wish for you to do something for me first

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Brushing his teeth, type took in a deep breathe has he looked himself over in the mirror, he then took the Brush out to spit to then place it back to then re look himself in the mirror to take in a deep breathe.
Moving out, he then looked about the bedroom for tharn however he wasent there, turning his head type then went to the other room to then see tharn sitting down to his computer to do some more work after he came home from it.
Type wrapped his arms about to smile a bit.
Tharn then stopped typing to then turn his head slightly to eye back..
"I know you're tradition type, let me polish this off and I will leave until we see the other tomorrow."
Tharn slightly smiled to then turn his head back to then look to the screen.
Type then went forth to then wrap his arms about to place his chin to his shoulder..
"You are a workaholic."
"Just trying to make time go faster."
Type turned his head to then eye tharn to then go to his ear to start to nibble.
Tharn stopped typing to make a face.
"Type...... You know we can't, first for tradition, second the doctor gave you 3 weeks time that you need to heal."
Type moved his mouth off to then start to take a hand lower.
"Try to tell that to my hormones, mm.... Can I just make you cum?"
Tharn then hung his head to place a hand to his to then turn his head to shake it has he looked to type..
"No...... Because you know I will want to make you...... Now try and get some sleep."
Type signed to then take his hands away to then turn tharn about to then go to his knees.
Tharn rolled his eyes..
"Type......I said......"
Type shook his head to then grab a hand to then eye.
"Before tomorrow, before we are too.......I need you to say something to me first."
Tharn smiled to then lean up a bit to place his other hand to his cheek to caress.
"I love you."
Type smiled to then look up.
"Thank you, but that is not it."
Tharn tilted his head to then eye him up and down a bit confused.
Type then took a very deep breathe.
"For me, I want you to say, I knowledge I am having twin boys with my eternal love."
Tharns lips parted to then lean his head back to then take his hand from types to then shake his head.
"Go to sleep type."
Tharn then turned in his chair, to make type stand up and quick.
Type flexed his jaw to then wrap his arms about.
"Do you want to get married tomorrow?"
Tharn stopped typing to then dart his eyes over the key board.
"I don't appreciate threats type!"
Type took in a deep inhale to then turn tharn about again to place his hands to either hand rest to be hunched over a bit to stare at him, even though his head was hunched over and he was too be looking to his folded hands.
"I am trying not to threaten you, however, I need for you to say it, you were right the other day, we have a lot of problems, so you say this, it solves one, we are having twin boys tharn, they are half me and half you so...... Please say....."
"Knock it off!"
Type shut his mouth and quick has he heard that.
Type then took a step back to then wrap his arms about himself.
"No! Now I have been very patient with this, but tharn in almost 4 years we are going to have them, and you can't be like this! They are two innocent babies who are growing and...."
Tharn then got up to stand over type towering a bit to have his hands to either side rolled into fists.
"I said stop!"
Types lips parted to look over tharn to see he was not making any head way.
He then shook his head to then turn to leave to then go under the door frame.
Tharn turned his head to eye.
"This is not fair to them tharn, they haven't done anything then thrive in me, I......am sorry."
Tharns Lips parted to unroll his fists..
Type took in a deep breathe.
"I..... Honestly never knew this about myself, if I did I would have made you worn condoms, I know you never wanted children and then this was forced upon you, however they didn't do anything. So please...... When they are born..... Don't be an asshole...... Just be that way to me.... This is my fault and...."
Tharns eyes widened to then go to type and quick to then turn him about to then wrap his arms about to then dart his eyes.
Type kept his arms to either side of himself.
"Damnit type! Don't! This is no one's fault okay! We didn't know and I do not want you to think this way!"
Type then slowly moved his hands up to then grip his back.
"I just...... Don't want you to blame two innocents that....."
Tharn then went back to then place his hands to types face for them to stare at the other.
"Type.......I am scared for what is going to happen when they need to be born, I am telling you right now, your life is more important and I am not going to lose you, understand! You are my only family!"
Type took in a very deep breathe to then place a hand over tharns to then grip to start to take it slowly down to then have it Hover over where he knew there children were to be growing..
"I am making you two more tharn. Please, for me can you just knowledge them."
Tharns lips parted has he saw tears start to go down types face, he then looked down to there hands.
"I love you type, I would do anything for you, but......"
Tharn then took his hand from types to then kiss him to his forehead to then go about, type turned to eye, he then followed to see tharn grab a suitcase to then start to pack, types eyes widened, tharn then looked to him.
"Remember, tradition, that is why I am packing."
Type then took in a deep breathe to wrap his arms about himself to look down to nod.
Tharn then grabbed the suitcase has it was filled to then go to type to stand in front to then place a hand to his cheek to then use his thumb to wipe away the tears.
"For you, I shall say this, I know they are there, I know they are half of me, I knowledge there right to thrive however you need to know if the time comes I will have the doctor save your life not there's. There is no longer a me without you, understand."
Types lips parted to then dart his eyes, to then act quick to grab the suitcase to toss it a bit to the side to then push tharn to the bed, to then lay to the side upon him to close his eyes, tharn turned his head to eye.
"Mm, you have no idea how much I want my vampire right now, but I know what the doctor has said and what you have so...... Stay here until I sleep."
Tharn smiled to then place a hand to his cheek to use his thumb to rub about.
"So....I shall be seeing you tomorrow?"
Type nodded.
"I love you tharn, even though you're an asshole at times."
Tharn smiled to then go to kiss his forehead.
"I love you too, even though you are apperently slightly a woman."
Type opened his eyes to then look to tharn in a bit of anger, tharn then couldn't hold back his laughter, type then laughed to, the two then held the other close to be consumed with laughter before there big day.

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