have some nerve!

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Waking the next day, type was in a sullen and sober mood, he shuffeled about his place to eat a bit, to get dressed to go to work, he didn't want to think, especially about tharn.
Coming in a bit early, Dr. Qui placed his jacket to the pole to then turned to eye the production line going, he signed.
Hoped he would take off more then one day.
Shrugging, he then went to eye types back.
"Working hard?"
Type shrugged to take up a breaker to eye, to then start on the viles.
"Type.... Um.... Happy...."
Type signed heavily to turn to eye his college with a bit of anger.
"Don't, okay, just fucking don't!"
Dr. Qui raised his brow.
"Type! I'm just trying to wish you a happy....ugh, don't have to be such a jerk!"
Dr. Qui eyed him up and down to then part.
Type signed to place his things down to then go to his friend.
Dr. Qui was before his desk muttering to himself, type went to his desk to place his body to it to wrap his arms about to eye his friends back.
"I..... Do apologize for my action, I had a horrible..... Day..... Yesterday, um..... Tharn called...."
Dr. Qui stopped shuttling through his papers to then turn to eye.
"Oh? What..... Did he call about?"
Type shrugged.
"Don't know, don't care, I hung up on that asshole, even called him that."
Dr. Qui signed to turn fully about.
"It could have been important type."
Type rolled his eyes to push himself off his desk.
"It's been two years of nothing, I don't care if it's important, I'm done with him."
Dr. Qui raised an eye brow to then look to his ring finger.
"Hmm..... Clearly."
Types eyes narrowed at his gaze..
"Do you want me to cut my finger off?"
Dr. Qui signed.
"No, but you still having that ring shows you are not done with him, listen type, things happen, maybe he just became overly busy and...."
"Oh god! Don't take his side! He is the evil, conniving, son of a...."
Dr. Qui rolled his eyes.
"I am not taking his side, what he did is unforgivable but type, things happen, that is all I'm talking about." He interrupted.
Type rolled his eyes to turn.
"I need to go back to work, don't want to discuss this anymore."
Dr. Qui watched him go to sign.
These two.....
Type went back to work to not think.
Taking his hand up after a few hours he yawned into it, taking it down he then turned his head to eye the wall clock.
He rolled his eyes.
Time.... You are so very cruel to me, how can it be 1 in the morning.
Signing, type placed things down to then turn to then down on his jacket to then leave to go to his car.
Inside, he took a deep breathe to then let it out slowly to shake his head.
"Nope..... Don't think..... Still don't think...."
Placing his seat belt on, he then went forth to go back to his quiet apartment to be all alone in his self misery.
Parked, he signed to then get out, going to his place, he stood before the door to furrow his brow, he was inhaling a familiar scent, but it was mixed with something he couldn't really place a hand on.
Shrugging, he then placed his key in to then turn the lock to go inside, turning he took off his shoes and coat, to then flip the lights on, he was confused again.
What is that smell and why is it in my apartment?
Turning his eyes widen, his whole body trembled, his breathing came in and out erratically, he then gulped has he saw tharn who was sitting to his table to then get slowly up holding types now piece together phone, type then looked to what he was holding.
"I believe..... We have discussed the importance of don't ignore me.....taught it quite while when we were in school."
Tharn then tossed the phone for type to grab it, he then looked down, to see over 100 missed calls and over 200 texts, type then gritted his teeth.
Tharn wrapped his arms about his body to continue to stare at him, not quite knowing what to do next.
Types eyes darted to lower the phone to hang his head to eye the floor, has tharns scent started to go in his nose, however it wasent quite the same. That confused type to no end.
Type then cleared his throat.
"Why....mm.... What are you doing here!"
Tharn narrowed his eyes at types tone.
"Shouldn't the first thing that comes out of that mouth is hi tharn, or I have missed you?"
Type looked up at him in pure anger.
"Go to hell! Why in the fuck are you here! It's been two years tharn! Two fucking years and not one word!"
Tharn raised an eye brow.
"I believe I called you on your birthday to get an asshole response."
Types eyes narrowed.
"You are such a prick! One call in almost 700 days is nothing. I don't know how you got into my place but you need to get the fuck out!"
Tharn lightly chuckled.
"Your land lord gave me a key, now why did you move here?"
Tharn then looked about.
"Where is woofy?"
Type stepped back a bit appalled he would go about what he just said.
"None of your god damn business, get out!"
Tharn then looked to him to eye.
"How can you tell me that type, you are being very rude to your fiance."
Types eyes widen.
"You have got to be kidding me! You are not my......I gave that ring.....ugh! Get out! We have been done for 2 years! I don't want you here!"
Now I'm going to have to move again, don't want anywhere where you and I have been together.
Tharn rolled his eyes.
"You and I need to talk type."
He shook his head.
"No we do not! I don't want you here! I want you to get out and never ever come back!"
Tharn raised am eye brow to then look to his left ring finger.
Type eyed him confused to then look to his finger to roll his eyes.
"Oh god! Don't read so much into this, I just don't want to lose my finger, you..... Left me alone for 2 years tharn...... Why!"
Tharns eyes darted to move closer.
Type stepped back. Tharn rolled his eyes.
"Mm, thought you didn't want to talk."
A deep growl erupted In types chest, he then balled his fists.
"You are such a......."
Type then turned to then open the door, to go to the other side to then hang his head.
Tharn looked to him, fighting and hard against what he truly desired what to do, unknownly type was doing that also.
"You really want me to go?"
Type took in a deep breathe in to her his eyes down.
Tharn looked him over.
I'll just talk to you tomorrow.
Tharn then moved about to head to the door, types eyes widen to then look at tharns retreating back, a hidden emotion started to come into play.
No..... Don't go!
Moving and quick, type couldn't hold back anymore, he used his hand to close the door to then wrap his arms about to then place his forhead to his back, to shake.
Tharn turned his head to look down.
"Thought you..... Desired me to...."
Type gulped.
"Tharn..... Just shut up! I'm disgusted with myself right now, I hate myself so much and...."
Tharn turned about quick, to place his hands to either side of his face to look at type with seriousness.
"No type! You are not going to sink back into self hatred, now you are going to....."
Type gritted his teeth to breathe hard.
"To late..... For that tharn...."
Tharns lips parted to look over type.
"You have got to be kidding me...."
Type then placed his hands to his Wrists to then take his hands down and away.
"Just look at me tharn..... Really look at me, do you think this is joke."
Tharn looked him over, he was not happy with what he saw, type was paler and very much skinner, he also wreaked of becoming sober..... Tharn had to look down, he was close to the edge of pouncing, however the time away from his half breed help with restrain.
"No.....I don't...."
Type nodded.
"Good..... Just...... Go....."
Type turned to start to go about.
Being away from types smell, tharn Couldnt help himself, he went to him to then grab his wrist to have type turn to eye him a bit confused, tharn then placed his hand to his other cheek to caress. Type looked longly at tharn to then shake his head.
"Don't you fucking dare! I hate you!"
Tharn stopped mere inches from his lips to look up.
"You hate me? I highly doubt that."
Before type could really protest, tharn placed his cold lips to his warmth.
Type couldn't stop himself, he melted, it had been so very long since the last time, this was just to much, moving his arms up he then turned to hop up on tharn to kiss at him fiercely, with his hands to either side of his neck to grip.
Tharn placed his hands to his back to grip and hard to then go forth to take them to bed, unknowing it was not going to be that easy.

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