can't believe it

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A week later, type was to the kitchen to be sitting down hunched over a bit to be enjoying his second bowl of food, tharn who sat to the other side, stared at him intently..
Type chewed the last to then move his head up to then nod.
"For food today, yes. Is there any...."
Tharn smirked to get up to grab types bowl with him to then go about to pour some more to then come back to place to the table. Type smiled and wide to then go for more..
"Any more Braxton Hicks contractions?"
Type shook his head to then move it up to chew has he looked to tharn.
"Mm.....I am starting to want something else though."
Tharn then stood to go to type.
"Do you want me to go and...."
Type shook his head to then stand to then place his hands to tharns face to pull him a bit .
"Wanting you."
Type then placed his mouth to tharns for a deep sensual kiss.
Before it could go deeper, they both parted for type to turn his head to the side to sign.
"Who could that be!?"
Tharn lightly chuckled at his half breeds tone to then go about..
"Stay here, I shall see who."
Types placed his hands to his stomach to then look down..
"Try to be quick."
Tharn smiled and wide to go about to another.
Type signed again to sway a bit back and forth.
Looking up after a bit, he raised his brow to see zhan behind tharn, type took a deep breathe to then shuffle to him to eye.
"Zhan, what are you doing here?"
Zhan shrugged.
"I wished to take you up on your offer to visit.... Since....."
Zhan looked down to take in a deep breathe.
Type looked to tharn who rolled his eyes.
Type then went to zhan to then wrap his hand about to then pull.
"Let's go somewhere else, tharn don't be rude, please get something for zhan to drink."
Tharn flexed his jaw to then go and do that.
To a room, the two sat a bit away, type kept his eyes to zhan who was sitting a chair with his head hung.
"So...... How has life been?"
Zhan signed.
"How can it be without Kris......"
Type made a face to look down..
"Still hasn't made contact with you?"
Zhan shook his head.
5 months ago, Kris was growing tired that zhan was keeping something from him and zhan wouldn't let the subject of having a child go, so Kris left zhan until he could appreciate there relationship.
Type then went forward to place his hand to zhans shoulder.
"He is going to come back."
"I'm..... Not so sure.... It's been 5 months type and......" Zhan signed heavily.
To the kitchen, tharn was pouring a drink for zhan to then turn his head to hear light knocking.
He then went to it, to widen his eyes.
To the half breeds, zhan then looked up to type to then eye his stomach.
"Can I...."
Type smiled to then take his hand from his shoulder to grab zhans hand to then place to his stomach.
"Least someone other then me."
Zhan eyed type confused.
"Isn't tharn....."
Types face dropped to shake his head.
"I know he will come around..... Just have to be patient, same with you and Kris, patience, I know he will come back, if he wasent going to he would have divorced you and taken that blood ring."
Zhan signed to then eye his ring finger has he left hand was to types stomach.
"He still could type...... This is the longest we have ever...... Hey!"
Suddenly zhan was ripped away from type, and type was forced quick to get up to be now standing behind tharn, Kris pulled zhan back to then eye him with anger.
"Why were you touching type!"
Zhans eyes widened, he then stepped forward to then wrap his arms about Kris to hold him tight, Kris rolled his eyes to then take zhan off to then push him back a bit to yell.
"Why were you touching....."
Kris eyes widened further to then turn his head to look to tharn and type to then slowly look down to types stomach to then part his lips.
"You can't be....... How are you....."
Tharn then started to build up a growl.
Zhan then gulped to go in front of Kris to hold his arms out.
Moving and quick, tharn took zhan by the wrist to pull him to the side to then grab Kris by the same fashion to look at type and hard.
Type nodded to see tharn take Kris to another room. Zhan then tried to go forth to then look down to see type take him by the wrist.
"Let them talk it out please."
Zhan signed to look to type.
"If tharn does anything to Kris."
Type shook his head.
"Other then talk I know tharn won't do anything. Mm....I have to say, our vampires really have great timing don't they."
Zhan lightly chuckled to then turn his head to eye a bit distraught.
To the room, tharn had pulled Kris in to go before the door to eye, Kris had his back to him to look frantically about.
"How is your half breed pregnant?"
Tharn gritted his teeth.
"It is a long story, one you are not leaving my place to tell."
Kris widened his eyes to then turn to look to tharn.
"Are you threating me?"
Tharn then took one step closer.
"You are not leaving."
Kris eyes narrowed.
"Mm, is that a fact?"
"It is."
"You can't keep me here tharn."
"Let's see about that. This room, no one can get out of, enjoy your stay."
Kris lips parted has tharn acted and quick to leave to lock the door. Kris then looked to the ceiling to shake his head.
No wonder you were wanting a child so bad..... But how are those two..... I just can't believe this.....
Sitting across from the other, zhan then got up to stare at tharn.
"Where is Kris?"
Tharn looked to zhan.
"You two will be staying with type and I a bit. I need to make sure he will not say a thing, do you understand?"
Zhan signed to look down to nod, he then started to go around tharn, type then got up when he saw tharn wrap his hand about his wrist to eye him deeply.
"You two can't leave, not yet, understand."
Zhan nodded to then take his hand away to then go forth, type signed to then widdle to tharn with his hands to his stomach.
"This is a mess."
Tharn then looked to type.
"Mm..... That it is..... Come you need to sleep."
Type rolled his eyes.
"I am not a baby who needs to.....hey!"
Tharn then pulled type along to go to there bedroom, both to not know what was going to happen next.

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