so..... what was to be your fault?

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The next night, type was before the mirror to have an arm wrapped to his stomach to be staring down with a tooth brush in his mouth, he brushed his teeth very slowly to be happy for a moment in his life there was not too be one thing in his head.
He may not get hangovers, however type on occasion with the help of alcohol, would allow him to have a dark abyss to his mind, to the latter he enjoyed that.
To the kitchen, tharn completed a special favorite meal for type to then take it off the stove to then eye, nodding he then played to place it to the table to then place the dirty dishes to the sink to then go forth to find type, he needed to find a way to get him to tell, why he thought something was to his fault.
Going forth, tharn then placed himself to the door frame to then wrap his arms about to eye types back, to tilt his head to watch him Brush his teeth, his eyes narrowed has he saw from the mirror, he thought type was to be lost in thought with the blank stare he was giving.
Tharn then raised an eye brow to then go in, to wrap his arms about to go to his ear.
"So.... What are you to be over thinking this time my half breed?"
Coming back, type widened his eyes to turn his head to look to him.
Tharn Leaned his head back to look to type.
"Mm, never mind, come, your breakfest is getting cold."
Tharn kissed type to his cheek to then turn to leave.
Type looked after tharn to take in a deep breathe to then look back to spit and place the tooth brush back to then turn to go.
Sitting, type hung his head to then consume, tharn to the other side placed his head to his hand to eye.
Type chewed to keep his eyes to the plate, to nod.
Tharns eyes narrowed..
"We.... Need to talk."
Type then placed his hand to his head to then keep looking down to eat to shrug.
"I really rather not, especially since you have to go to......"
Type signed to keep eating.
Tharn leaned back to then place his hands to the table to cup to eye.
"That yes is something we need to discuss type, however, I need to know what you think is too be your fault?"
Type stopped eating too, grit his teeth.
"Doesn't..... Matter...."
Tharn looked to type, to then place a hand to his, the two then looked to the action.
"Type, you were talking in your sleep, I know when you do that, you are deeply troubled so..... Before this is blown out of portion, can you please just tell me."
Type kept his eyes to the action of there hand holding to shake his head.
He then took his hands from tharns to then grab his half empty plate to then go to the sink to place it in to start on the dishes.
"You...... Need to go..... Don't be late for work."
Tharns eyes Darted over types empty spot, to then shake his head.
You have made so much head way of change type, but I see the areas in which you haven't.
Tharn then got up to then go to type to wrap his arms about.
"Type, we need to talk about this."
Type gritted his teeth.
"Tharn..... Go to work!"
Tharn moved his head back to eye, to then roll them.
"Know I love you my half breed..... Even though you seem to be slipping back."
Tharn let him go to head to the bedroom to then change into his work clothes.
Type made a face to then wash his hands quick to then turn off the water to go to the bedroom in a bit of anger.
"What are you going on about....."
Going in, type stood to the middle of the floor, to look at tharns bare, pale, muscler, strong back, to gulp has he eyed, he then hung his head to look down, to ball his fists.
Damnit type! Considerate!
Tharn looked type up and down to smile, he then placed his work shirt to the bed to turn to eye.
Type flexed his jaw to then turn his head to look to the side
Type took in a deep breathe.
"I have told you multiple times I am not perfect my vampire, also...."
Type parted his lips has tharn took another step towards him to then place his hands to his head to make it move up, there eyes darted.
"I am not seeking perfection, I am seeking and only have ever sought you, and your love type."
Types heart started to beat unevenly, he then looked down, tears couldn't help themselves from falling.
Tharn then pushed them away with his thumbs.
"What a line tharn...."
Tharn rolled his eyes to move his head closer.
"You know it's more then that. Right my half breed?"
Type looked to tharn in the eyes to nod.
"Somewhere, I know that....."
Tharn slightly smiled..
"Always..... So difficult....."
The two then placed there lips to the others for an understatement, undescribable kiss, for tharn to then move type back, he had a bit of time before he had to go to work.
After an insatiable round, tharn was before the bed, head hung to button his shirt up.
Type was to his stomach, arms folded under his head to look forward to sign.
Tharn smirked.
"I have to go to work type."
Type then looked up at tharn.
That.... Is not all I am....
Tharn buttoned his last to then turn to sit to eye type, to place a hand to his check to caress.
Type took in a deep breathe to place his hands to his to run his thumb to the back.
"Mm..... When you come back..... I'll tell you why I think is too be my fault, but you have to go to work, just..... Do not pity me when I tell you..... Please just don't!"
Tharn rolled his eyes to then place that hand to his chin to move his head up a bit further to stroke with his thumb, there eyes darted.
"Type, I may have pity you, once or twice but I try not to, you are a very strong half breed, stronger then you know, I'll see you after work, and for me, please do not drink."
Type nodded.
Tharn smiled to lean down to give type an breathless kiss to then get up to walk backwards, there eyes stayed to another.
"I'll have my cell to me, call, text, I will answer. Nothing is going to happen, I love you type, thank you."
Type looked to tharn confused.
"For what?"
Tharn stopped to smile wider.
"Your communication and your trust."
Types lips parted to then look down to shut his eyes.
"Go to work....."
Or I may just pounce.
Tharn lightly chuckled to think the same, after the look type was giving and how he was being, tharn had to turn to leave.
"I will see you soon."
Type signed again to lay his head sideways to his arm to look to the wall to grit his teeth.
"Better..... See you soon.... Be safe...... My vampire.... Can't live..... Without you or your love....."
Type closed his eyes to sign heavily has this was hurting his heart, letting tharn go to his job, especially with that other to be there.

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