terrible nightmare, could it be an omen?

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Taking deep rapid breathes, type lifted his head back to shutter here and there has he was too a hospital table.
Tharn was to his side to eye, his stare went about rapidly.
Type then whimpered has the pain started to become to intense.
"Ah! It's ripping me apart!"
Tharns eye brow furrowed to then turn his head to look at the doctor.
"Damnit doctor! Get that virus out of him!"
The doctor looked to tharn to shake his head.
"A bit more and I'll perform the C-section."
Type gripped either side to really hold to then start to scream the pain was unimagable.
Tharn then looked back to him to shake his head.
"This is insane! That's it! You promised type, your life is more important."
Types eyes widened to then turn his head to Yelp, he then looked overhead has the doctor had his arms pinned down.
"You did promise mr. Tian."
Types breathing came and went quicker to then look down to see tharn over his enormous stomach to then raise up a knife to look down.
"Tharn no! Don't kill our baby!"
Tharn then looked to type to tilt his head to the side.
"I never wanted this abomination!"
Tears started to rub down types cheeks.
"No tharn! Don't you fucking dare kill our child! I will never forgive you! Don't!"
"It has to be done."
Tharn then brought the knife down to then slice open types stomach, type looked at it to see blood come down, to then lift his head back to scream.
To the kitchen, tharn was meal prepping for type, he had become a lot hungrier lately and he was having cravings.
Turning his head, he heard type scream.
Dropping everything tharn, went and quick to there door way to look in, type was kicking and hitting the mid air.
Tharn then went to him to Hover to grab at his wrists to then try to wake.
"Type..... Type...... Type!....... Damnit half breed!"
Type then opened his eyes to stop kicking and hitting to gulp to eye about.
Tharn tilted his head to fully eye.
"Type? What is....."
Tharns head then went to the side. Type got out of his grasp to then punch him to then move to the back of the head board to bring his knees to his chest to wrap his arms about.
"Stay the fuck away from me! You killed our baby! How could you after everything...."
Tharn gritted his teeth, to then turn his head to eye.
"Type......I believe you were dreaming, your still pregnant, and tomorrow we are able to see whatever that thing is in your first ultrasound."
Type gulped again to shake here and there, he then laid his legs down to hang his head to place a hand to his stomach that was still to be flat even though another 6 months went past them.
"I'm still..... There still...... You didn't just cut into my....."
Tharns eyes widened to then go to type to wrap an arm about to then look to him.
"Type.....shhh.....you were just dreaming....shhh..... You know I would never do that."
Tharn then placed types head to his chest to stroke his head to eye down.
Type closed his eyes to take in deep breathes.
He thought those 6 weeks they either couldn't have sex or had to go slow was killing there relationship but this nightmare took the cake.
"Mm type?"
Type nodded.
"I'm fine now."
"That's good, however I think you should stay home tonight."
Type signed to then move about to place his head to his leg to look up at tharn to place a hand to his cheek to stroke feeling awful about the punch he was still locked into that abyss.
"I'm sorry I hit you I wasent...."
Tharn Brought his hand up to cover over types to shake his head.
"There is no need for that, that thing is growing, your hormones are going crazy, I understand, I'm not going anywhere."
Type smiled and wide.
"Mm, is there anyway yourll put your hand to my stomach to ease the mind of our baby? They may have been having a nightmare to."
Tharn gritted his teeth to then shake his head.
Type signed to then take his hand down to place both to his stomach to then look to the wall.
"Worth a shot."
Tharns eyes darted to place a hand to his head to stroke his at his hair.
"I do wish you would stay home."
Type shook his head.
"That bed rest I had to take was more then enough, I just had a nightmare, that's all."
Type flexed his jaw to really think about it.
Was it just a nightmare though?
Tharn titled his head to eye, he then raised an eye brow, tharn knew he needed to distract type before he started to really think.
"Mm half breed? If you really want me to touch something then....."
Types lips parted to look up has tharn eyed him with a giant smile to then take his free hand down to then start to stroke his cock has type was to be naked after there last romp.
"Mm tharn!"
Type then brought his hands up to tharns face to then pull him down for an incredible kiss.
After, tharn smiled has he made love to render type unconscious.
Yourll be mad at me tomorrow but you really need tonight, tharn then looked down to types stomach to eye has his half breed was asleep to his side.
Tharn shook his head.
"I do still want your father to have an abortion, but unless you try to kill him, I wouldn't try to kill you, ease up on him, you little virus."
Tharn then brought a finger to types stomach to poke to then retract to get up to go get dressed for work to then clean up what he did in the kitchen.
The next day, type was a bit peeved but he did need to sleep, to the doctors office, type laid down to move a bit to then eye tharn who was to the wall to keep his eyes to him.
"It's......our baby now tharn, but just a clump of cells and...."
"Type, don't get your hopes up, we discussed this."
Type made a face to then look forward to see the doctor came in with a smile to then sit down.
"Mr. Tian if you please roll up your shirt."
Type took in a deep breathe to do just that.
Tharn gritted his teeth to become a bit jealous over that.
The doctor then got something to place to types stomach to then press an object upon to then start to look about.
"So have you two thought of any names? Or what gender you are wanting over the other?"
Type made a face.
"Not..... Yet."
They then both looked to the monitor after they heard a low heart beat.
Type started to tear up when he saw the image of an baby but then he eyed it confused, it didn't look normal.
"Um doctor..... What is...."
The doctors eyes widened at what he saw to then turn his head to look at tharn then type.
Type started to breathe heavily.
"I......am so sorry mr. Tian....... It's......."

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