Chapter 40: Group Study

Start from the beginning

I was so scared, the last time I went here was when I'm still having my panic attacks. And, that was a year ago. Should I tell that my attacks came back?

Or that's why I'm being called because they already knew?

I took a deep breath and slowly yanked the door open. Mrs. Gwan looked up and immediately smile at me right after she saw my face.

"Hi, Ms. Kim. Please take as seat." 

I slowly close the door and flinched when she spoke again. "And be a dear and lock the door, please." I obliged and locked the door for her. I blinked a couple of times and exhaled deep before facing her again.

She was watching me the whole time. I cleared my throat and slowly march my way into her, and took a seat besides her table, facing her.

"You called for me, Mrs. Gwan?" I let out a nervous smile.

She chuckled. "Why are you so uptight, dear? This is the guidance office, not the disciplinary one."

"We're just going to talk about you," She stated. "You know, like friends catching up."

"Oh," I giggled. Scratching the back of my neck. "Right, it's been a while."

This is so awkward.

"I've read your files. It was updated by your Mom," She said. "I see your memories came back."

My eyes widen. "So, you knew it, too?" She sadly smile at me. "I need to, Jisoo. My student health is important for me."

"Why didn't you tell me about it?" She asked. "Why didn't you visit?"

I looked down immediately. "I'm sorry, Mrs. Gwan. I was quite busy these days."

"Okay, I understand," She gave me a bright smile. "But still, I want you to open up to me like you used to, dear." I nodded as a response yet never looking at her eyes.

"I don't want to see you like this, Jisoo." I instantly looked at her. 

Her smile is gone. She was serious. Too serious. "I'm afraid, you're going to lose yourself if you keep it all in."

I plainly smile. "I'm okay, Mrs Gwan." I stood up from my seat. "It's been good talking to you again." I bowed my way out and started walking away.

"Please remember, dear" She spoke again to which made me stopped from my tracks. "You're not alone."

"Sure," I answered, not looking back. And march my way out.


"At first, Korea was divided into tribes but eventually organized kingdoms emerged. There were 3 of them, what was it?"

"Give me one." I glanced at Lisa. "Lis?"

 "Goguryeo in the north." She answered.


"Baekje in the south." He stated.

I nodded and turned my gaze to Taehyung. 

"Silla." I smiled.

The night goes on. We just continued helping each other with the subjects we're good at. 

Currently, Jungkook was teaching Lisa with Science while Taehyung had to teach me my weakest subject, Math.

I groaned in frustration as I scribble my writings in the paper.

Taehyung instantly looked up at me. "You're losing focus, that's why."


Taehyung went closer and grabbed my hand. "Is there something bothering you?"

"It's just," I sighed. "I went to the Guidance Office today."

He hummed. "I've heard."

"Mrs. Gwan's been really good to me." I stated. "And there's this thing that she warned me about."


"No, not warned." I let out a nervous laugh. "More like informed or something like that,"

He sighed and snuggle closer. Gripping my hands tighter. "I bet you're still not over with the issue about your Dad, right?" He sighed. "Even I couldn't believe it actually,"

"I know, right! Dad would never do that. He's the sweetest thing. He could make some mistake there and then but gambling is such-"

"But, Chi. We really don't know anything about it, about what really happened," He interrupted me. "We were too young and too innocent."

"Yeah, but-"

He cut me off. "That was a man's world. Full of temptation and distractions."

His statement made me silent. Suddenly, I felt mad.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked. My brows furrows.

"I mean, maybe he is." He said, my eyebrows rose. "I mean my father's always been a good business man, we both know that. I knew he supported your father's business, too. As partners. But I guess, your Dad's just not up to it. You get what I mean?"

My jaw tightened as I calmed my nerves down. I don't like getting mad at him but I don't like what Taehyung is saying right now. 

Is this for real? 

Is he really bad mouthing my father just because of some damn gambling addiction. In my opinion, it doesn't even add up.

"Right, Chi. You got my point, right?"

I looked away and starts writing on the paper again. "Sure."


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