quite the surprise

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To the doctors office, type was looking down to the ultrasound picture with a giant smile to take in deep breathes has he looked upon it.
Tharn was to the other side with his arms wrapped to look to the floor to then grit his teeth here and there.
The doctor looked to each gagging there reaction to then look to type.
"Well, Mr. Tian we can finally understand why you had such a hard morning sickness and are too want heightened levels of blood and food, the new medication to curb your morning sickness I have personally fixed."
Type nodded with his smile to then turn his head to eye tharn, his smile then disappated to then turn his head back to sign has he looked over the picture.
The doctors eyes narrowed to then look to tharn..
"Mr. Xian? How are you to be handling this? To be having twins?"
Type turned his head once more to look at tharn, who got up to Shake his head.
"Just peachy."
Tharn then turned to leave slamming the door.
Type eyed that to then sign heavily to look to the doctor.
"I am sorry for his behivor."
The doctor then leaned back.
"That is why I said I was sorry when I was too see this, I know Mr. Xian is having difficulty with this and Mr. Tian I do need to tell you something."
Types eyes widened.
"I need to tell you, no one has ever had twins, this means the delivery process will be more difficult, so you two need to really talk about if you want to proceed with having these babies or if you two should stay in a relationship, I can see it's not that healthy and...."
The doctor looked up to a fuming type.
"Our relationship has never been fully healthy but we are never going to part and I am going to have these babies just wait and see."
Type turned, the doctor stood has he saw him place his hand to the nob.
"Mr. Tian?"
Type stopped to breathe in deep.
"I am only saying these things to try and help, I am not trying to add on stress, and I was also able to find out the sex, would you like to know it?"
Types lips parted to then turn his head to then eye.
To the car, tharn sat to the drivers side to stare at the wheel, lost in thought.
Type then came about, to go to the passengers side to look down.
Tharn then started the car to then take them home.
Type kept bouncing his foot.
Tharn gripped the wheel but said nothing.
Type took in a deep breath to eye..
"The doctor said they are measuring for about 6 weeks old and um.... He was able to identify the sex, were going to have...."
"Shut up type!"
Types lips parted to tense he then furrowed his Brow in anger.
Turning his head he shook it a bit.
"Stop the car."
Tharn rolled his eyes to keep going forward.
Type snapped his head back to eye him.
"Stop the fucking car tharn or I am going to rip my fucking ring finger off!"
Tharns eyes widened to then immediately pull over, to then turn his head to eye type.
Type placed his hands to his belt to try and get out.
Tharn then went to him to hold him down to where he thrashed about..
"Don't! Let me the fuck go tharn! And....."
Looking to his hand, type saw a blood droplet, parting his lips, he settled down to then look to tharn to see him crying.
Type took in a very deep breathe to then wrap his arms about.
"Tharn..... Stop it!"
Tharn hugged him back and hard.
"Type please...... Just listen to me for once, please just get an abortion, there is no way you are going to survive this, I am not going to lose you to these things! You are my only family!"
Type took in a deep breathe to then place his hands to his chest to then push him away to fully eye.
"I am making you two more members tharn, they are from you also, stop acting like they aren't. I know and understand what you are too be feeling and I get it tharn, you don't want to lose me, trust me when I say I thought of everything, I can't promise I'll make it but know after everything we have been through I seem to keep coming back, I will try my fucking hardest to not leave you alone with......"
Type took in a deep breathe to then place his forehead to his.
"With our boys."
Tharns eyes widened a bit to then move his head back, there eyes darted.
"Your having boys?"
Type rolled his eyes.
"We are having boys."
Tharn let type go to then settle back into his seat to then look forward.
Types eyes went over tharn.
"Tharn.....I am not going to have an abortion, I am not going to hurt what is you and me that is growing in my stomach I am also not going to listen to the doctor when he has suggested to let you go."
Tharn scoffed to then bring up his hands to then wipe away his dried blood tears.
"That doctor does not want us to be together."
Type shrugged.
"I really don't care what he wants."
Type then placed his hands to tharns to continue to eye, tharn looked down to the action.
"From everything bad fucked up thing we have gone through and now this, I can tell you tharn, I am not going anywhere."
Tharn then looked to type.
"You were going to rip off your...."
"I am controlled by my hormones, something your going to have to deal with..... Can you?"
Tharns eyes darted to then turn his head to look forward.
"I can...... But know if the decision comes to saving you or those things I will tell the doctor to save you."
Type took in a very deep breathe to hold back a secret.
Tharn turned his head to eye to then bring up his free hand to his face to caress his cheek.
"Count on it type, can you deal with that then?"
Type signed to close his eyes has tears went down, he knew that wouldn't happen, type told his doctor to do whatever he could for the babies and to keep it a secret from tharn.
Tharns eyes darted over the tears to then place his hand to his head to then bring type close non the wiser to then place his lips to his.

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