I am so fat!

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Sighing, type stood before the full length mirror to eye himself up and down to shake his head.
Finishing the crib, painting the room and other necessary things, tharn came about to be too the door frame to then look in to eye types bare back narrowly.
"That's it..."
Types eyes widened to then turn with his hands to his stomach to eye tharn has he came about to then go to the mirror to hold. Type then stepped to him with his hands to either shoulder..
"What are you doing?"
"I am over this mirror and you staring at yourself."
Type rolled his eyes.
"Tharn, put it down."
Tharn did just that to town to eye to wrap his arms about.
"I don't want this here anymore, it is making you so sad."
Type signed to look down to rub his stomach.
"It is not making me sad, just what I am too be seeing is...... I'm just so.....fucking fat tharn!"
Tharn rolled his eyes to then step to him to place his hands to his face to place his lips to his forehead.
"You are not fat and you know it."
Type signed heavily.
"Yes I am! I am huge! Bigger then the average pregnant woman!"
Tharn lightly chuckled to move back to fully eye.
"Well, you are a man, a half breed and pregnant, do not compare yourself to the human women who are carrying a child."
Type gritted his teeth to then look down, he then brought up his hands to place to tharns wrists to then take him away to turn to go to his dresser to then eye some pants to then try and place them on over his boxers to no avail.
Tharn smiled to then go to him to then place his hands to his pants to then start to rip apart.
Types eyes widened to turn his head to the side to eye tharn who was looking down.
"For the duration of this, no more jeans, the style is sweat pants or bigger shorts."
Tharn then placed his mouth to types neck to start to nibble. Type melted to turn his head forward to close his eyes to moan a bit.
Tharn then let the shredded pants fall about to then do the same to types boxers to have them fall to then move type a bit with his body a bit roughly to the dresser to make him place his hands palms down to the top with a slam to then make type bend to then go down to spread his cheeks to place his tongue in his hole to wet.
Type hung his head to moan even louder, it had been a very long time since tharn had been rough with him.
Type then placed his head to the side to the dresser to look to the wall to breathe erratically.
"Ah tharn!"
Tharn then took his tongue out to then move up to look down to then take a hand to his shorts to draw out his member that was too be very hard and erect to rub it to types hope to then smack his ass just a bit, types body jolted a bit forward, type curled his bottom lip to bite into it.
Type turned his head to then look to tharn.
Tharn then brought his hand to his hair to grip it to then bring him back to eye him narrowly.
"You are not fat! Just pregnant, mm....I love you so much."
Types lips parted to then bring up his hand to place to tharns neck to then place his lips to his to wiggle his ass a bit, he was wanting his vampire and bad.
Tharn then gripped his waist to then pull to him to then thrust his cock and hard into his cavity, he couldn't help it.
Type quivered by the force, it had been so very long since tharn went this speed, he missed it so very much.
Types eyes then widened to regrettably dis connect them to then turn to hang his head to place his hands to his stomach to wince.
Tharns eyes widen to stare.
Type shook his head.
"Damnit! Mm....fucking Braxton Hicks!"
Tharn eyed him up and down.
"Are you sure?"
Type took in deep breathes to then nod has the pain started to subside.
"Very, fuck!"
Tharn stepped closer in concern.
Type signed.
"These came at the wrong time, especially when...."
Type shook his head to then look to tharn to then place his hands to his chest to then push him back until they hit the bed, tharn raised an eye brow when type got onto him.
"Type? I don't think we should...."
Type shook his head again to then take a hand back to then re connect them. To go up and down slow, to lift his head back to coo.
"We are not at all done tharn! Mmm"
Tharn kept his eyes to type in worry to not really get into this act.
Type then looked down to tharn to feel that to then roll his eyes to grab his hands to place to his erect cock to have them both pump.
"Tharn.... I'm fine....ah.... Please... Don't want to cum alone!"
Tharn flexed his jaw to then take his hands from types to then place them too his neck to pull him down to give him one incredible kiss.
Type grinded has fast has he could until they both were to release.
After, type was to his side to look at the wall to breathe in and out contently.
Tharn was to his side with a hand to his back to eye.
"How are you feeling?"
"Mm.... Better..... Just wish I didn't look this way."
Tharn rolled his eyes.
"When your no longer this way type, you have no idea what is going to be awaiting for you."
Type smiled and wide to then close his eyes.
I really can not wait for that tharn.

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