time is almost upon us

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Standing to the side of a crib, type tilted his head to the side to then look down to make a face to place his hands to his stomach to rub a bit with a sad expression.
Closing his eyes, he started to count in his head.
Slowly opening his eyes he got to almost 100, he then looked down to his stomach.
"The doctor says you're still growing but..... Why does your heart keep to stopping like that?"
Types chin quivered a bit to hug his stomach to look to the empty crib.
Am I going to be able to deliver two healthy boys? What is going to happen to the one whose heart keeps doing that? I.... Don't think I can mentally go on if one of you don't make it. Even without seeing you, I just love you both so much!
Type then started to choke up a bit..
Done with making a meal for type, tharn plated to then turn about to place to the table to look about the vast dining room.
Looking about, nothing came to being.
Making a face, tharn then went about to find his half breed.
Going about, he then went to the empty childrens room to stand to the door way to see type over the crib to be shaking a bit.
Going to him, tharn wrapped his arms about his chest to place his mouth to his neck.
"Braxton Hicks?"
Type took in a deep breathe to place his hands to his arms.
"Mm.... Cold?"
"Then why is my half breed shaking?"
Type slowly opened his eyes to look at the empty crib then the one beside it, not sure they were going to have a baby in each.
"Just.... Worrying."
Tharn moved his head back to eye.
"Thought we were being in a free stress zone?"
"I'm trying tharn, but for the fact I don't really know what is going to happen to our one boy who....."
Tears started to well up in his eyes.
Tharn then turned him about quick to place his hands to his face to dart his eyes.
"It will be okay. Do you understand me."
Type made a sick face to then move tharns hands away from his face to then go and quick to the bathroom to shut the door to have his head in the toilet, the action tharn just did made types stomach hurt. Tharn turned to go to the door.
"Are you okay?"
Type moved his head up after finishing to take in a deep breathe.
"You..... Moved me to....quick...."
Type then placed his head in the toilet to throw up a bit more.
Tharn made a face to look down feeling bad.
Once he was done, type went to the sink to brush his teeth to then look himself over to then eye his stomach.
Only 2 more months, what is going to happen then?
Looking to the side tharn couldn't stay away anymore, he looked over type to then go to him to pick type up bridal style to then go about to take him to the kitchen.
"Mm, you need to eat."
Type smiled to place his head to his unbeating heart to then close his eyes to remember a time where he could hear it, it was still locked in his mind.
Getting to his chair, tharn sat him down for type to smell the food to then instantly dig in, he was very hungry.
Tharn stood to the side to watch to place his hand to his back to rub.
"I am very sorry."
Type shrugged.
"It happens, may have semi gotten over my morning sickness but moving to quick sometimes then that can occur."
Eating the last in a mere couple of mintues type looked to the empty plate to sign, he was still hungry, tharn smiled to then place his hand to his chin to then make him look up.
"Still to be hungry?"
"Mm......I'm fat enough."
Tharn rolled his eyes to then bend down to place his lips to his to then grab the plate to then move his mouth off to get type another round, type watched to make a face.
Don't mind being pregnant but being this fat..... Rather you say it tharn I know I have to disgust you.
Type then chewed at his inner cheek.
Over the pan tharn had his back to type to scoop some food to his plate to think the exact opposite, tharn thought type to be the cutest thing..
Slowly moving his eyes up he then turned his head slightly to see type behind him to then look down to see type place his hands under his shirt to move about his stomach..
"Thought you were hungry?"
Type then moved his hands to tharns shorts to grab his member to pull it out to stroke.
"Mm, Im wanting something else first."
Type then moved tharn about to go to his knees to then engulf his cock to then take out his own to stroke while he looked up giving tharn quite the erotic face.
Tharns lips parted to get very turned on by this.
Placing his hands to type, he then moved him up to then rip his clothes off to place him to the counter to move his legs up to place to the edge, when then type laid down to keep his eyes to him.
"Thought we agreed no ripping clothes since it's expensive."
Tharn then placed his hands to his shirt to take off to do the same with his shorts and boxer..
"Give me a face like that, the rest of it is your fault. You are just so....."
Tharn shook his head to then hang it to place his cock to types outter hole to tease, types lips parted to they move up to wrap his arms about to go straight to his mouth to place deep kisses upon.
"Ah stop teasing then! Take your half breed!" He said between the kisses..
Tharn then inserted his tongue and cock into type to give him what for.
A bit later type was asleep to the couch with his hand to his stomach, head to tharns lap who sat to eye forward to then look down to place a hand to types head to make a face.
He was growing in worry and concern also however tharn knew by now there was not one thing he could do.
Tharn flexed his jaw has he looked over type.
Everything will be fine...... Won't it?

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