stand off

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Taking a deep breathe, type gritted his teeth to narrow his eyes to look in the shadows.
Tharn tilted his head to the side has he was too the floor in a criss cross position, with his arms wrapped about, his eyes narrowed has well has he looked upon type.
"You can't stay out there forever."
Type lightly chuckled to then turn his head to eye off his see through glass Terrance to look at the sun which was mid way down.
"Type.... This is childish, I only wish to talk, now come in here."
Type who was blanketed with the sun, shook his head.
Tharn flexed his jaw to then start to go forth, type snapped his head to look forward to eye him in anger.
Tharn settled back to shrug.
"Then you need to come in here."
Type shook his head again.
"I'm fine right out here."
Tharn rolled his eyes.
"You have become a lot more childish in these past few years type, I just wish to talk, why are you...."
Type raised an eye brow.
"Do you really not know why I don't want to talk to you!? You need to just go tharn."
"To go where? Cant leave your building type, if you are wishing to see me burn I'll gladly do it right next to you, if that is what you are wanting."
Type signed to turn his head to the side.
"Now who is being childish." He muttered.
"Type, I don't want to talk like this. So..... Get your ass in here!"
Type lightly chuckled.
Tharn flexed his jaw again to then get up to stand, type snapped his head forward to eye up.
"What are you doing?"
"It's..... Been awhile type, but I'm sure you remembered the punishments."
Types eyes widen.
"You have got to be kidding me, you are not going to give me a..... Hey.... Hey! Knock it off!"
Tharn then took slow steps towards him, to then take a hand out to then go forward.
Types lips parted, his whole body shuttered when that hand hit the light, it started to immediately burn, type got up instantly to then go to tharn to bring up his hands to pay him back.
He then took off his light grey sweater, to then place it to his hand to start to take off the black chips that fell to the floor, he eyed the hand with a grimace.
"What the hell tharn!"
Tharn kept his eyes to him.
"Well.....I guess to you, this is more of a punishment for me."
Type signed to keep wiping.
Swaying a bit, tharn then eyed his exposed neck, that action took a lot out of him, going forth he extended his canines in to lap up the blood.
Type opened his mouth to moan.
Tharn then took his hand away to then place it to the back of his head to then grip his hair to take more.
Type facial features twitched.
"Ah.... Tharn....nn.... Tharn.... To.... To.... Much...." Type breathed heavily.
Tharn instantly took his canines out to eye.
Type closed his eyes to gulp.
Tharn then picked type up bridal style to take him to the bed to lay him down to his side to leave him for a moment to then go about to the kitchen to grab a few viles, type to his side tried to control his breathing, peering his eyes to the side, tharn sat to the side to then place a vile under his mouth.
Type then grabbed to hold his head back to consume.
Tharn watched him has he went through a few.
Type then threw one to his chest to then move back to place his body to the wall to being his knees to wrap his arms about to look down.
"Damn you tharn!"
Tharn rolled his eyes.
"Your the one who wouldn't come in."
"And!? That doesn't mean you do that!"
Tharn looked type up and down.
"We need to talk."
Type peered his eyes to the other side.
"Why? I know, tasted you were with another tharn. It's.... Over...."
Tharn gritted his teeth.
"I don't understand what you are talking about."
Type darkly chuckled to then look to tharn.
"I'm not a moron tharn, you left me for two years, without one single word, you smelled different and now you smell the same, also what you took that I made, I consumed it, now..... Who was it! Who did you cheat on me with!?"
Type breathed hard.
Tharns eyes darted to lean his head back a bit.
"There...... Are other reasons why I didn't talk to you type."
Type froze to look down.
"Your.....still not denying it tharn....."
Tharn turned his head to look forward, he then closed his eyes..
"You don't understand type."
Type looked up to start to be filled with rage.
"You sick....... Son of a...... And you and I...... You were inside of me while you had a.....ugh! What is wrong with you!?"
Type then went forward to push tharn off his bed, tharn quickly turned to then pin type down to hover over to squeeze at his wrists.
Type winced to then turn his head to the other side.
"Get off! You cheating, lying son of a....."
Tharn rolled his eyes.
Type was still not trying to understand and was just coming up with the answer before it was given.
"Damnit type! You need to listen!"
Type started to squirm.
"I've heard enough, you probably felt the ring start to hurt and you didn't care right! You got what you wanted from that other! What were they hmm! A vampire! Male! Female!? You are sick to come here and....."
Tharn then placed types hands into one to place above his head to then place his other hand to his chin to then turn his head, to eye intently to grow in full irritation.
"You need to listen to me type! I am trying to tell you....."
Tharns eyes widen has type used all his strength to then knee him in the stomach causing him to be tossed to the floor, type sat up to eye, has did tharn.
There eyes Darted, type then looked to the terrance to try and go to the sun once more, however tharn was quicker.
Moving to type, he wrapped his arms about to then have them both flop to the bed, type thrashed about.
"No! Get the fuck off of me! Let me go! I want you out! You fucking diseased walking corpse! I hate you, I fucking dispise you I want you to get the fuck out of my life and go to hell! Damnit let go, go to the other you have been into and....."
Tharn moving quick, wrapped his legs over types to hold them down, to then take types arms to place behind, has tharn was, to then take his free hand to his mouth to close it to make his head lift up a bit.
"Damnit type! You need to listen to me, you are under the wrong impression here, now I will admit something did happen with another, but they didn't mean anything and....."
Everything else seemed to drown out type couldn't hear anything else.
Tharn then stopped talking to look over types face, his eyes started to be stained with a dark red, unknown to tharn, his vampiric side was coming out.
Becoming stronger, type was able to get away to then hit tharn with all his might, causing his head to turn to the side for him to then spit out blood into the bed.
Type breathed heavily to then stand up to take step away to then go back to the Terrance to go into his earlier position to look down. He then closed his eyes to take in deep long breathes, has blood tears that were not water started to go down his face, moving up, tharn wiped the blood from his mouth to then turn his head to eye type, he gritted his teeth.
He..... Just needs some time.... Even though it's unwarranted..... You have no clue what actually happened type......
Tharn gritted his teeth to then flop to his back to stare at the ceiling too eye, to wait until his half breed calms down.

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