surprise for my vampire

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Going home, tharn threw himself to his computer and his work to not try and think to what was going on his life, for type to then grab a book to place the picture in to then eye the piece of paper that said he was too be pregnant and the ultrasound picture to take in. Deep breathe to soak it all in.
Still can't believe I'm pregnant and I'm going to have two boys with the love of my.....
Types lips parted to turn his head to look out through the door to take in a deep breathe to then turn his head has he sat to the edge of the bed with the open scrape book to then look to there blacked out window, to grit his teeth.
Closing the book he then placed it to the side of him to then place a hand to his stomach to then lay down to look up at the ceiling.
Your...... Not going to..... Kill me when you ready to come out..... Are you two?
Types whole body shuttered, what tharn had been to tell him started to go through his head..
He then turned it to look out the open door.
I..... Still chose you two to make it then me, I'll have to really let the doctor know that, but what will.....
Type signed to then slowly turn his head to look back to the ceiling has he started to rub his stomach a bit. He knew what tharn was going to do.
Shaking his head he sat up, he didn't want to think about this anymore, instead he wanted to make his vampire happy and then an idea went through his head.
To his computer room, tharn looked about it to then type very quick.
To the door frame behind him, stood type with his present to have his head hung to take in a deep breathe.
He then went forth to then go to him to wrap his arms about.
Tharn made a face to keep darting his eyes.
"I'm working."
Type rolled his eyes to then go to his ear.
"Has that ever stopped us before?"
Type then started to nibble that ear.
Tharn stopped typing to narrow his eyes a bit.
"Type, I know it has not however right now...."
Type then started to lick about.
"I have a surprise for you."
Tharn widened his eyes a bit.
"You.... Do?"
Type moved his head back to nod.
He then let tharn go to then step back to take in a very long breathe, not knowing how tharn was going to react to it.
Tharn then slowly turned to then part his lips has he looked over a very undressed type who was only wearing one thing, a bow to his hardened length.
Tharn couldn't help but to smile and wide, getting up he then sauntered over to keep his eyes down to then start to play with types member, moving it up and down.
Type twitched a bit.
"How long did it take for you to place this on?"
"Mm, a bit....."
Type then stepped forward to then wrap his arms about.
"Couldn't get hard without thinking about my vampire."
Tharn slowly peered his eyes up to then place his hands to his waist to then draw him a bit closer, to then take a hand to his face to caress a bit.
"Welcome to my world type."
Tharn then placed his thumb to types lips to trace.
"What is the occasion here type? Why are you doing this?"
Type then brought his hand up to wrap his about tharns wrist to then move his hand a bit away.
"Throughout all of this, you have been right by my side, it's been hard, I know this, so.....I wanted to do something for you my vampire, the next 4 whatever years I know will not be easy, but I hope you will continue to stand by my side."
Tharn rolled his eyes.
Types lips parted by what he saw you then let his hand go to where tharn placed both to his face.
"I rolled my eyes type, because why do you think I would be anywhere but here? I do think your being beyond moronic to keeping these inside of you, but I'll stay right next to you, for better or worse."
Type lightly chuckled a gasp to then place his hands to tharns head to grip his hair to then pull his lips to his.
A bit later, still to the middle of the room, type was being bounced up and down, has tharn was thrusting into him and quick, both there eyes stayed to the other.
"Ah tharn!"
Tharn smiled.
Type started to squirm a bit uncomfortable.
"Um tharn...nnn.... Can you.... Take off the bow now? I can't cum this way."
Tharn lightly chuckled to then move his head a bit closer to then take them to bed.
He flopped type to his back to place his arms over head to then keep at the place to eye to shake his head with a ruthless smirk.
Type groaned a bit.
"Why?" He whimpered.
"You keep trying to bring toys into our love making, I do not like it, what I'm doing to you is called edging."
Tharn then placed his canines into his neck to then lap up his blood has tharn went his half pace.
Type lifted his head up a bit to moan and hard.
"Damnit tharn! I want to cum! Fuck!"
Tharn then took his cock out to only have the tip be too his outter to then plunge him and deep.
Types whole body tensed, his cock was aching.
"Tharn please!?"
Tharn shook his head to then place his fingers through types to then stop to widen his eyes has he felt something, moving up, he grabbed his left hand to then eye, to then look to type.
"Your..... Your.... Wearing your wedding ring?"
Type breathed heavily has he looked to tharn.
"Mm.... Your real surprise, I want us to get married..... This weekend, no more.....ah god!"
Tharn quick placed his fingers through types once again to then place his hands to either side of his head to then really ram into type, not to care about What happened a few months ago when they had to go slow, he wanted his half breed and very bad.
Types body bucked, his head lifted fully back.
"Ah fuck tharn! I...I.....I........I.....Want to cum!"
Tharn then brought his hands to types face to then pull him up a bit to give him a deep kiss to then take a hand down to then pull the ribbon off type then shot his heavy load to then move up to really grind upon his length wanting more.
After, the two laid to there sides holding hands staring at the other.
"Are you......sure about this?"
Type nodded to move in closer to move his stomach back to but touch tharn, for him to eye that to then bring his hands to his body to then grab to pull him.
Types eyes widened by that action.
"I don't care right now for you to be fully on me my half breed, mm.... Were going to get married this weekend."
Tharn placed his hands to his neck to then pull type for a very deep and passionate kiss.

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