a restless day

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When they got home, type stayed to the car to watch tharn go in first, he made a face to to then hang his head to look down, his insecurities, where surrounding him.
Type took in a deep breathe to then get out of the car, to go into there home, to close the door to place himself to the back of it to look in. He moved his head to the side to watch tharn go about to then go into there room to slightly shut the door.
Type gritted his teeth to look down feeling horrible.
Signing, he then took off his shoes to then go to the kitchen to gather something to eat, after, he then stopped to the middle of the room to turn his head to look at there door.
It wasent closed, was partly open, type knew tharn always wanted him but for right now type needed to take a moment.
Signing once more he then went to go to the living room to sit to there black couch to hold the bowl with the food he made.
He then turned his head to place a hand to the back to shake his head a bit.
Do not know why he adapted what he had to his father's home.
Type rolled his eyes to then lean forward to gather the remote to then turn on the tv to eye it has he consumed.
Tharn who only had his boxers on, laid to his back to stare intently to the back of the door, to then narrow his eyes.
What is taking you half breed?
Finishing his food, type then leaned forward to place the empty bowl to the table to then move back to then lay to his side to continue to watch the television without much thought.
However in the other room, tharn was growing impatient.
He then wrapped his arms about to shake his head a bit.
Why is he not coming in here? The sun has risen, I know he needs to sleep before night comes back about, so why is he to be out there.
Tharn gritted his teeth.
You have no right to be angry type, no right to be doing this to me, you are the one who said no to my proposal, now I know I said something I deeply regret however you can not act like this!
Tharn flexed his jaw to then turn his head to eye the clock to then watch it click by.
He was growing in anger and irritation.
Tharn then turned his head back to stare at that door.
Why are you to still to be like this type? I know how relationship has been through so much, but if you truly want it and love me has you have protested then why do you act like this! Why do you treat me has such! I know every relationship goes through bad and good and I know we get more of the bad, but why do you act like this! Why are you not coming in here! Why are you acting this why? Have seen I first met you and it is ticking me off!
Tharn then placed his hand to the blanket to grip to then throw it back to then get up to stomp his way out to then go to the living room, a bit livid.
Going to it, he then saw the television on, tharn rolled his eyes to go to the table to gather the remote to turn it off to then slam it down a bit to keep his back to type.
"Do we mean so little, that instead of coming to our room and talking about what has passed you would rather...."
Not hearing anything from type, tharn turned about in pure anger, to then part his lips to melt a bit.
He looked upon type, who was to his side, hand under his head to have his eyes closed to breathe in soundly, he accidentally fell asleep.
Tharn looked him over to then turn to eye the table with the empty bowl, he then turned fully to retrieve it, to go to the kitchen to clean too then go back after he washed his hands to crouch down to place a hand to types cheek to caress.
Type furrowed his brow to then let it Smooth to take in a deep breathe to stay to his slumber.
Tharn smiled to then get up, to gather type.
Has he did he moved back to eye type, he took in a deep breathe in, to slightly open his tired eyes, to give tharn a breathe taking smile, to then place his head to his chest to move it up and down to nessle onto it.
"Mm.... My.... Tharn...."
Tharn kept his eyes to type to grit his teeth, he wanted his half breed, but knew he needed self control to be at it's max.
Tharn then turned to take them to bed.
Onto the bed, tharn placed type down to undress him until he was too his boxers to then pick him up once more to then take him to place under the covers to go about to lay to his side to bring a hand up, to take the back of it to then caress his cheek, to dart his eyes over types tired face has he laid to his back.
Tharn then moved his hand to place his thumb to his bottom lip to caress.
"You have no idea type, how much I wish to ravish and devour you right now, but..... We do for to talk and you do need to sleep."
Tharn made a sour expression, to then go to his back to look up.
His eyes widen has he felt types weight upon him.
Tharn looked down, to see type had gotten on him, to shuffle his head on up and down where his heart should be.
"Stop..... Trying to.... Get.. Away from.... Me...."
Type signed under his breathe to fall into deep sleep.
Tharn smiled to then wrap an arm about to then place a hand to his head.
"I am not doing that type, has usual you have your doubts, that is what is keeping up to this."
Tharn then leaned his head down to then place his lips to types head to then move his head back to then look to the ceiling to wish he could sleep with his half breed, however this would do.

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