please listen

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Tharn was before the hospital door to ball his fists to hang his head to grit his teeth.
Marti looked to him to then twitch his left hand. After everything he had done to tinta he was not going to numb his hand, to feel all of the pain.
"Mm, Mr. Xian?"
Tharn lifted his head up to grit his teeth to then place his hand to the door to then open not liking this one bit.
Type looked about his mother who stood to the edge to then widened his eyes has he saw tharn come in with Marti following close.
He then gave his little brother to his mother to then turn to the side of the bed to then get up to move in front of his mother and step father to eye Marti with a glare.
"You have no right to fucking be here! And how could you tharn! Why is he here!"
Tharn stopped with Marti to keep his head hung to grit his teeth here and there.
Boonire widened her eyes to old her baby closer to then place a hand to types shoulder.
"He.... Needs your help." Tharn said disgruntled.
Type took in deep breathes to then look from tharn to Marti once more to sign to then turn to eye his family.
"Mom, step dad, little brother..... I'm sure I'm going to be discharged from the hospital soon so..... Can I come over a bit later in the week, I'll tell you everything mom."
Boonire signed to then grab his step dads hand to then pull to go to types ear.
"You be careful."
She then left with everyone.
Marti turned his head to raise an eye brow at the little boy who clutched to boonire, shrugging he then looked to type.
Type stood there for a moment to take in a deep breathe.
"What is it you want mr. Passeni?"
Marti went about tharn to then stop to look down, tharn had his hand to his wrist, Marti then looked to him, tharn turned his head to eye with a glare.
"This is has far has you are too get close to my half breed!" He said through gritted teeth.
Type smiled at that to keep his position to not turn around.
Marti nodded. Tharn looked him up and down to let go to then eye the floor.
Marti then looked to types back to twitch his left hand.
"My..... Vampire is out of sorts, had to....tie and ball gauge him in my home and to numb his hand has the ring is embedding itself. I.... Know I have no right to ask, he is not too listen to anything I am too tell him. Someone such has yourself who knows about the blood, can you talk him down."
Type raised an eye brow to turn to sign.
"Why in the world do you think I would help you?"
Tharn smirked at that.
"This was pressured, forced a bit, we are too feel it more painfully then you and Mr. Xian had to go through, even though his hand is numb, since my lover is fighting this, he is too feel it even more, so please.....I am not here for me, but for what is now mine. I know now you're vampire never cared for me, I see what has happened to be just that, a mistake, an accident. I can tell now he does not care for me, but I know tinta does so....."
Marti hung his head to grit his teeth. He hated the fact he had to beg.
Type took in a deep breathe to then eye tharn.
"What.... Should I do then.... Tharn? It'll be up to you."
Tharn flexed his jaw to then look to the wall.
"Are you.... To be discharged? Today?"
Type nodded.
"Then.... Let us....I guess help."
Marti smiled to then turn to leave.
"I shall await you both outside."
Type made a face after Marti left to then go to tharn to stand before him.
"Tharn I...."
Tharn quickly moved his hands to types shirt to then push him to the wall to eye him intently.
"This is now the second time you have almost died because you refuse to listen to your vampire and to over use me! If you think for one second you are not going to get a punishment from me type, you are very much mistaken! I cant believe you did that! What is the matter with you! We are a team! At least I am trying to be!"
Tharn then pushed type further to the wall to step back, type gulped has he saw tharns eyes turn pitch black, he could tell he made tharn very angry.
Type then tried to step closer for tharn to shake his head to step back. Type froze.
"Tharn..... You have no idea how sorry I am, I didn't think."
Tharn scoffed.
"No shit!"
Type flexed his jaw.
Tharn shook his head to then turn to head to the door, type watched him go.
"Th.... Tharn...."
Tharn stopped to hang his head to eye the floor.
"I really am sorry....."
"Sure you are type..... And yet you just keep fucking doing it! Just know your punishment will not be me fucking you into unconsciousness, it'll be more dire for what you have put me through!"
Types whole body shuttered.
"Are you.... Breaking up with me?"
Type tensed when he heard a low and loud growl come from his chest cavity, tharn turned his head to eye type.
"You have got to be fucking kidding me with that breaking up bullshit!"
Type gulped to then look down.
"Prove me wrong..... Come over here right now and...."
With pure quick ness, tharn was there to place his hands to types face to then lift it up for them to dart there eyes. Tharn then narrowed his to then place types lips to his own to take his breathe away.
Tharn then parted them to move back, type placed a hand to then take in deep breathes.
"That is all you are getting from me, you gave no clue how pissed off I am with you, and type...... You are too be forever my half breed! I am just going to....."
Tharn lightly ruthlessly darkly chuckled to then turn to leave slamming the door.
Type placed his head to the wall to look to the door to let a lone tear fall, to not know what tharn was going to do, but with a deep gulp, type moved away from the wall to whip his tear to take out the ivs from his arm to then go about to find a doctor so he could leave and help two lost souls find the other.

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