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A week later of the same attitude, type to his side slowly opened his eyes to grimace.
Signing, he rolled to his back to then. Place a hand to his forehead to shake his head a bit.
"Happy birthday....... To me.....ugh!"
Since tharn didn't attended and wasent there last year for his birthday, type didn't really wish to celebrate, also the new found again hatred for himself, he saw the day disgusting and wished he had never been born.
Sitting up slow, he kept his hands behind him to stare at the wall in anger.
Should I call in? Will Dr. Qui say anything? He did last year.
Type then turned his head to look outward.
If I stay home I'll be never to my phone and I know my mother and step brother will phone me even though he just babbling.
Damnit, what should I do?
Type winced to then take a hand to his stomach, he hadent been really eating or drinking blood.
Signing, he pulled the covers off to then stumble to the kitchen to open the fridge door to then eye his blood viles and food.
Wincing again, he then rolled his eyes to then grab a vile to down, to then turn to go to his couch to lay down to wrap his arms about to lay to his back to look up.
Sighing and loud, he turned his head to eye his cell to the table, it was going off.
Reaching an arm over, he then grabbed it to place it to his ear to be impartial to whoever it was.
"Happy birthday type!"
Type brought his other hand to his eyes to then rub.
"Thank you.....zhan..... I'm going to hang up now."
"Type, don't act like that, it's your birthday, is there anything you are wanting? Krit and I...."
Type turned off the phone to then place it to the table to look up to shake his head.
"All I want is for the happy couple to leave me the fuck alone!"
Signing he turned his head again, his phone was going off again.
Getting up, he sat, to then take it to his ear.
"Happy birthday type from me and sarawat, oh and woody, so what are you...."
Type turned out off to toss it to the table to then place his hand to his neck to rub has he hung it.
"I dispise today!"
Groaning and loud, a small growl came out of his chest cavity, looking up his phone started to go off again, he grabbed it with anger.
"Type, don't use that tone with me."
Type signed to place his hand to his forehead to rub.
"My apologies mom....... Why are you calling?"
"Type, you know why, happy 26th birthday my baby, your step father and I, with your step brother were planning to come over and....."
"No mom, I have to work."
"On your birthday?"
"Yes, have to leave in an hour. Mm, need to get dressed bye."
"Wait type....."
Looking to her phone she signed and heavily.
Turning her head her husband was rubbing her shoulders.
"You just have to give him time boonire....... You know it's not easy for him, especially with his break up with...."
Boonire signed to turn to eye.
"They didn't break up, I just don't know what is going on with tharn, why he hasent talked to type, however knowing him there is a reason. Just have to wait it out I guess..... Just don't like my baby being this depressed and shut off from everyone...."
He nodded to wrap his arms about to consul.
"I know, I know."
To type, he was in the bathroom, to look himself over to shake his head.
"Why did I have to stop aging at 16? I'm only a half breed, not one of them, I'm almost fucking 30 and I still look has I did in high school! Ugh!"
Type hung his head to then wash his hands, after he then went back to his couch to lay upon it, he had texted Dr. Qui he was not going to work, he was fine with that, however type really wasent, however no matter where he went he wasent going to be really fine with it anyway.
Taking a deep breathe in, he then turned his head to eye his phone it started to go off again.
"Who the fuck is this!"
Types eyes darted.
Mm, could be my other friends, ugh don't want to talk to anyone, everyone is in a happy fucking relationship.
Signing, he then went to sit to the edge to then grab his phone to then place it to his ear.
Darting his eyes, he furrowed his brow, there was nothing but silence.
"Um..... Hello?"
Still nothing but silence.
Type rolled his eyes.
"Listen, I don't know who this is, but I do not...."
"Type...... It's tharn..... Happy birthday.... We need to...."
Types eyes widen to then move the phone before his face to breathe heavily.
He then shut off the phone to then take out the battery.
Type stood up, to shake a bit has he looked to the pieces that were to the table.
"We don't need to do anything you selfish fucking prick! How dare you, after almost 2 years just call me out of the blue to..... ugh!"
Type then went straight to his fridge to grab a bottle to then lift his head back to consume, he hadent touched any alcohol since that one moronic day where he almost slept with a vampire in a bathroom, but after that call, even though it was a few mere seconds, he just couldn't handle it, he was feeling things again has he once did and he was not going to allow them to consume him.
After getting very drunk, he was too the couch on his stomach, to eye the broken pieces, to slowly close his eyes.
"You sick son of a....."
Furrowing his brow, type felt familiar coldness to his forehead, opening his eyes they widen.
"Type...... Your not taking care of yourself......"
Type looked tharn up and down to then shuffle about to sit to eye.
"How..... Are you here?"
Tharn shrugged.
Type then signed.
"This..... Is a dream.... Isn't it?"
Tharn smiled to then reach his arms to types to then pull him to his body, caressing.
"Do you care?"
Tears started to go down types face to wrap his arms about.
"No....." He wept.
Outside to his body, type had moved to his back to wrap his arms about himself, to have tears running down. He was in a world of pain, in his dreams and in reality.

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