unrequited, darkened, love

578 53 31

Going to work, tharn went about to then stop to the grand room, to then proceed forward behind another vampire, to make sure he was able to go to his desk undetected.
Marti passeni, was to the side talking to his father, with his arms wrapped about to tell him he was going to stay at this company not the other to America.
Feeling a bit of a pull, he turned his head to look about, narrowing his eyes he couldn't see tharn, but could feel him.
Soon the feeling went away and he then looked to his father.
"I am going to be too this company."
His father narrowed his eyes to then look the other way, Marti eyed him to then turn his head to see his life long secretary tinta.
"What is it tinta! I am speaking with my father."
He nodded to then give Marti the folder, he looked upon it to then shrug his shoulders.
"I need to deal with this. We shall talk to this matter in depth at a later stand point."
Marti then went about to part. His father they went to tinta to wrap his hand to his arm to go to his ear.
"Do you know why, my 7th wife child wants to transfer to this location?"
Tinta twitched has he gripped.
Turning his head to the side, Marti was to be confused, when he didn't see tinta.
Stopping to fully turned, he then went to him being held by his father to break them apart to then wrap his hand to his wrist to then pull along.
Tinta eyed the action to smile.
Going to a back room, Marti let him go, to then go about to a chair to sit, to place to the side table the folder, to then place two fingers to his upper tie to then loosen to stare forward..
"He may not like me close, but he will bend, I know he shall."
Tinta, eyed the back of Marti's head to then nod to turn to then close the door to lock.
He then moved about to go to the side to place some blood to a cup for him.
Tinta then went to him to place in front of his face.
Marti turned his head to look to him to then eye him narrowly.
"You need to stop being alone with him tinta. I can not always be around to help."
Marti grabbed the glass to then turn his head to then place it to his lips to consume.
Tinta kept his gaze to Marti, to not be able to look away.
Marti then placed the cup to the side table, to eye it.
"What is it tinta?"
He then moved about to go instantly to his knees to go inbetween his legs to place his hands to each to stare adorly to Marti.
"Can I be of more assistance to you?"
Marti gritted his teeth to twitch, to then turn his head to eye tinta.
"You know I am wanting another tinta, you also know I feel nothing for you."
Tinta flexed his jaw a bit.
Don't let him know this hurts you, do not give him anything, or he won't allow you to touch him in such a way.
Tinta then became a statue.
Marti narrowed his eyes to look him up and down to then lean into his chair to place his hands to each arm, he then moved his groin up.
Tinta didn't give away his delight, he looked to his groin to then move his hands to his pants to undo and unzip to take out his hardened length to then swallow hole.
Marti closed his eyes to then moan, moving his hand he placed it to his head to then grip his hair to make him suck deeper.
"Your mouth....has always been so good.....nnn.... You do your job so well......ah"
Tinta smiled internally to give Marti all that he could.
Marti then slowly opened his eyes to then place his hands to his upper shoulders to then toss him back, to where tinta hit the floor, to place his hands to either side of his head to eye Marti a bit confused. He had only taken care of him in this way.
Marti then moved to go down to his knees to stare tinta down.
"Take off your clothes....... Tharn."
Tinta gritted his teeth to then, slowly place his hands to his shirt to start to unbutton to spread each to either side, to go to his pants to unbutton to take them down with his boxers to place to one ankle. To then lay back to his back, to quiver just once, what Marti called him soaked through to his so called soul.
Marti looked him up and down eyeing him, for any sort of reaction.
"Move your legs up."
Tinta narrowed his eyes.
Marti raised an eye brow.
"Going against an order? Especially from me?"
Tinta shook his head to then bend his legs to continue to eye Marti.
He then looked down to tilt his head has he gazed to tintas hardened length.
"You are very good at freezing your expressions, but your cock seems to want me."
Tinta flexed his jaw.
"It wants the sexual gradification you have made me deny."
Marti lightly chuckled.
"So..... You are too blame me for your celibacy, that is very cute, shouldn't have asked 10 years ago when you should lose your virginity, especially with the person you told me you wish to do that with."
"I still do not know why I could not."
Marti then narrowed his eyes to then move forward to then pull tinta down, to then place his head to his outter to look to the action.
Tinta parted his lips.
"It is because you have always been my secretary, not my older brothers, every aspect of you, is mine."
Marti then thrusted his full length in, tinta then lifted his head back to place his hands over his mouth to moan heavily into them, this was his dream come true.
Marti then laid his body to his, to place his hands under his back to turn his head to really give him what for, to twitch a bit, feeling conflicted.
Marti had always wanted tinta in such a way, always wanted him to be his, however tharn taking his blood, made what he felt confusing, however after seeing his father hurting tinta and him saying what he did to Marti, he couldn't hold back anymore, he has to have him.
"Ah..... So good...."
Tinta turned his head to moan louder in his mouth has they both were close to climax.
Marti then let tinta go to place his hands to either side of his body to lift his head back to then cum fully deep inside, to where tinta couldn't help but cum with him.
"Ah.... Tharn!"
Tinta widened his eyes to then peer them to the side to let a growl come from his cavity, he then placed his hands to Marti's chest to then push him away to get up to fix himself to leave slamming the door.
Marti made a face to sit to the floor to turn his head to eye.
Tinta.....I am too be sorry.... But I want tharn.... Only him....
Marti then placed his hand to his forehead to grit his teeth.
This is not how I wanted him to lose his virginity.....
Marti flexed his jaw to then get up, to fix himself to sit to the chair to gather the folder to curse tharn for drinking his blood and making him confused about tinta.

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