taking care of my half breed

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To his side, type took in a deep inhale to then go to his back to streach out his arms up above his head has he lifted his head back to take in a even bigger inhale, smacking his lips, he then let his arms just flop to the bed, to then gulp.
Furrowing his brow, something started to go through his mind.
Jolting up, he then turned his head to place his hand to the empty space to move it about.
Snapping his head to the other side, his eyes widen.
Tharn came about after he heard types heart start to accelerate.
Type looked over tharn to then take in a deep breathe to eye down.
Ah, I'm being ridiculous again..
Tharn then smirked to then go to type to sit to the edge to place a hand to his head to then pull tharn to his body to kiss the side.
"Mm.... I'm here my half breed, I'm here, I'm making you breakfest..... Well lunch, it's 2 in the afternoon, come on."
Tharn Gave him another kiss to the side of his head to then get up, type looked up to dart his eyes.
He then took in a deep breathe to then remove the blanket to then go forth a bit eager.
Going to the kitchen table, he sat, just has tharn came around to place a plate full of food right under his nose.
Types eyes widen.
"This...... Is a lot of food tharn."
Tharn nodded to then sit to the opposite chair to then place his head to his hand to eye.
"I know, told you, a grand feast, also in that cup is your favorite type of blood."
Type smiled.
"Rather have yours." He muttered under his breathe has he grabbed a fork.
Tharn raised an eye brow to then move his wrist over.
"Take all you want type."
Type looked up to shake his head.
"Thank you, but this is all way to much. Let me enjoy. Keep your blood, well..... At least for now." He laughed to himself.
Tharn nodded with a smile to then take his arm down to continue to watch.
Types eyes darted has he consumed, to then look up with widened eyes..
Tharn shrugged..
"Just missed this."
Types looked to him confused.
"Missed what?"
"Other then you, just all of it. Your sleeping, your eating, you're facial expressions, just everything type."
Type chewed slowly has his ears started to turn red.
He then looked down to inhale his food, seeing type was done, tharn then got up to grab the plate, he stopped has type wrapped his hand about. Tharn looked up at him a bit confused with the action.
Type took in a deep breathe, to look deeply into tharns eyes.
"I have missed so many things of you tharn. The way you hold me ever so close, your fight, your protectiveness, your attitude but it's usually for a good cause, I have also missed your love."
Type then got up to place a hand to his cheek to caress to then move forward to place his lips to his.
Tharn moved his other hand up to types neck to grasp, to then move his head up and down with types.
With types free hand, he then swipe the dish to the side where it fell off the table to then get upon it, to place both his hands to tharns neck to then really give him a deep kiss, type was to his knees on the top of the table, tharns head was lifted up to give type an amazing kiss. He then moved his hands to types shirt to then go to the collar to rip it apart to then depart from there kiss, to go to his neck. Type lightly chuckled.
"Ah..... You and....mm.... My clothes, always in a constant battle......"
Tharn then moved his hands to types pants to do the same action..
"Not..... My fault..... It is there's....."
Type cooed has tharn then moved him about to lay to the table to then got up on it himself, to go inbetween his legs to then take off his clothes to throw to the side.
Tharn then made type bend his legs to either side of him, to then take off the remainder of his clothes to then throw.
Type placed his hands to tharns body to move about to eye.
Tharn raised an eye brow. He then grabbed. Hand to then bring it up to place it to his mouth where he suckle each finger to then lick, moving it about he then placed his wrist to his lips.
Type nodded breathing heavily.
Tharn smiled to then consume.
Type moaned in pure delight.
He then removed his wrist to then lean up to wrap his arms about to then take tharn down.
"Ah..... No more four play, make love to you half breed!"
Tharn raised an eye brow, before he could coax type to saying those three words type pulled him to his mouth, to then take a hand down to wrap it about tharns hardened, throbbing, twitching, massive cock, to then insert it into his awaiting cavity.
Type moaned blissfully into there interwined mouths.
Tharn then couldn't help but grabbed that hand to then place to the side of types head to then place his fingers through to thrust in deep and hard, after a few moments of those powerful thrusts, they both widened there eyes to stop moving, they parted there lips to then turn there heads to eye.
The table had broken and they were now to the floor, they then turned there heads back to look at the other in pure lust, shrugging type placed his tongue right back into his vampires mouth to consume and tharn did the same to then really ram into him.
After there hard and rough round, type was before the cloest to get dressed, hanging his head to look at what he was doing a bit in a sober way, he didn't wish to go to work.
Tharn dressed to then go to type to wrap his arms about to go to his neck to start to plant kisses, type looked up to then smiled to take in a deep breathe.
"Just 4 more days my half breed, then the weekend, where we will spend it all here and in bed. Mm, I love you."
Type turned his head to eye, there eyes darted..
"I really can't wait until the weekend now."
Type then moved his lips to tharns to give him a deep one, to sign. Parting he looked him over.
"Here at 3?"
Tharn nodded to then bring up a hand to rub his chin.
"Yes and you better be here at that time also."
Type smirked..
"Mm, what will you do if I'm not?"
Tharn smiled and wide.
"Your being so naughty right now type, mm, you shall see. Do not be late again."
Tharn placed his lips to his to let go reluctant to then go, type signed to then look down. He then moved his hand to his heart to feel it skip a few beats.
I love you tharn, I really do, what will you do though if I'm late?
Type drummed his fingers to his chest to then turn his head to pounder that question.

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