in a lull

449 56 19

Sighing here and there, type kept his head down has he was eating his breakfest, to then make a face.
Hearing this, tharn who was to the kitchen sink doing the dishes, turned his head slightly.
"Are you okay?"
Type scoffed to then slam the fork down to then get up to shuffle about to go back to the room to then slam the door.
Tharn made a face to then turn his head to look inside the sink.
For the better part of two weeks, type stayed away from tharn, to not speak to him and to slam doors quite often, the one to there bedroom had to be changed a few times.
Finished, tharn then washed and dried his hands to then go to said door to knock on it.
"Are you..... Going to work type?"
Type was to the other side, dressed in professional clothing, to have his head hung.
"Go.... Away!"
Type then signed to place his hand to his stomach, the twins were not liking there father's fighting.
Tharn turned to place his body to the door to look forward.
I love you my half breed.
Tharn then pushed himself away to then go forward to place on his jacket and shoes to then take a walk..
Type then took in a deep breathe to then go about to then eye.
Not seeing tharn, type then went to then go to place on a jacket and shoes to then wince.
Type then placed both hands to his stomach to then calm down whatever was going on in there.
Type took in a deep breathe to then take a step forward to wince again.
"Please don't......I have no clue what you two are doing but please....... Stop hurting me."
Rubbing his belly he was able to calm them down to then go forth with a face.
He didn't like what was occurring with his vampire and him however there was nothing right now he could really do about it, type also knew he needed time.
To his work, type was hunched over to then fill out paperwork to then lean back to place his hand to his mouth to yawn into it.
Dr. Qui turned to eye.
"Almost that time, do you want to leave early?"
Type placed his hand down to then turn to eye.
"Not really, but if you want to go."
Dr. Qui looked type over to make a face.
"Is there something going on with you and your husband?"
Types ears turned red at that word to then turn to eye the papers.
"Just a marriage miscommunication that's all. Dr. Qui, I know your wife is in the hospital with your third and she's having complications, go, I'll be fine."
Dr. Qui took in a deep breathe to then get up to go to type to hug him and hard.
"Thank you."
Hearing something, dr. Qui let go to then eye tharn.
Type turned his head to roll his eyes to then look back down.
Dr. Qui turned his head to see type didn't get up, to make a face to then go to tharn who was holding a bouquet of flowers.
"It's not what it looks like, also be easy on him, he is really tired. Type, I'll be going."
Dr qui then went about to then grab his jacket from his chair to then leave.
Tharn watched him go to then look to type with narrowed eyes.
"You get lonely and you let anyone touch you I see."
Type rolled his eyes.
"Go away."
Tharns eyes narrowed to then go to dr. Qui's desk to then slam down the bouquet to then go to types chair to twirl it about to eye type who hung his head to then place a hand to his stomach to wince.
Tharn raised an eye brow.
"Are you okay?"
Type scoffed to turn his head.
"What do you care?"
A low growl started to erupt in tharns chest cavity. He then grabbed type by his wrist to then push him gently to the table to place his hands to it, to go to his ear, has he had his hands to his pants to then start to slowly take them down, type kept his head hung to take in deep breathes, to quiver here and there has he felt his vampire touch him.
"I always care type, now why did you make that expression? Are you experiencing any pain?"
Type signed.
"I am not going to get rid of......"
Tharn growled a bit to then place his hand to types member to grip to then stroke and hard.
Types whole body trembled.
"I am not seeking that type! I need to know why you made that face, are you in distress do you need to see the doctor?"
Type lifted his head to moan.
"Ah....if....nn.... If I did..... This wouldn't be....aah It's just the twins..... Moving about....aah.... Hitting me with there elbows and knees.....aaah!"
Tharn just then placed his hand to his head to grip his hair to then lean his head back to then quickly undo his pants to draw out his member to then slowly go in to then penetrate his half speed.
"Mm! Better be type! Nn! Better be!"
After, type dressed sat to his chair to look over tharn who was standing before him put together eyeing type.
Type shrugged.
"There not doing anything now, think they're sleeping."
Tharns eyes narrowed.
"Sure. Now come on."
Type watched tharn turn to go about leaving the bouquet to the desk, type signed to then try to get up however it wasent working.
"Mm, um tharn I um?"
Tharn stopped to turn to eye.
Type made a face to then raise up his hand. Tharn smiled to then go to him to place his hand to his to then help him up.
Type stumbled a bit to then look deeply at tharn to take in a deep breathe to then place his lips to his, to then move about to grab the bouquet to then head out the door.
"Can't believe you are possibly thinking Dr. Qui and I, ugh, don't make me think about it or I'm going to throw up."
Tharn smiled to then hang his head to go after type has he always has and will.

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