dont care, I need you, right now!

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To there bed, type had his computer opened to look about to then Mark a month to the calendar.
Tharn who was to his back to the head board kept his head forward to grit his teeth here and there.
"Well......if I have our baby in 5 years, should deliver about September, however if in 10 April......"
Tharn then wrapped his arms about to then turn his head to eye the wall. He was not at all happy with how things went down, he was hoping the doctor would have been able to convince type to have an abortion.
Type looked to the calendar to feel a bit more in ease over this, to then take a hand up to then close the lap top to then move the tray and the computer to the floor to then go back to lay to his back to look forward to think about this.
"Tharn..... Should I tell my mother?"
Tharn flexed his jaw.
"No...... No one should know about this."
Types eyes widened a bit to then look to tharn.
"Is that because we should keep it private so we won't be.......or are you hoping I'm going to have a miscarriage?"
Tharn kept his head to the side..
Type nodded to then get up.
Tharn turned his head to eye.
"A bit of both. I am still..... Not happy about this....."
Type took in a deep breathe, to then move about to then sit on tharn.
Tharn looked up with widened eyes.
Type raised an eye brow to then take his hands to his shirt to then pull over his head to then toss to the side to then place his hands to his upper shoulders, there eyes darted..
"I know..... Trust me I know tharn..... This.....if you think for one second this is easy on me and...."
Tharn made a longing face to then place his hands to types cheeks to rub them with his thumbs.
"No...I know it has not been easy to you, not.....but type, you have no idea how worried, concern and scared I am for you....... Remember what the doctor said, you coyote have a miscarriage or die from what is growing within you."
Types lips parted to hang his head to take in deep breathes.
Tharns eyes darted to then remember what the doctor said, give him love or leave him alone.
Tharn gritted his teeth to then pull type to his body.
Type moved his head up and down his chest.
"I..... Know what might happen tharn..... But.....I just can't fathom the thought of..... Killing what is you and me, if.....I am too have a miscarriage then I guess it wasent meant to be, but from all my tests, whatever is in there, is growing stronger, were both fighters tharn.......I really do believe we are going to have a baby....."
Tharn placed his hand to types head to stroke to look forward..
"And if.... Anything were to badly happen, your going to keep your promise?"
Type took in a deep breathe to keep his heart steady, over the years he knew how to lie to tharn, didn't make him feel good, but type had no intention to ever keep that promise.
"I..... Guess....."
Tharn nodded to then push type gently back to place his hands to his face once more to then put his forehead to his.
"Then......guess this is...... Happening...."
Type then brought up his hands to wrap about his Wrists.
"Your still not happy about that..... Are you tharn?"
Types eyes darted over tharns to then move his chin up to place his lips to his.
Parting, they looked the other deeply..
"Guess..... That is how it will be...... Then In a few years, a baby."
Type then leaned back to then try to place tharns hand to his stomach, tharn retracted for them to look wide eyed at the other.
"I don't want to feel type."
Type looked tharn up and down to nod.
Don't push him.
Type then took his hands to bring to his mouth to then kiss at his fingers. Tharns lips parted.
"Your okay to feel that?"
Tharn nodded.
Type smiled and wide to then take his hands to either side to then move about to keep his eyes to tharn, to then go to his buttoned shirt to then un buttoned, to then go to his chest.
"For this?"
Tharn nodded.
Type smiled to then look down to kiss about to then take his hands to his pants to then undo to then takes his lips lower.
Tharn then moved a bit has type took off his pants and boxers to then throw to the side, to then look up again to lean himself away a bit.
Type then smirked to place his hand, hovering over tharns erection to not touch has of yet.
Tharn raised an eye brow, he then leaned up to then take ahold of type to then place him to his back to then take off his pants and boxers to then place his legs to either side of his waist to probe his cock to his outter hole.
"Yes type..... For those things, but I do not want to touch....."
Tharns eyes slowly went down to his stomach.
Type gulped to place his hands to his face to make him look up.
"Mm......I understand, but tharn, from now on please..... Don't act like I am a walking disease, don't shun me..... Please...."
Tharn nodded to then place his lips to his to then thrust himself fully in.
Type moaned and loud into there interwined mouths
After a very passionate, sweet and sensual round, tharn laid to his stomach, to the side of type who laid to his back, head turned asleep, to move his finger about his chest to then lean up to fully eye type, he then slowly took his eyes down to then move that finger down has well to then poke his stomach, tharn immediately eyed up.
Type twitched to make a face to then go to his side.
"Mmm.... Don't..... That hurts...."
Tharn leaned up more, to then eye that spot to then place his hand to it, not feeling a thing.
He then moved his head to it.
"If you try to kill my only family, I will get you out first! Guaranteed! Please....... Just don't.....I..... Can't live without him...."
Tharn then Closed his eyes to let a blood tear fall, feeling a bit conflicted with what he said to his unborn but he couldn't help it, tharn could not live in a world without type.
Tharn then placed his lips to his side to move up and down to kiss, he then moved his chest to his back to then wrap an arm about to hold type close.
Type then slowly opened his eyes to hear it all to take in a deep breathe to then place his hand to tharns that was over his heart to place his fingers through to hold tight.
I'm not going anywhere tharn and neither is our baby...... You just wait and see.....
Type took in another very deep breathe.
So...... It begins..... Please..... Let me have a healthy baby and please please please..... Have tharn not leave me in the process....I..... Can't live without my vampire.... But.....I.....
Type then went into unconsciousness, to not know how to finish that at all.

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