are you still to be mad?

438 49 28

Type took in a deep breathe, to then go from his side to his back, to reach his arms up to streach to then turn his head to eye the side to sign.
Slowly he got up to place his hands behind to then look about.
Type then listened too nothing but emptyness.
Signing, he awoke to a good mood that was quickly turning down.
Taking a hand to the blanket which covered his lower, he then got up to wobble a bit with a hand to his stomach to look about, first in the bathroom, to see nothing, to then turn to go about.
Type behind the couch, looked down with narrowed eyes..
"What are you doing?"
Tharn was sitting to the middle with his arms wrapped about himself to stare at the television.
Type signed to then wince.
Tharn immediately turned his head to eye.
"Knock it off you two!"
Type lightly chuckled has the two settled, he then looked back to tharn to see he turned his head.
Type then eyed down to keep rubbing his stomach.
"Least you two semi love me." He mumbled.
Tharn furrowed his brow.
"Your being ridiculous type, it's 4 in the morning, go to sleep."
Type took in a deep breathe to then eye the back of tharns head..
"Am I? You have no idea how many times I have asked them to stop, but you just have to only once....... Also.....I know you are very mad at me for what has happened, I'm beginning to think you're love for me is starting to...."
"Damnit type! You need to knock it off! They very this type of behivor from you! At least they listen."
Tharn then moved forward to then grab the remote to then turn off the television to then go about to grab type by his forarm to then start to pull him back to the bedroom without looking at him.
Types whole body shuttered when he witnessed that. He then pulled his forarm away from tharns touch to then go about him with his hands to his stomach to then go back to the bedroom.
"Just stay out and away from us!"
Tharns eyes narrowed to then go to type to make him wince a bit has he placed his hand to his head to grip his hair to go to his ear.
"Why are you the only one who can be upset? Scared? Fearful? I may not fully knowledge what is growing within you, but I am the protector of this family type, I am a protector of you! And now I have no idea what zhan is going to do, you know those two do not hold secrets between them, you honestly don't know what you may have done because you wouldn't just fucking listen to me!"
Type closed his eyes to let the tears fall, he couldn't help it, everything tharn was, he wished at a time his father had been to his mother.
Tharn then rolled his eyes to let types head go with he could hear him crying.
"I did not hurt you that....."
Tharns eyes widened has type turned to wrap his arms about has he kept his stomach away from him.
"Please tharn.....I just need you."
Tharn closed his eyes to then wrap his arms about.
"Type.....I don't want you to ever question my love for you."
Type took in a deep shaky breathe.
"I'll try.....I am sorry tharn..... But I do believe zhan won't say a word....."
Tharn slowly opened his eyes to make a face.
"Mm..... But type, it is early, you need your sleep also you are not to be wearing anything, you must be cold."
Type started to move his forehead back and forth on tharns chest.
"I am fine..... Please tharn..... Don't let me go....."
Tharn slightly smiled to then kiss the top of his head.
"That is something you should never ever worry about, I will never let you go."
Tharn then moved to then pick type up bridal style to take him to the bed, type widened his eyes to then look to his vampire.
"Tharn..... My stomach is....."
Tharn shrugged has they went about.
"What grows in your stomach is the two of us, sometimes it's okay."
Type smiled to then place his ear to his unbeating heart to then close his eyes to remember what it sounded like.
To the bed, tharn moved type about to place him to his back to then stand to the edge to then take off his shirt and boxers to then crawl to type keeping his eyes to him, types heart started to thump and hard against his Rib cage.
Tharn smirked.
"Even after all this time my half breed, I love how I can still affect your heart."
Type shaikly laughed to then sit to place his hands to tharns face.
"It will always beat like this for you."
Type then pulled tharn to his lips to then crush his tongue inside of his cold mouth to then pull him down.
After a breath taking round, type was asleep to his side, tharn was to his has well to then be looking down to that stomach to make a face to then look to types.
"You may have faith in zhan, but I do not, I may have to go and talk to him, you type are the only person to this earth that matters most to me, I don't even care about myself anymore. I am not going to lose you, not ever!"
Tharn then quickly turned his gaze to types stomach to then part his lips, he saw either an elbow or a foot press against his flesh, tharn then slowly moved his hand up to Hover over that spot to then shake his head to then go move that hand back to then go to that spot.
"If you do anything to the love of my existence...."
Tharn then gritted his teeth to move away to not care, to grab up type to place him to his body to place a small pillow between them so he wouldn't feel what was to be too his stomach to then wrap his arms about to eye the ceiling.
He then placed a hand to his head to stroke.
"I can't lose you type....I....Rather when you go into labor or if zhan is stupid enough to say a word, either or, I am not going to lose you.....I..... Just Can't...."
Tharn closed his eyes to then let a lone blood tear fall.

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