truly unique

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Tharn kept his arms to his stomach to twitch has he kept his eyes to Marti to step lightly to him, the pull for him was to great to ignore.
Types eyes widened to then start to go to him, tinta took a step back to keep his head hung, to grit his teeth.
Anything for you Marti.....
Fresh blood tears fell from his face, Marti's eyes Darted between tinta and tharn to make a face, he was highly confused on what he should do, he felt great emotion for tinta but from what he just did, he was feeling something for tharn, but he could tell it wasent the same thing.
Marti gritted his teeth has tharn came closer.
Hearing his half breeds heart sped up, tharn looked to him with great pain to shake his head.
"No..... No! I know I'm stronger then this! I don't want you Marti!"
Tharn went and quick to his half breed has they collided to place his hands to his face, the two then went to there knees, tharn started to shake, he was fighting so very hard against this.
Marti looked to have his face fall to eye the ground.
This really is.... All to be fake.....I only feel this.... Pull because of the blood..... But tinta.... How he has been to me.. What he has done for me..... He.... He
Marti turned his head to eye tinta has he stepped back to keep his head hung.
Types eyes darted over tharn rapidly.
"Fight this tharn! Fight it! I know you love me! Please fight!"
Tears went down his face.
Tharn gritted his teeth to slightly scream into them.
Type then made tharn place his mouth to his neck.
"Consume.... The blood you take from me will help!"
Tharn did exactly what he was told to then place his canines in. Type looked to Marti.
"Mr. Passeni!"
He looked to type with a softened brow.
" Use the rings! Fuck.... Use them now! They are more powerful then blood! Now do it!"
Martis lips parted to then retrieve the box to then open to eye.
Tinta looked up to be rattled to his core.
"Go..... Go Marti..... Place a ring to...."
Marti rolled his eyes to then place one on, to then go to tinta to grab his left finger.
Tinta then thrashed about.
"No! Don't you dare! You want him, do this to....nn..."
Types eyes fluttered has he started to lose too much blood, he eyed Marti who placed his hand to tintas neck in a way to render him unconscious.
Type then fell under.
Darting his eyes under heavy lids, type furrowed his brow when he heard a few beeps.
Shuffling a bit, he opened his eyes to then look about a white room, to then loll his head to one side to see a blood bag and a saline solution bag to then move his tongue about to then turn his head the other way, to see tharn to a chair his hands to either side of his head to look down a bit hunched over.
Types eyes darted.
"Did it.... Work?" He croaked.
Tharn moved his hands away to then look up with quite the face, type gulped, they both turned there heads to see his mother, step father and his little brother come in.
Boonire widened her eyes to then give types little brother to his father to go to type to wrap her arms about.
"Oh type! Oh my god! Are you okay? Tharn told me you lost to much blood and you had to be taken to the hospital are you okay?"
Type looked to tharn who leaned away with no facial expression to grit his teeth, type made a face to then look to his mother has she went back.
"Think I'm.... Fine just woke up, you all didn't need to....."
Boonire stepped back to take in a deep inhale.
"Of course we had to come."
Type then looked to his little brother who started to cry, he then got up to raise his arms out for him.
"Oh dont cry, I'm fine."
His step father went closer to then give type his little brother for type to hold and tightly.
Tharn then got up to leave quite loudly.
They all looked to him leaving, for boonire to eye him.
"What is going on between the two of you?"
Type looked to his brothers little hands to guess what is too be wrong to sign.
"Just..... Relationship problems."
Boonire looked to types step father with a face he shrugged.
Outside, tharn was before a blood pot to stare at it to shake his head has it filled his cup, he then grabbed it to tense.
He turned to eye Marti.
"You have some nerve to...."
Marti twitched to hold his left ring finger up, tharn looked to it to see it was starting to embed itself. Tharn smiled.
"Hurts, good! Now get the hell out!"
Marti made a face to then look to the ground.
"I am here to see the half breed. How is he?"
Tharn gritted his teeth.
"In the words of my other half, fuck off!"
Tharn went about to hit him with his shoulder to feel nothing but hatred for him.
Marti turned..
"I owe that half breed Mr. Xian."
Tharn stopped to make a face..
"That you do. Anywhere else then here!"
"Mr. Xian. Because you took my blood, I thought you..... But you never did.... Did you?"
Tharn rolled his eyes to turn to eye Marti.
"Now your getting it. It was a moronic mistake. It will be a debt I will always owe to my beloved, I know he will never ever truly forgive me. And you know what, I don't honestly deserve it, now..... Go away!"
Marti stepped to tharn with sorrow in his eyes.
"Listen I have no real right to be here and Right now the only reason I am too be here is because I have a very pissed off vampire tied to my bed, has I numbed his hand has these rings are too go into our skin. I..... Need your half breed to calm him down.... My beloved."
Tharns lips parted to then turn his head to eye the back of the hospital door to make a face.

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