation and Mr. Tian, I have spoken to mr. Xian on this subject but......I believe what you are too feel could be what is coming off of him, I think you need to really give it thought if you and him should really still be too this relationship and....."
Type then sat up to really eye the doctor.
"That is enough. Now tharn may be an asshole at times but he is trying his best with this situation, I can see it, I also know he lives for me the way I do for him, now please, you are too be the one to stress me."
The doctor signed to then shrug.
"Okay mr. Tian, lay back down, try to get some sleep, I'll have a nurse come in with a blanket and we will place blood into you has well are currently with the saline solution."
The doctor nodded to turn to see tharn right in front of him with a smirk, he didn't get to far from type, he also heard everything.
The doctor looked tharn up and down to then move about him, tharn watched him go to then look to type who eyed him.
Did he hear what I said?"
Types eyes darted up and down to then shuffle to his other side to place his back to tharn.
Tharn then stepped closer, to really eye.
"Can I..... Lay with my half breed?"
Type took in a deep breathe to then go has far to the side, tharn smiled to then get upon the bed to then wrap his arms about to go to his ear.
"I'm very sorry type, I love you, I love you so very much, please sleep."
Type nodded to then close his eyes to move his hands up to tharns arm that was wrapped about to then go into unconsciousness, sweetly.

eternalOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora