quite comical watching this has you fight

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To the bed, the two sat criss cross, a foot apart, tharn had his head cocked to the side to watch has type had his arms about himself head hung, to be frozen trying not to move, however he had to breathe every now and then.
Has he had to take an inhale he furrowed his brow in anger has tharns scent went into his nose.
Tharn narrowed his eyes to then quietly chuckle.
Type then held a hand up.
"Do...... Not speak! Mm..... Just go!"
Tharn rolled his eyes to then look at his package that was very evidently hard to then look up at him has he slowly placed his arm back.
"Seeing how you are, in more places then one, I don't believe you want me to leave, why are you fighting against this? Don't you miss me? Miss us? I'm quite confused why your....."
Tharns head went to the side.
Type then looked up to breathe heavily, to stare at him in anger.
"Miss you! Miss us! Go to hell! Two fucking years tharn! And not one fucking word! Do you not know what you have put me through! And your wondering why I'm fighting and hard against this! God damnit vampire, why didn't you call me! Why didn't we video, why did you just disappear! What the hell was that and why are you here now! Did you become bored, over used with whoever your laying with....."
Tharns eyes widen at the accusation, to turn his head quick to then move closer to then place his hands to types face to pull him to his lips for a crushing kiss.
Types eyes widen, this was to much again.
He couldn't help but get up to kneel, to wrap his arms about to close his eyes to get fully know into this, moving them quick to the side, tharn placed type to his back to give away to this kiss even though he was very pissed about what type was assuming.
Moving both there hands down they couldn't stop themselves from ripping the others clothes to shreds.
They then grabbed up those said clothes to then throw them whenever, to keep kissing fiercely, to explore the others mouths, they both missed them so.
Tharn then hunched himself over to then take his arms down to wrap them about types legs to pull him down a bit to either side of himself, to then place his tip to his outter hole, he then winced has type had placed his finger nails into tharns upper shoulders, moving his head back, he looked him over a bit in frustration and irritation.
Types breathed heavily looking up at him. Didn't help tharn was like type, he stopped aging at 16 has well. It confused type a bit, it almost felt they were still in high school.
Type signed to then look down a bit to try and get a brain.
Tharns eyes narrowed, to then have a far off memory resurface.
"Damnit my half breed! You don't get to do this!"
Type froze, he remembered that also, he then slowly looked up.
"Excuse me!?"
Tharn raised an eye brow to then grab his one hand, taking his fingers out of his flesh, to then take it down.
"You don't get to do this!"
Types whole body shuttered, that both said everything almost word from word.
"You are a sick son of a......"
Types eyes widen has a familiar smell then crept into his nose, tharns blood.
Type then looked to his shoulder has dried blood was there.
Type could not hold back, he leaned up to sink his extended canines in to then have his eyes roll in the back of his head has he lapped up the blood.
Tharn lifted his head up to moan and coo, it had been so very long since he had his lovers teeth within him.
Tharn then brought that hand up to place to the side of types head to place his fingers to his, to then a bit, forcibly thrust his way in, type had squeezed his cavity but really wanting tharn to enter, however he did anyway.
Types eyes widen at the sudden pain of the foreign object, has it penetrated his hole.
Type took his teeth out, to then lift his head back to moan very heavily.
Tharn then went down to his neck to then use his tooth to draw a blood line to then use his tongue to lick it up, types whole body trembled.
"Oh god! Just.......mm......aaa...... Asshole! Fuck...... Just bite....mmm!" Type whimpered.
Tharn couldn't wait, he then placed his canines into his flesh to lap up the blood to then widen his eyes to instantly take them out to stop thrusting to stare down at type in pure anger.
"You've been with another!"
Type breathed shallowly in and out, he then moved his head to lock eyes with him.
"Two..... Years tharn! 5 years without you! Not my fucking fault! Couldn't even...... Because of these fucking blood rings!"
Tharn cocked his head to the side a bit to have his eyes turn a different color, a deep growl erupted in his chest.
Type looked him up and down to then take his one hand from his to then place them both to his chest to try and get him off.
Tharn was not having that.
Moving him quick, type was on his upper chest, head to the side, lower up in the air, to be thrusted into, deep, hard and quick, he winced a bit has tharn placed his hands to either side of his waist to really give it to him with his head hung.
"What.... Is the matter with you type! Trying to be with another! Do these rings mean nothing to you!"
Type moaned heavily has he was too the brink, not just to climax but in pleasure.
"Aaah! Your one to talk! 2 years tharn!"
Tharn rolled his eyes.
"Did you taste another in my blood type! I never....."
Tharn then came up short, he was hiding something.
Type then got up to grip the bedding to then move himself up and down tharns length, to hang his head.
"Aaah! Fuck! I'm not a fool or an idiot tharn! You smell different! Even your blood......aaah God!"
Tharn then went down to wrap his arms about to pull type up, to sink his teeth back in, to take a hand down to stroke his cock, type moved his body with his, the two couldn't help but to then cum.
Type breathed heavily to look at his wall.
"You are a son of a..... Hey!"
Moving him about, tharn placed them to there first position, to lean his head back to go again.
"Ah, you know, we can't just....mm.... Once.....5 years type.... I have missed you..... Missed you so....."
Type then leaned up to place his hands to his neck to grip and hard, has he moved his body with his, the two eyed the other deeply.
"Don't! Don't you fucking dare..... Just.....mmm...."
Type then moved one hand to go to his neck to then plant his canines back in, he couldn't help it.
After hours of passionate, heated rough rounds, type was to his stomach to look to the wall, exhausted.
Tharn was to the edge, to shake his head a bit.
"I can't believe...... You tried with another type!"
Type took a deep breathe to close his eyes.
"Can't believe..... Two years...... Not a word..... I've considered myself single for quite some time vampire...... Now if you please..... Get the fuck out of my home!" He said through gritted teeth.
Tharns eyes widen to look back at him.
"You can't be serious, not after everything....."
Tharn then cocked he's head to the side to listen to types sleeping breathes, signing a bit.
Tharn then moved about to then go to lay to his side to look over type has he was in unconsciousness. His eyes darted, slowly he brought his hand up to caress his cheek.
It has been so long since I have seen this sleeping face, been able to lay right next to you..... I'm not going anywhere type, we have much to discuss, also your right..... Something has happened in these 2 years and I am not going to lie to you about it or beat about the bush, but I guess for now this.
Type shuffled a bit to then move his hand up to push tharn to his back, to then get on him to take deep breaths has tharn started to smell has he once did.
Tharn wrapped his arms about to inhale his half breed.
"Mm.... Sleep...... Sleep my love..... For tomorrow we need to talk....."
Tharn then looked to the ceiling to grit his teeth, this wasent a discussion he wished to have, but to keep type, they needed to.

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